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About stonedbaroness

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    queen of tnt-ism's (she/they)

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  1. This at the very least, I can work with this to overcome the lack of 3D floors!
  2. In a way, yea! I think if a mapping format that is fully demo compatible, forgoes ACS/ZScript and focuses on adding new voodoo-oriented features while also adding a couple of modern level design bells and whistles, It would be my preferred format. I know people can say "Well ZDoom/GZDoom/Eternity Already exists" and to that say "Ok, that's great!". I feel like GZDoom and other related engines are focusing more on innovation than anything, which is good! But it accommodates doom while giving resources to those looking to make something different, where as MBF should be the format that innovates when it needs to and hones in on anything and everything doom-related, with the goal of making all of dooms low-hanging-fruit parameters accessible and easy to use. UMAPINFO is on the right path, excited to see scrolling skies one day.
  3. My wishlist: 3D Floors Easy colored lighting for sectors Slopes Portals Super customizable parameters for things in map editor (For example, someone mentioned things like checking a box that determines if an enemy attacks you but doesn't chase you.) Adding on to what I said, just all the low hanging fruit and more for this category that others have discussed Proper implementation of voodoo that triggers play actions but is still compatible w/ multiplayer (Like how Odamex handles voodoo things) Support for 8 player starts LINE HORIZON PLEASE! If DSDA is trying to support UDMF... then yea I think these things are realistic for a wishlist. Even just a couple of these would streamline which format I'd choose to map in. Hexen format is my favorite because its Odamex compatible but its dated as hell. Something to take its place and do its own thing would be nice.
  4. I'm already in the discord but I'd like to be put in with the list of mappers! :P
  5. I'd like to claim map10 if its still available! If not, I'll take map20 :P
  6. Episode 5 skybox/theme is calling out to me... I love the new content and enemies, makes it feel more quake-ish which I love! Also Odamex needs some more MBF21 multiplayer content so there's that! :P
  7. Photos for a map submission for my co-op community mapping project: Heres a map overview [Last post Vs. Now] Maximizing organic layout efficiency with all these curves
  8. Realism with a dose of TNT-ism's/design philosophy [such as giant optional areas meant for exploration, but do not add to level progression]
  9. Nothing spectacular, but I got underwater and colored lighting segments to work in Odamex [In Hexen format]! It also happened to be compatible with line horizon which was a nice surprise. This map is for my community project Cybervoid, Here is another section of the map and as well as an overview ! :D
  10. Hello @quakis, I started an ambitious community project with unlimited slots and would appreciate if you added it to the list! ^-^ Host: stonedbaroness Name: CYBERVOID Format: Limit-removing, Boom (cl 9), ZDoom in Doom 2 and Hexen Format. Intended Gamemode: Survival-Cooperative Start: May 14th, 2024 Submissions Deadline: May 3rd, 2025
  11. Discord Server Link https://discord.gg/fV3StTfZut Story Screenshots Overall Gameplay Goals Bring Quake-influenced gameplay and environments to the big 3 multiplayer source ports Make use of jumping as a gameplay element in all map formats Allow space for ACS functions to be utilized in multiplayer maps. [Not a requirement, but available to those who want to utilize the creative functions offered by the ZDoom 1.22 codebase for Odamex] Bring a variety of gameplay styles through each map submission to make cooperative playthroughs more engaging - akin to Sven Co-op Mapping Guidelines IWAD: Doom 2 Resources: 32in24-15_tex_v2.wad (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K-OrFAWKQ9XO7cMvaP03P6Or4152_yPR/view?usp=sharing), sdb_quake1_ambience.wad (sdb_quake1_ambience.zip , replaces ZDoom ambient thing sounds from #1 to #21!) Sourceport(s): Odamex 10.5.0, ZDaemon 1.10.24, and Zandronum 3.1 Note: While we may be targeting these source ports, all maps must be fully compatible with Odamex to ensure consistency between all ports as it is based on the “oldest” version of ZDoom of the 3. Game Mode(s): Survival-Cooperative [No Respawning items!] Map Format(s): Limit-removing, Boom [complevel 9], ZDoom (In Doom 2 and Hexen formats)* *Some features not fully implemented within all three multiplayer ports Exclusions: UDMF, MBF 21 - Not reliably compatible with all three Sourceports --> Level Requirements At least one secret in any map submission must be obtainable through jumping! [This is to ensure that jumping is not overlooked in gameplay and is consistent throughout the wad.] Map should not be breakable through jumping. Maps should be reasonably completable in singleplayer at a minimum skill level of Hurt Me Plenty. Maps in multiplayer should have more bosses, minibosses, and ammo-feeding enemies [Zombieman/Sergeant] than