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About Asure

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  1. MAP09 UV-Max 14:57.86 demolit09m1457.zip
  2. DBP37 MAP18 Tyson 14:17.31 dbp3718t1417.zip
  3. DBP37 MAP03 Tyson 8:09.77 dbp3703t809.zip
  4. Deadliest Dem(o(li)ti)on MAP10 UV-Max 30:15.06 demolit10m3015.zip With this, the UV-Max table is complete.
  5. DBP37 MAP02 Tyson 4:21.63 dbp3702t421.zip
  6. DBP37 MAP09 Tyson 6:54.11 dbp3709t654.zip
  7. Deserted Phobos Facility Tyson 5:31.26 desertphot531.zip
  8. Deadliest Dem(o(li)ti)on MAP10 NoMo100 2:55.34 demolit10os255.zip Recorded this between failed UV-Max attempts.
  9. MAP02 Tyson 10:05.91 p202t1005.zip So close to be under 10 minutes, but I give up for now.
  10. MAP02 Tyson 11:52.74 p202t1152.zip
  11. ^ MAP04 Tyson 3:25.11 dbp3704t325.zip
  12. DBP37 MAP14 Tyson 8:58.49 dbp3714t858.zip
  13. greatwad Tyson 1:47.49 greatwadt147.zip fork UV-Max 3:46.80 forkm346.zip
  14. DBP37 MAP10 Tyson 23:21.66 dbp3710t2321.zip
  15. E1M2 Tyson 4:05.43 tpb12t405.zip E1M3 Tyson 2:30.51 tpb13t230.zip
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