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Everything posted by bonnie

  1. nice picture ♥w♥



      Another Nick. Hi, Nick, I'm Nick xD

  2. we miss you
    please return to us

    1. Nate River

      Nate River

      I'm sorry, I've been busy with other things lately and not really following anything Doom-related, but I just happened to visit John's stream again and found it really funny when out of all things I see him playing that map I made a year ago!

      So thanks again to John @Suitepee for playing and everyone that commented in chat, that was really interesting to read. I had a hard time holding myself back commenting on it, but in the end I'm glad I didn't! :D

      John did a great job finding pretty much everything the map has to offer by himself anyway and I didn't want to influence people's comments in chat, but they made me feel like I managed to create exactly what I tried to anyway.

      That also includes many people not liking it and don't worry, this was a one-time-thing and I don't have anything else planned for now and then it would be completely different anyway as I usually don't play / enjoy maps in that style either.

      So yeah I'm glad if some people got at least some enjoyment out of the map and I hope the others can forgive me while just skipping past it! ;D

  3. attention:


    i will grease up nick foles's pole anytime, anywhere


    that is all

  4. the quarterback of my favorite bird themed football team just skol fucked the opposition


    i don't think my wee little heart can take it

    i think im gonna cry

    ok im cryin


    go eagles

    god bless large penis nicholas

    honestly everything is just wonderful right now ;~;

  5. bonnie

    Belial's Bad Brain

    It was decent. Sometimes it felt like the map didn't know what it wanted to be, so expect parts where you're randomly just shooting 1-2 imps at a time. There was also a bit too much health and ammo, and I beat most of the level without using cells. Perhaps the level was designed with speedrunning in mind? Besides that, great visuals and somewhat decent gameplay in some areas. It's not too long, I (almost, missed the first secret) maxed it in just under 2 and a half hours (including deaths), though I really took my time on the level. Overall though, I'd say this is a case of a slaughtermap kinda getting it right, with a mostly straightforward progression, plenty of ammo (though again, a bit too much, as it starts to wane on the difficulty), and parts that are actually fun. There's also some room to be creative in fights, so don't expect a lot of generic, boring, drawn out, switch hunt, linear do-exactly-this-or-the-fight-is-impossible slaughter gameplay (not to say there aren't some generic boring parts). I'd say it's worth at least checking out. 3.5/5, though rounded up to 4 because I'm a nice person and stuff.
    I don't know how to safely remove unused stuff from wads without SLADE, so I'm sorry that it was so big. SLADE would only remove ~1MB of stuff. I probably did it in the wrong order or something. Even though I did each of the options like 5 times. :( I don't really have anything to say about the wad itself, sorry. edit: An updated version fixing an animated flat also happens to have all the bad stuff removed. (thanks to Myst.Haruko) edit edit: The updated version has been uploaded, redownloading the wad will give you it
    Well I thought it was just positively wonderful.
  6. bonnie


    Good architecture doesn't make up for the complete and utter lack of difficulty.
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