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Ibmade vid on similar topic, perhaps this would help -
Well this is not a mod, im building my owm megawad. Once i have all the stuff in it that I want to have, i will start making maps and etc. Just putting it all together the way I like it.🤷 I have also made another thread about specialFX, you can even check the title, nowhere it ever said that i have made these myself - Its not a mod, never ever said it was a mod, IDK where you got that from and i am not going to realease that under pretext that there is something unique.. there are bunch of more complex mods out there, like prject brutality or etc.. the end result will be playable megawad. As for the credits, regarding things from Real667 its literlly in the title, description. I dont think there is any other way to emphasize that these sprites are from repository. I guess i get your point i will update the thread to be more clear.
Are you refering to this? https://zdoom.org/wiki/Poison
I think your link solved to me, apprantly in order for Doom Engine to read my PK3 correctly, i need to have a folders setup correctly, I've seen this setup on other MegaPK3's, but didnt really bothered to look into it Thanks
Can you explain more?
my map files are in my main wad
So i am switching from DB2 to UDB. I am doing PK3 archive, but while DB2 can run wads, so for editingi use wad. My PK3 is full of folders, and all of those have (e.g. SS_START/END, Decorate, GLDefs & etc.). When i copy the entire parent folder in my wad and launch it via DB2, it does not see any error. But UDB gives me warnings about the duplicating files... I tried to load my .PK3 as a resource, but it didnt load in boh UDB and DB2. Is smth wrong with my pk3 archive?
So I did this post about zombie enemy variants on my megawad. Essencitally, having the same goal where everything is working without single error or warning message, I've put another set - Now I have made a new video, showcasing imps I got, that I've put into my .wad -
Hello, forum! P.S. (EDITED) based on some of the responses of y'all, i want to remark these right from the get go: 1. This is not a mod that i am doing meant to be installed (while ilat this point it would 100% work based on copy paste for most of you), this is a megawad im working on meant to be played. 2. ALL OF THESE ACTORS ARE FROM REALM667. All the credits goes to authors and you can find these on the repository to use for yourself. 3. This thread is a basically kind of a showcase, and if you'll look at point 2., none of this stuff is created by me in this thread. 4. In this phase of my megawad i am just only adding actors, before map creation. So after long time learning, trials & errors, i finally managed to standardize the custom actors from Realm667 into my wad (both enemies & decorations).. I have documented every SpawnID, so when loading, there are no conflicts, errors or yellow warning messages.. So they are finally alive! Sure some of them could use some postprocessing & tweaking, but they are working together now! So what do you guys think about my collection of Cacodemons- Zombies - Imps- Pinky Demon- Lost Souls -
1. Not really sure how to do venom attribute, other than actor being monster with explosive Meelee... 2. I really try to avoid A_jump. IDK why but sometimes it jsut wont work for me... The line there is pretty simple, but OMG how much I hate it lol
Hello, guys! So I found some interesting sprites in Realm667. One of those was this Tentacle Barrier, and I instantly fell in love with it (Finde it here - https://www.realm667.com/en/downloads/prop-stop/354-tentacle-barrier?category_access=1) So i downloaded it, started deconstructing it, and made my own approach to it. Mostly it is decorate scripting matter. So while the process isnt that hard, It took me months to figure out this scripthing method on my own. So here is my tentacles remix (LOOL) - P.S. my accent is dumb 1. So first of all, I downloaded & extracted sprites, I opened those up in Photoshop, and aligned sprite sizes, gave a constant name to those, saved all.. Then I horizontally inverted those and made additional set. So for original oriented sprites I use 'O' in the sprite name and for horizontally inverted I used 'I' in sprite name. (this will be important later). So then I added those to the game and modified Offsets, pretty simple stuff so far. 2. CODING preparation TIME. So in this step, I cleaned out everything I did not need from original code, just for the purpose of this video, I tried to keep everything as close to original version as possible. So in this video, I made more of my tentacle actors with different animated order of sprites, creating bit more dynamics to each actor. At this stage each actor variation had its own spawn ID for testing purposes. 3. So since in doom we have limited number of spawn IDs (even thought there are literally thousands of usable ID's), I still want to do it as efficient as possible. So up to now I have been working with original sprites, which I named those with 'O'. So since I have 14 actors, but I want to have 1 spawn ID, which covers all of them, it is time to use RandomSpawner command, and add all of the 14 actors under it, which will cover my requirement for 1 spawn ID for all. Right, so at this point, I just wrote a Decorate script, It has 14 different actors, with same name template & and all of those are under 1 random spawner, which is covered by 1 spawn ID.. Right from the beginning, I was thinking it tactically, so I named my tentacle actors "TentacleBarrierOriginal" With Sprite name "TENO *". I did this for a reason. While it keeps on looking better and better, I still feel like it is quite boring. So to make things interesting, I have copied my current decorate, and in the new copy I "Find -> Replace All". Thanks to me using standardized text on each chunck of code, I can safely do that under full control. So I replaced "Original" to "Inverted" & "TENO" to "TENI", hence "O" and "I" (it also covers spawners) in my code, which I have mentioned in the first step. So now I have identical code script whic covers those sprites which have been horizontally flipped in the beginning. So now I have combined these two decorate codes, and now I have two random spawners, one for original sprites and one for inverted. So I made a new random spawner, and added first two spawners under it and added spawn ID on this new spawner, so from my vantage point I see kind of a pyramid right now. SO right now what I have is 28 different actors, under 1 spwan ID, and everytime it spawns it will always be kind of unique dynamics. 4. Post processing & mastering. I have played around with frequency of animations, see which looks better for me. I also scaled those down abit, to increase resolution a bit more (they were touching 128px high ceiling). I also modified offsets of my sprites. And I also overridden display information with //$Category & //$Title. So now I have a code, fully wokring, no errors, warnings or conflicts. I am planning to release a filler episode of this, which will cover sound FX of this, it will be different actor with different spawn ID, but also similar to this, i'll code it so everytime it spawns, It gives off different dynamics. Guys. your feedback is very important to me, please do leave a comment and tell me what you think... Thanks :)