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Everything posted by Misty

  1. Doomguy sounds like your best friend and brother who you can rely on. Doomslayer sounds really distant and unproachable. Also, you can't get along with him, he just stares at you like old time god.
  2. My first username was Mysterious Haruko, that I simply took from Starbound name generator for the race I was playing back in the day. I had it shortened here, but later on someone decided to register with same name from anime series, so I decided to change it. One of friends around community called me Misty, so I decided change to it and I don't regret it. Easy to remember it too.
  3. Oh, I forgot that several days ago it was 6 years ago I registered here. Many things changed and many things experienced in this forum, I hope there will be more memories to celebrate and many more projects to be released. 

  4. I prefer my cat to be cat shaped, that's why I love her.
  5. I hope I'll be done with it before year ends...
  6. The temple of death by Patrick Carosso (2011) The temple of death is one short level for Plutonia iwad. It features 3 linear key pathways, plenty of secrets and of course chaingunner, revenant and archvile trio as we are used to it. Plenty of encounters can be cheesed, because most of monsters are on high alcoves, making them quite harmless. Couple things I can think more as negatives are some lack of stimpacks for more laid back gameplay, but that's just me, also it's only tested on zdoom even if maps don't use much advanced features and tends to hide mapping errors. Visually, I prefer Plutonia's textures over Doom 2 ones, because of more variety and different sky.
  7. Nothing will happen to your email, now just go to touch some grass.
  8. Did you use pyinstaller by any chance? This one gives people malware false positives. Just looked around the net.
  9. Punk imp is so cool, not going lie.
  10. Upload Template by Ty Halderman (2001)(updated in 2015) Your old good upload template by the man himself, one of his many other contributions in community. There's not much to say about this - everyone who frequently uploads or downloads stuff from idgames familiar with this text file. These days, permissions/copyright section is under creative commons attribution 4.0, where under older days it would say you may not use this file and etc. Blimmo4.WAD by Sigurður Ingi Sigurjónsson (2001) 4 linear levels for doom 2. Difficulty isn't too bad, plenty chaingunners, cacodemons, pinky demons and barons of hell to dispatch before they get you. Also, levels themselves don't take much time to beat which is good for quick break session. Visually it's your default doom 2 look with only starry sky as exception. It also has nice, minimal sector work. Anyway, I recommend to give a look and judge for yourself.
  11. Congrats with new wadazine issue! I had blast to read it. Can't believe how much it changed since first few issues.
  12. For me, textures are already detail, so I don't hang up much for them - I mostly rely on architecture and clean textures alignment to make my levels work.
  13. https://www.moddb.com/games/doom can be good place for hosting doom levels and mods.
  14. No, adults must be boring and only focus on super serious things like politics, finances, child care and etc... As for really serious note, I'd suggest to listen less random figures that shout into the void and focus on your well being. If games, comics makes you happy, go for it. Who cares what you do on your free time, as long as you don't hurt yourself and others. Situation around the globe isn't the best, so decompressing and disconnection is important.
  15. Make maps you enjoy to play/create and audience will find you least expected way. No need to cater someone's expectations - these can easy break or disappoint. It's important that mapper themselves enjoys creation process, this gets reflected to level itself and audience feels it. Everyone gets at least one fan who enjoys levels or any other creative hobby that one outputs. Oh oh, almost forgot - you can also promote your work on social media, it helps gain some audience faster.
  16. Current mood:feeling burned out of things I enjoy and pretty much of life due tense atmosphere around.

    I also had short hospital stay due pain. At least, next week, I'm returning back to university and dorm.


    1. Biodegradable


      Sorry to hear you're not in the best of spirits, Misty. Hope things improve for you real soon!

    2. Misty


      Yeah it sucks, hopefully it will pass soon. 

  17. I would say give him games with good graphics but bad controls/gameplay, lmao. No need to be pushy - he's still 10 years old kid, he doesn't have much experience in life unlike you. How many of us were 10 years old with dumb opinions, thought good visuals are good media and ect. I'd say take slow approach, harder you push - more will you turn away that kid from trying more games that don't conform his views. Talk with him, ask questions, try understand him. It's okay if doesn't want play doom today as 10 years old kid, maybe once he grow up more - will start like old games you enjoy. Give it some time.
  18. Arceon by DMPhobos 6 maps with epilogue. My own recent project called Caffeine Injection! I released it month ago. 5 maps with end map that encapsulates entire set.
  19. Hell's Revenge by George Fiffy(1999) I'm quite familiar with George's mapping stuff, I played his entries before, this one wasn't exception. It targets boom compatible port, fairly new port and format back to those days. It uses some boom features like deep water and there's more detailing - like arches that increases sector count compared to vanilla. There's big starvation of health, but if you play carefully there won't be any problem. Oh, it also comes with infopack - worth addition to check out, I can consider this a lost art of doom making.
  20. Qboard Doom2 SP wad by Biff Debris, Lunaran, Aardappel(1999) 3 levels long mapping from dead Quake forum section(I checked links - one is dead(I wonder if doomnation has archived links) and other one about project history links you to the shop). It was supposed to be megawad, but seems only 3 mappers dared to show up, too bad, because levels were promising(just how many promising projects show up and later die, because of lack of interest or project leader quitting). Maps/project wouldn't be out of more modern mapping settings, especially last 2 levels. Gameplay is relatively easy, nothing what player couldn't fight. Screenshots:
  21. Can confirm, this is indeed Lithuanian name and surname. Apparently he did speedruns of various levels according to doomwiki.org page too. Source - I'm from the same country as this mapper and speedrunner.
  22. Remnant by Aurelius. I had fun with it, even if it took me hour and half to beat it.
  23. I gave this project quick run on easy difficulty, so some things might be different for someone else who ran this on hmp or uv. So, few things I noticed: In map03 exit area, you placed archvile, but thing is that it's completely harmless because you placed exit teleporter and player can just rush to escape it. I suggest move it where hell knights spawn or zombie/imps, that way players will have more things to do. Map10, last arena - you want tweak stairs a bit, because those pinkies can't come down rendering them cheap meat for bfg gun, completely harmless. Making stairs less high you would give pinky demons more chance to attack. Of course, you could remove them and reposition them somewhere else. Visuals - I'd say you could introduce 2 more rock textures around to break monotonous look, same with rocky flats. I also had some gripe with switches - it's easy to miss those if you're rushing around, I'd replace some of those into bigger versions - that way it would be less chances to miss it. Overall, this project slightly reminds me "Good Morning, Phobos" megawad, which good thing. Keep working and improving, I'll be waiting for next episodes!
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