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About BrutalDoomisAwesome

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  1. From a youtube called Obscurest Vinyl uploaded a song 3 weeks ago on April 5th, 2024 called "I Glued My Balls To My Butthole Again" this song will make you laugh and think WFT?
  2. What is you're take in the project called Windows Update Restored? For those of you who don't know what it is. It's a project that aims to let you update the old Windows Opperating systems again for Windows 95, NT4, 98, ME, 2000, and XP. like it was 1999 up to 2004. Here's the link to the site: Windows Update Restored and Here's the MSFN fourm for the Project: Windows Update Restored MSFN Fourm
  3. The "Grand ol'," USA. But now what I'd call it the crap hole USA. Where every price is too high and home to the "Sweet Home Alabama" meme.
  4. Avatar translates to dedication. On topic: Smugly thinking.
  5. So, very screwed. Unless he doesn't mind my top hat, Mustache, bowtie and Monocle
  6. Nice, your only 15 days older than I am.
  7. The love child of Wolverine, Lobo and the Joker.
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