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Everything posted by CyberDreams

  1. I've had this same bug happen to me more than a few times while playing Doom and the other WAD's on Xbox One. I know that if i press start (pause) and unpause the game it goes away. It seems to happen to me when i quick save really fast and get back into the game quickly. Maybe i'm still pressing/holding a button or something? Idk. I've also had another glitch where if i quick save/save near a cliff or an edge (this only happened to me twice i think) and i reload my game, i'd drop into the game and be stuck in a wall. Since there isn't an "no clip" cheat i couldn't get out so i had to restart the whole map over again. Now i make sure not to save when i'm on a cliff's edge or something.
  2. This is great news for Switch players!! Good job for keeping this game alive team! It does suck though that due to the fact that XB1 and PS4 don't have openGL that they cannot get a port. I'd love one for Xbox but it's understandable i guess. Off Topic: I tried getting a regular Switch brand new (not used) and man, they are hard to find for the normal price. Usually they are sold out and price scalped everywhere else. I can't use the Switch Light because of my neck issues that i am currently going through so i would need to use one that's hooked up to a TV.
  3. I know i played Doom 64 sometime around the early 2000's (i may even have rented it in the late 90's but i doubt it) so i'm just going to count the original Doom as the first time. The first time i played any port of the original Doom was around 2005 on the Xbox via Doom 3: Limited Collector's Edition. I would of been 15 ish. So Doom 64 or Doom 3 would of been my first Doom game tbh, followed by that port of Doom/Doom II. Like i said, i may have played Doom 64 beforehand as i did own an N64 in the late 90's but i don't think i played many M rated games (besides Perfect Dark) at the time. Not until i was 12 ish and i got a PS2 and GTA III that is ;)
  4. R.I.P. EVH. One of my main influences even though i don't really play many Van Halen songs on guitar. They are one of my fav bands and obviously he contributed so much to guitar and music in general (even keyboard and guitar amplification). I used to listen to this guitar solo from an '89 Japan show from a bootleg all the time before school (back in highschool). It would always pump me up as well as wake me up too. I got into playing guitars with Floyd Roses on them due to him as well as owning a few 80's Kramers thanks to him (one could use a new neck but i'll never find one). Also, I heard the first record as well as 1984 when i was pretty young. Eruption to me was just like "WTF?", and this was in the late 90's when i was a kid still. I couldn't imagine what hearing that was like back in the late '70's. Rest in Peace Eddie.
  5. Final Fantasy VII on XB1. I've only briefly played it before so i don't really know the game or the series so i figured i'd start with VII and it was on sale. So far i actually like it a lot. There are a few "boosters" that make it easier for beginners (like me) that you can enable at any time such as: restoring party members' max HP, MP and filling their LIMIT gauge at any time and you can toggle random encounters on/off also. I can see why this game is such a classic. The story is really, really good. I don't even mind the blocky characters tbh. I mean, i play Doom and Quake so why would I? Haha! SNK 40th Anniversary Collection on XB1. It has a bunch of vintage SNK games including Ikari Warriors, Beast Busters and Prehistoric Isle and it also includes a museum as well as a soundtrack area. Unfortunately it doesn't include the soundtracks for every game and i've been having control troubles with some games. Once in a while the character (or w/e i'm playing as) will float upwards toward the top of the screen, no matter what game i play or what controller i use. The game has its issues but if you catch it on sale it's good fun. Doom/Doom II on XB1. Still playing the newly added WAD's. Actually i'm still going through TNT on HMP difficulty (or trying to at least). I might need to tone it down a bit. I still suck with a controller lol. Doom/Doom II on PC. I still mess with WAD's on PC but not as often anymore unfortunately. When i'm feeling good i'll play through a few maps though.
  6. I mean, the fact that there is a huge language barrier here might also be a problem...just saying.
  7. GZDoom because i like how it "feels" control/mouse wise even though i play a ton of vanilla WAD's (the Doom Strict setting is good for that). Otherwise i do have Crispy Doom set up as well as PrBoom+/GLBoom+ (the older versions). For MP i guess Zandronum. I've never played against other people tbh; only bots, so i don't play MP very often.
  8. Hell yes i think there should be new ports for consoles! Not really remakes but just modernized ports like what Doom recently received. Not sure what consoles though as new ones are coming out soon (not that i plan on buying one anytime soon though, if at all this gen).
  9. I was actually just playing the Xbox 360 port and that one could really use some updating (an auto-map option for one). Also the music is slow for some reason as well as the turning sensitivity being slow. Anyways i don't want to go offtopic again so this is the last i'll talk about it here. Oops, i totally forgot about that. It's Raven Software not id Software... Anyways, back to Doom talk.
  10. It's definitely harder for me to play with a controller than a keyboard/mouse but it's also very doable at the same time. Changing weapons is slower, even with weapon shortcuts (a controller can't fit them all) and aiming isn't as accurate but i just either strafe more or just play on a lower difficulty than i normally would. It's def not as bad as something such as SNES or PlayStation Doom though. Having joysticks helps a ton! Also, the fact that you only aim horizontally and have auto-aim helps a bit too ;) If my GPU had two HDMI outputs i'd def have my PC hooked up to my TV and play via GZDoom since i might be able to bind my buttons better but since it only has one, to my monitor it stays lol. The damn thing has like 3 display port outs which are of absolutely no use to me and since DVI/VGA doesn't carry sound (and i don't have any extra 3.5mm ports on my PC to carry the sound) that's a no go as well. For now i just play Doom/Doom II via my Xbox One. I even have Doom 64, Doom 3, Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal on it as well and they all play fine.
  11. About that PCDOOM.WAD info, here's where that page leads: https://web.archive.org/web/20130407060714/http://rome.ro/lee_killough/articles/doomconf.shtml It's a transcript of an online Doom conference by CGW with Shawn Green and American McGee and they discuss Doom II which wasn't released yet. It took place in September of '94. It mentions the guy who made PCDOOM.WAD (and some of his other WADs) at the beginning and a few other places as well. 


