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About StormCatcher.77

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  1. Hell Unleashed, map 06. Blue key area
  2. I also just looked through my old DVDs with stuff and found 91 map right from 3dgamersedge.com All files was saved in 2016-2017. This is not everything that was on the site, but at least something. I still haven’t tried them myself and I can’t say whether there are duplicates of maps from previous sources. Here: https://mega.nz/file/suQHACpC#9k5RtEFdWwpkRH1Uy-JmLKYFoUecxriOhEvgneoDS3I
  3. Quite a long time (in 2011 maybe) ago I found on one Russian game site big archive called "Custom Episodes Collection". It contains about 700 mb (200+ bsp files) of singleplayer custom Q2 maps dating back to 1998. All joined by a big hub map. I can’t say whether this pack is widely known or not, but I haven’t seen it anywhere else yet... Link to the file on my MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/8np10BaZ#0410nGZRlpzeEndpNsiz5w63XUSQXrzZCdmnIwnMoHI Found original link: https://www.playground.ru/quake_2/file/quake_2_custom_episodes_collection-872396
  4. Thank you! I was very worried at the beginning of work that this harmony could not be achieved with an unfamiliar texture set. But it all worked out c:
  5. Completed deathmatch map for the Culling Strike project, Zandronum. Textures by Makkon
  6. I'm returning to active mapping. Continuing my work in Map 06 of Hell Unleashed.
  7. I suggest you take a look at my silent place. It was created back in 2018 to work together on Bloodspeed. Originally conceived to store all my finished maps and materials for them. I started to realize this idea only a week ago. Thought it might give me some motivation to complete projects I've already started and post updates from time to time. Not all works have been published yet, but this will happen in the next month. See "The Vault" section. Activity here is very rare. I'm not very talkative myself. It's hard to come up with something that would make you stay for a long time. It should also be noted that English is not my native language, so most of the articles are translated by online services, and ... may look strange ... probably. Here: https://discord.gg/hrPJMP4rwx
  8. Girl is looking at something that is really wrong
  9. @INfront95 Sorry for the long silence. I am very rarely here. And thanks c: All of my latest shots posted this year are from projects in development. I assume you mean screens of "Rite Of The Damned", the Invasion map for Zandronum. It's really in a similar style, but it's a separate map for a collaborative project.
  10. @pedrox I'm sorry, but I was not able to get this behavior of the game. I tried the map on pure GZDoom 4.8.2 and it is run ok. No any glitches or crashes. What version of GZDoom are you using to run? If it's newer than 4.5.0, then there shouldn't be a problem. !!! I found what the problem is. This happens if "Doom Software Renderer" is specified in the render settings. You need to change it to "Hardware Accelerated".
  11. Red Node Failure - my submission for Hordamex CP:
  12. Last progress in project "Hell Unleashed":
  13. Some practice with Community Chest 4 textures:
  14. This already looks super atmospheric! Looking forward for it.
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