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Everything posted by Misty

  1. Didn't touch builder since irl stuff, but here's dmvis gif of map that I still need to finish.
  2. Done with university - I'm graduated and have diploma! Time to get some rest and think what to do next with my life...

    1. Biodegradable


      Congratulations Misty!

    2. DMPhobos


      Well done, congratulations!!

  3. Missed Godflesh new ep by few days, lmao
  4. I defended my thesis and with that I'm about to graduate. Feels weird, because 4 years passed fast and future still remains unknown. At least, I can take break and continue on my hobbies.

  5. Maybe route to exit is flipped in mirror world(just hypothesis), but I believe that any layout of myhouse.wad backrooms has same exit route. Didn't test, builder is the best friend.
  6. Actually, there's wad already called breach.wad: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/breach You might want rethink a little bit for new title.
  7. Done with thesis, let's see if I'll manage to pass it fully and defend it in order to be done with university, until then, I'll indulge myself and enjoy free time I got for now. 

  8. I honestly think 2-6 options can be merged into one, because most of mappers work hard to be sure that map works in port of their choice. Sometimes I just open up my map in no monsters mode to admire my pure genius creation.
  9. @thelamp Thank you for playing this project - I was waiting for full playthrough of this mapset. In hindsight, this project could be toned down and given more clues how to navigate, but as almost year passed since release, I don't want bother anymore, unless I'll decide do some remaster of sorts. I applaud your courage keeping ultra violence skill, even if you could lower skills, especially on map05. In map02, I placed bfg in mind to ease fight that one fight, but of course I don't mind if people have other strategies and ways to continue on or get in area other ways than intended. Map03 was the newest in rotation, map01-map02 are oldest ones. Anyway, I hope you had some fun, despite some harsh encounters in levels. If you have some questions about my design stuff or why I did this or that, feel free to ping me.
  10. I know I commented before, but now as I think "WAD Releases & Development" is really long, sounds too profesional, "wads and mods" sound much nicer to say and look. Maybe it's just me, I have hard time to adapt to changes.
  11. This project is long since released, but I'm still curious how it plays: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/caf_inj - requires port that supports mbf21, uv can really unforgiving on map05, but rest is alright. Occupies maps from 01-05 and 06 is end map. Doom 2 iwad.
  12. Yes, of course it's new, I guess they felt moving things in one space, instead threads being over the places. It's much cleaner now.
  13. Yeah, I get you, it's hard when you're starting or want return back to mapping. Few things I found helpful through my own mapping journey: One of keys, is keep trying, even if levels might not feel like up to your standards. It's pretty normal, if you're starting or trying to breach out into new waters. One day you will have success with it. Be open to constructive criticism and reports - even the greatest mapping works had bug reports or things that could be improved, fixed or changed. It's part of the cycle. Never compare yourself with others, better compare your older work with newer work - that way you can track how much you improved and how much you can do compared with time you couldn't do it that. It takes time and patience to gather experience to get good on craft.
  14. This reminds me to do back up of my stuff just in case...
  15. Joy Division - Closer Radiohead - Kid A Iron Maiden - Fear of the dark Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts Muse - Origin of symmetry There are many more albums and bands I hold dearly to me, but at this time I can name those 5 ones. List might change later on, depending on my headspace conditions.
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