    Example: "[Note: PCDOOM.ZIP is also available here. Both are modeled on Ziff-Davis HQ bldg at 1 Park Avee, New York. PARKDO.ZIP is the 11th floor, where Computer Shopper and Windows Sources make their home, and PCDOOM.ZIP is the 4th floor, home of PC Magazine and PC Labs. Both are excellent creations of Steve Baldwin, an editor for Computer Shopper. --RL, sysop]"


    I guess he was an editor for Computer Shopper which was a magazine.

  12. The first one i thought of was the Duke 3D pistol followed by the pistol from Halo: Combat Evolved. But pretty much anything but the Doom pistol is fine by me lol.
  13. Really neat! I haven't played Quake in quite a while and i've never even heard of the Quakespasm Spiked port before (i just use Quakespasm normally). I might have to try that out.
  14. Heretic/Hexen on console first boys imo. But i agree, Quake/Quake II need console ports (not counting the X360 port of Quake II which has iffy controls imo). Also i think a lot of people here are playing these ports on Switch since it's an extremely popular console. I don't have a Switch (thx Nintendo for not making any available for like a year now) so i play Doom/Doom II on XB1. Ever since the update i do find the analog turning fairly laggy but only with Vsync on. With it off it's great but then there is a shit ton of screen tearing (obviously). I just deal with it but my enjoyment of Doom has been brought down (due to that reason) since the update so i haven't been playing much Doom on console. There is only so much screen tearing i can take before it gives me a headache unfortunately. I'm still excited for all of these new WADs though (and now a TC!) and i love checking them out. Keep 'em comin'!
    I'm not very good at reviewing so bear with me: If you want a quick and fairly easy WAD then this is for you. It starts out fairly easy as well as being fairly linear and than it gets harder as it goes on. It's also fairly short too as it took me about an hour or two to complete on UV difficulty in GZDoom using the Doom (strict) compat mode. The new textures were a nice addition although they were only featured in the last few maps. There are a lot of switches and "rising structures" (floors & lifts) but the placement of them is decent so they aren't a nuisance. The switches open doors or activate lifts that are pretty much right in front of you or in an area that you've just past through so the maps aren't that confusing (which is a good thing). The one thing that i did not like about this WAD was that the exits were not marked. I exited a few levels with only 50% or so of the map explored due to the exit just being a normal looking switch. In a map that has quite a few switches that activate doors and lifts, you need the exit too look different or at least have an exit sign above it imo. I did notice a few misaligned textures but tbh that's normal for 1994. Also, there are different sounds for weapons and some monsters as well that kind of annoyed me. I don't usually mind sound replacements and i know that a lot of early maps had them but this one just really got on my nerves at times. You'll hear GROOVY! a lot and it's not as cool sounding as Duke Nukem saying it, even though it is the actual sound clip from Evil Dead 2 (i believe). Other than that this E1 replacement played alright for a '94 mapset, having decent layouts and monster placements. I give it 3 1/2 stars mainly because of the exit issue that really bugged me and the sound replacement not being my favorite. [Oh btw, i played continuous. I tried playing pistol start only on a few maps but i just couldn't do it. I'm not sure if it's possible tbh. Maybe some of the weapons are hidden in secrets because i often found ammo in levels for some but not the weapon for it.]
  15. So a few days back when people were posting a ton of "this game vs. that game" topics and then other "weird" versus topics started popping up, i was replying to them seriously (except for one of them that i admit to leaving a joke in) since they all seemed legit.


