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    Well that was a random mix of crazy. It’s impressive what can be done with 3 hours. Some are better at it than others but overall all of these are competent maps. Some perhaps... good in their own way. While this was not my favorite style of wad, at all, it was still enjoyable to go through. Taking on one a day, sometimes more, given the short and sweet nature was pleasing. Didn’t think I would but some actually surprised me with how much I liked them. 4/5 Check out the Doom Wad of the Month Club's playthrough for an in depth look.
  1. Demtor


    This is how a wad with smaller maps should be done. Smaller? Sure. But With purpose. Each one has it’s own personality while sticking to a recognizable style alongside great visuals, fun challenges and thoughtful presentation. Then, later not being afraid to go a little bigger with maps and concepts. Original music is a lot of fun, can be out of place on some of the darker levels as they repeat themselves after the mid way point but are still amusing none the less. Gameplay is a mixed bag of really good stuff. Most of it is through the use of hiding enemies which is expertly done like no other I've seen. It keeps you on your toes while knowing when to turn the difficulty up with some harder encounters from time to time. That can be hit or miss depending on what style you prefer as a player but have no doubts, it is well done regardless. The maps themselves are beautiful, but in a simple understated manner. There are a few stand outs that are very memorable but overall I felt like the main goal with this wads maps was to just "be good" and good they are. Check out the DWmegawad Club play thread for an in depth look.
  2. Demtor


    AWESOME. When I play other Doom 1 hell episodes, this is the standard by which I compare them too. It's got everything. Mood, atmosphere, large spaces, meticulous detailing, intricate puzzles, and epic exploring. My only bad knock on this is reusing the same Doom 1 music track. Bleh. The worst. But that's just me. Whatever though. The visuals and hard as hell gameplay is killer. Check out my album (http://imgur.com/a/hfNJM) for some of my favorite screenshots. Could have done more but there is just too much awesome to capture it all.
  3. I like to take screen shots of PC games I play. I have gigabytes of memories for my own amusement from the last few decades and I am ever thankful that my life has allowed me the free time to play and contribute to the Doom Wad of the Month Club. The hard work people are still putting in to this game never ceases to amaze me. Thank you all.

    This isn't perfect by any means but there are plenty of cool moments, interesting visuals and unique design choices. Even within the worst maps. It's damned hard so steel yourself fools. The insta spawns and pop-ups are infuriating at times but they do provide interesting and new ways to ambush a player in the open you otherwise couldn’t do as well as limiting the aggro range of large groups of enemies before a player crosses a certain point. There are a few too many AV’s perhaps but, eh. That’s debatable. Overall I’d have to say this isn’t my favorite style of Doom but it is fairly solid stuff throughout all 32 maps and really captures it's own feel and bottles it nicely as the level of quality given from just two people is impressive. They trade maps back and forth through the whole thing. Check out the club's play through for a more in depth look.
  4. Demtor


    This is a quality wad but prepare to die unless you heed the warnings about the difficulty settings. HMP will in fact, hurt you plenty. UV is for those looking to have more of an extremely frustrating time. That said, there are a handful of gems to be found in this map set along with a few down right mean ones. On the average though, this is really good quality stuff if you don't mind having to spend a little extra time looking for switches/keys in sometimes obscure places. Beware of hitscanners in small places at odd angles. This is a Plutonia inspired affair so buckle up. It's not exactly my cup of tea but I found the creativity of this one man creation to be inspiring. If you want a detailed look into each map, I encourage you to go through the Wad of the Month write ups as we all learned how to cope with it's originality and peculiar design choices. Or, skip to then end to get a fully thought out summary of this wad.
  5. Demtor


    The WAD that made me remember the name Skillsaw. Top notch quality. Crazy maps filled with awesome tricks and visuals. The last episode, makes me feel like I am playing a good Mega Man X hybrid with Doom. Especially the end. The custom weapons fit in well. New enemies are used menacingly. Stellar original music. Great great stuff from a very talented mapper.
  6. Demtor


    Just, wow. Blew me away. Short and sweet. I want more!!
  7. Demtor


    This... this is amazing. The WAD that brought me back from my 15 year Doom hiatus. I remember hearing about this from a blog I follow from time to time on PC games. My thinking went like this... Caco awards? What the heck? People still make Doom 2 levels? Ohhhhh, my god! Unbelievable. If you can't hack it, don't feel bad. This is hard. Don't be a hero. Tune down the difficulty and try again. It's worth it.
  8. Demtor


    There really is some good stuff to be found in this WAD, unfortunately it becomes really hit or miss map to map. Same with the music. Some are too long. Some are too hard. Some are juuuust right. It's a mixed bag but a lot of effort went into them and it shows. Even on the maps I would consider not that great are passable as "okay".
    The maps I didn't enjoy were only because of personal taste. This really is a quality set of 16 maps that any self respecting Doom player should consider buckling down and handling the higher difficulty curve. Excellence demands proper respect.
  9. Demtor


    Creative stuff with lots of missed opportunities unfortunately. The maps will go by so quickly though it's worth checking out for the crazy music and the fun new enemies and textures.
  10. Demtor

    THT: Threnody

    20 maps only but it's worth it just for MAP10 - “Formalhaut” by Mechadon. Everything he does is dope as hell. Everything else is pretty above average with only a few miss steps but enough excellence to make you forget. Had a fun time going through it with "the club."
  11. Demtor

    Alien Vendetta

    A lot of ambitious contributions by a lot of talented people. A few of them being misses but overall a varied mix of good to great maps with a splattering of slaughter here and there. Some had an older style feel to them but nothing that ever detracted from the overall presentation. Worth a look.
  12. Demtor


    I had the privilege of experiencing this WAD along with the Doom Wad of the Month Club where it was analyzed to death and pretty fairly assessed as an awesome piece of work. I recommend perusing our write ups for in depth reviews but you can't really go wrong with this one. It's got it all. Atmosphere. Action. Slow. Fast. Modern architecture with hellish details. You can't go wrong.
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