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MTF Sergeant

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About MTF Sergeant

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  1. That satisfying feeling, when you hit the fraglimit on a 1v1 without dying even once!



  2. Found this while I was searching for superhero stuff on YouTube:



    Using his theme for the Marvel intro really sends the message that Marvel's greatest hero is back where he's meant to be, and I love it :D


  3. Doom95 on Windows 10... 

    Hmm, I guess I fucked up the entire installation process.

  4. MTF Sergeant


    This fills up my retro glass!
  5. It seems uncanny that Multiplayer CPU bots in Doom 2016 have demon names...



    Guess Bitcoin is evolving!!

  7. Is MiniDoom worth playing?

  8. Is 2018 the RIGHT time for me to buy a Nintendo Switch???

    1. BigDickBzzrak


      As much as any time

      And any time is the wrong time coz Nintendo sucks

    2. [McD] James

      [McD] James

      I'd wait for the price to go down. Personally, I don't find its library too appealing at the moment. 

  9. I have a crush on Grace Vanderwaal...

  10. Subscribe to this awesome YouTube channel Sir Spooks. They've got some incredible and creepy videos and urban legends!!

  11. Uh, where are you from?? Since your username is Super 'Arjuna' Butt I think you're from india..

    1. SuperArjunaButt


      I'm from the Internet!

  12. I guess Id made the last room on E1M8 star shaped on purpose, so that we can get cornered by those barons!

    1. BigDickBzzrak


      Ooooooor maybe because star=pentagram=demons=invasion???? Purely symbolic purposes amirite?

  13. Just got the Public Beta of Brutal Doom v21. First impressions: Looks really good!!

  14. Hadn't visited this site in a while. Just found out that I have 321 pending notifications!

    1. BigDickBzzrak


      Haha, that's definitely a new record!

  15. I should have known not to trust any item from a flea market....

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