    So this morning i come back after being laid out for a few days in pain due to my neck to see that i had received a warning for "shitposting" and the warning also stating that "this isn't 4chan". I don't really know what to say. I mean, just take a look at what i actually posted. It's still listed down below for me. All of my comments were serious except for one. It's not hard to see that, except for the one "memey" picture i guess.


    Hell, I don't even like 4chan (is that place still around?) and i don't even really like memes but w/e. You do you i guess.

  16. I've been suffering from a major neck/shoulder issue for the past year (on my left side) which has severely limited me from doing damn near anything and i've finally found a doctor that has possibly found out the cause: a disc in my neck around the c4 area, possibly two! Since i'm only 29 and i wasn't in an accident, several doctors didn't believe that i was in so much pain but after finding one who actually looked at my MRI (which was taken a year ago!) he concluded that it's probably a disc, maybe even two of them. I am not on any pain meds either so this has been extremely tough to deal with but i'm just glad to have finally found out.


    Now starts the long process of first doing shots, which i personally don't think will work. If those don't work (aka last longer than a few weeks) a "nerve ablation" would be next. That should last about a year. Then if that doesn't work or last as long as it should than surgery would be the last course of action. Wish me luck everyone!

  17. Wow, i just realized who you are! Not going to lie, i'm not all that familiar with your maps as i haven't played the Master Levels all that much (but i have played through it a few times, just not recently). I do plan on playing through them again soon though, as well as your whole Cabal series so that should be quite fun. I just wanted to say hi lol :)

    1. Soundblock


      Hey, no biggie - glad you’re finding them of worth your while. Reccommend coupling them with hidfan’s neural texture upscales!


      Made Plasmaplant & Echelon more recently, if those should be of interest

    This mapset is a little too "switch hunty" for my personal tastes but for a WAD designed in 1994 it's actually fairly impressive. I can see why it was included in Doomworlds "The Top 100 WADs Of All Time" list back in 2003. Michael Kelsey really seems to have a "freeflow" sort of mapping style as most maps are very non-linear. But i digress, there are plenty of switches to behold. Also as most people know there is a bug in Doom versions above v1.2 where the bridge for the exit in E1M2 doesn't rise. Besides that, i didn't experience any other bugs while playing through the WAD using GZDoom 4.1.2 (w/Doom Strict compat). The enemy count isn't very high in this mapset so i wouldn't go in expecting a ton of enemies (the very highest is around 180-ish). It is very much based on switches and puzzles as well as exploration, although a few maps tend to be easier and more action based then others. Speaking of easy, the last map (E1M8) is a bit of a letdown challenge wise. I suppose back in 1994 it was really impressive and i did like the design/layout of it. I guess i was just expecting a little more of a challenge, especially after coming out of E1M7. Overall it was a decently designed mapset for the era that's more keen on puzzles than action but it's not one that i personally would constantly re-visit. I do think it's worth a playthrough at least once though, especially if you like non-linear puzzle/switch oriented style maps.
  18. This Wednesday i have to go for an MRI to test for MS (Multiple Sclerosis). Let's hope i don't have it. For the past 8 months i've been experiencing extreme nerve pain as well as muscle pain in my neck/shoulders so it's been really hard to do anything at all. Let's hope it goes well.

  19. I recently bought some more Doom strategy guides & the Doom II & Final Doom one's showed up. They are in decent condition, with the Final Doom one being in the best condition of the bunch (the Battlebook is fairly rough on the outside though). The picture below is not the best due to the shitty camera on my phone. For some reason the red's turned out more pinkish, probably due to the background which is just a red T-shirt that i laid them out on (it's not pink, i swear!).


  20. I recently bought the original "Doom Battlebook" (it's not the expanded edition) for $4.18 off of Ebay (free shipping) and it showed up yesterday. I figured it would be neat to read a few of the older books/guides. It's not in the best condition but then again for a measly $4.00 it's exactly what i expected it to be in; with clean pages & a few "battle scars" to the outside to boot. Next up on my list is "Doom II: The Official Strategy Guide" as that is usually dirt cheap & there are plenty of 'em available for sale.

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