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About CountArchvile

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  1. I wish I had a Physical copy of Doom, just for the novelty.
  2. CountArchvile

    Desi's Wad 2

    I mean... what can i say? at the very start you get bum-rushed by all sorts of enemies with only a shotgun and a chaingun and barely any ammo. it doesn't really help that there's almost no room to move around, you bump into everything this is pretty shit level design, and trying to fit 25 monsters in there doesn't really work. i didnt bother with this wad, and you shouldn't either
  3. CountArchvile


    Heyy, this was pretty good,not too confusing plenty of health and ammo lots of fun
  4. CountArchvile

    Sand Chain

    Terrence For fucks sake...
    ''Build Time:3 Months'' Sure Terrence
    the map looks good visually but what does the have to do with doom 64? and how do I kill an archvile with a pistol? and a cyberdemon with a chain gun?
    this was the most immersive and chilling wad I've ever played
    Terry you've done it again, thank you for blessing us with your very challenging and fun WADs
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