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About JustAthel

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  1. I very rarely like how I look, mainly due to issues with my self esteem and whatnot, but I've been working on it and this is the first picture I've taken of myself in a while that I actually really liked enough to show so... hi everybody :)
  2. If you mean what if iD made something akin to Ion Fury? It would probably be super sick and would be an amazing throwback / homage to how games used to be that we would all love... I'd actually like to see something like that, thinking of it now
  3. MAP01.WAD, because I have no problem starting new projects but I do have problems finishing them-
  4. If we're talking classic Doom 2: Hell on Earth, then MAYBE we'd stand a chance. Former human types (zombiemen, shotgunners, chaingunners) wouldn't be so far out from standard human warfare. Hell, I'd go so far as to say that even imps wouldn't be too difficult from a grenade-throwing enemy. Even with the Arch-Vile's resurrection magic (which admittedly might turn the tides against humanity for a little bit), I feel if the world actually did get together, we'd stand a solid chance. Then again, it also is important to keep in mind the demons intelligence and adaptability -- I mean if cyberdemons, arachnotrons, revenants, and mancubai are able to exist with cobbled together organic and mechanical machinery, it implies they have to have some smarts SOMEWHERE, no? Now if you mean something ala Doom: Eternal, then HA, absolutely not. Every corner of Earth was screwed beyond repair, even the ending of that game showed so much devastation and a heavily crippled resistance team that was BARELY scraping by for even the slimmest shot of victory, which came by sheer luck in the form of the Slayer more or less enacting on a grudge against God itself. Since this is the real world we're talking about, and the chances of having a crazed brute of a man with a lust for blood are severely slim (to the best of my knowledge, anyways), humanity might actually be done for in this regard. Oh and also pain elementals in both cases would be nasty in such a war, had this occured IRL. Nothing's scarier than a demon that doesn't have to abide by the law of only having 21 children anymore. Well, unless said demon was in a certain country or two but I digress-
  5. If it ain't broke, don't fix it -- I've grown to love the original sprite work and there's always something uncanny seeing these HD / upscaled / etc. projects, kind of in the same vein as those 3D recreational we saw a lot of back in the day. Doom definitely benefits from its pixely appearance. Not that there isn't an audience for this sort of thing, it's just not one I'm not a part of.
  6. No, there is not. I'd like to minimize the risk of the project / communication splitting between two places when the thread is more than sufficient to discuss the project in. It's all yours! I'll update the OP shortly!
  7. Ohh so it seems most of the issues stem from decorate overwriting dehacked, similar to what Emblem would do if you tried to launch its vanilla counterpart in a ZDoom based port, got it!
  8. Thank you for the reviews! Admittedly making E2M4 is kicking mine in. I've repurposed what I want the level to be in the final version, it's just been a matter of getting enough motivation to actually finish it up. I'm curious though on what made it difficult to progress when playing in ZDoom?
  9. I have updated Finer.wad with the newest and latest submissions (to my knowledge) Removed former CWILVxx graphics, these will be redone in a future date Implemented the updated MAP01 by Heretic Implemented D_READ_M, D_DM2TTL, and D_DM2INT midis provided by @wumbo Implemented maps 05, 09, 17, and the older version of 29. Much more work still needs to be done on the quality of some of the early-game maps, but my criticisms / opinions of each map are still being formed, and will be shared soon. You can find the new version of the wad in the Project Status post on the first page. As for progress on Deja Reve, I've been pretty slow on all my major projects, Doom included, so I haven't been able to touch the editor for much of anything. However, I'm trying to get a bit more free time to myself to get some of these projects knocked out! Do we have any updates on any other WIP maps for this project by any chance?
  10. It's great to see the process of running custom maps on SNES Doom are no longer being gatekept from the community. Great stuff! I'm sure it's an honor to the OP to be a part of Doom history like this.
  11. Sorry, I got caught up with personal affairs and forgot about fixing up my maps. IIRC the only serious thing I wanted to fix was E4M9 not having difficulties, but would it be worth also tweaking my E3 map real quick for the final release (i.e. fixing the HOMs)?
  12. This map plays decently enough, the style of it reminds me more of a KDITD type thing, but then again some maps in the original TNT I always mistake for an ordinary Doom II map, so I think this is fine in this regard. Great usage of detailling, however there are a few spots where you'd need to put upper unpegged (i.e. in some of your raisable windows and doors). It is possible to SR50 here and get stuck in this little nook. I'd recommend either using this space to hide another secret, adding a teleporter somewhere there, or making the gap much smaller to prevent squeezing. It's also possible to get softlocked here, as you can fall off the crate with no way to come back up. I also overall feel you could be slightly more generous with shells, but then again I didn't really go out of my way to find all of the secrets in this map when going through it the first time around, heh. Otherwise, I feel this is a pretty good submission, with a pretty alright MIDI to back it. Just a few more tweaks and we can really bring it up in quality a few notches! Good job!
  13. Great stuff!! I'll give it a spin and let you know my thoughts. I think we've also reached enough new submissions for me to finally update the WAD so I'll get to doing that really soon.
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