in singleplayer. See the TNT/Plutonia sections of decino’s “Enemy Placement Unique to Multiplayer” for an idea of how I’d like enemy placement in this project in multiplayer vs singleplayer. Ensure that major areas of the map have more than 1 route to get to. Multiple paths are encouraged to give players more options in how they can approach a situation. --> There can be exceptions, but keep it to a minimum as it can be hard to navigate with 8+ players through one 64-128 unit wide hallway with a horde of pinkys and imps demons on the other side. Any level functions that need keys to activate should remain activated without needing to regrab the key after respawning in co-op. --> Example 1: Door that requires a red key stays open once a player with a red key activates it. If that player dies and respawns without keys, they will still have access to avoid needless backtracking All levels must have 8 player starts! --> Things to avoid Any additional actors via DECORATE. I want to maintain full mod compatibility, so ACS is ok, but specific new actors or actor-specific functions are not allowed [Besides ThingCount or general player functions, but no TID on any enemies or players specifically]. Dummy sectors as certain dummy functions can misbehave in a multiplayer environment, sometimes not even guaranteeing that the dummy will exist. Areas that can’t be accessed once a player dies. You need to ensure that a respawning player may still access said area without softlocking the playthrough. Submission Guidelines Submission format: There are no limit to submissions, just as long as you submit your finished map by the deadline! --> Map order will not be strict, but if you have a preference for where your level should be, like either beginning, middle, or end, I can fulfill that! Maps must be submitted in the ‘map01’ slot, they will sorted according to preferred order when the project is finished File naming convention: “username_mapname_version” --> Example: stonedbaroness_shoresofheck_v0.1 Your first submission must be labeled as v0.1, even if the map is in a complete state. Myself and other players will want to give input to make improvements State the name of a celestial body within the solar system where your map takes place in the description of your submission. The look of your map doesn’t have to match the actual IRL physical characteristics of said-planet/moon/asteroid. UAC has very good terraforming technology and I want to create storyline that ties all levels together regardless of aesthetic and continuity. Maplist: Submission Deadline --> For all map entries, May 3rd, 2025 - 11:00 PM [US Pacific Daylight Time] <-- Additional Help/Resources Credits Eevee - Doom Text Generator website! Esselfortium and TheGreenHerring - original 32in24-15_tex.wad 40oz, Foxpup, ZeMystic, TheMagicMushroomMan, Doom_user, EarthQuake - Various helpful tips for co-op mapping that I included in my guide because I found them rather helpful for a project like this.
  12. STONEDBARONESS’s ZANDRONUM CO-OP PACK I've seen the absence of Co-op specific map sets along with empty servers as an issue to the multiplayer community. If Sven Co-op [and the greater Half-life community] can do it, then why can't we? Here’s a small compilation of co-op oriented maps from previous mapping projects that I never got around to fully finishing. The environments range from cramped corridors to wide open arenas that will challenge your team's approach in various ways. The most important thing I’m looking for here is responses and feedback. I suggest going through the levels with other players, but feedback for single play throughs is also super helpful too. I will host 2 servers; one vanilla in cooperative and the other as a complex doom (v27) survival server to see how mods work with my level design. I did my best to account for any gameplay aspects that could be affected through mods as I believe a map set with advanced level features without complex ACS scripts is a preferred sweet spot for the greater multiplayer community, whether it's played in vanilla or Death and Decay. Despite some maps not using ZDoom-isms, Zandronum is still highly recommended for an entire playthrough. Screenies: Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u43C4UmceGJUEU-HbrgLzGCBGHheVR63/view?usp=sharing Maplist: map01 - AHR [Another Hangar Remake] - Limit-Removing map02 - Hues of Pain - ZDoom (In Doom 2 format - Odamex/ZDaemon Compatible) map03 - Subterranean Installation - UDMF (Zandronum 3.0+) map04 - Waste Treatment Facility - Limit-Removing map05 - Hell’s Mountain - UDMF (Zandronum 3.0+) Server Names: [TSPG] SDB Zandronum Co-op Pack - Vanilla Co-op (HMP) [TSPG] SDB Zandronum Co-op Pack + Complex Doom V27b2 (No LCA) (UV) Credits: Sonic Mayhem - Digital Distress & Fyu! Jay Reichard - Project Doom [E1M1 & E2M6] decino - The Doom World is Flat Esselfortium and TheGreenHerring - 32in24-15_tex.wad TeamTNT - Starry night skybox Disclaimer: Map05 loops back into map01 just for the sake of this release, might be fun to do some victory laps with roguelike/rpg mods! Map03 and Map05 are both from my unfinished Zanzone community project
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