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Everything posted by Misty

  1. Of course! I have soft spot for Doom 1 projects and I believe many others have similar feelings. So, keep going and don't afraid to seek playtesters if needed. Good luck with project!
  2. Send them all in one post, if needed you can make other one later. It's my job to resend fixed project updates to archives again.
  3. Imagine if all his programs are sort of crypto miners in the background, lol. Wouldn't put that past him knowing how his alt doom awards turned out.
  4. I was afraid to get out of e1m1 starter room, because these zombies and imp were too scary, approaching me, shooting and I didn't know that I can shoot them until they die. Also e1m8 death pit where you're helpless to stop taking damage until level ends. Cyberdemon in e2m8 was one of challenging and scary moments too, those stomps and rockets were no joke back then, if you take it into your face, screen turns red and somewhat I imagine getting that annoying ringing in the ears. I still feel uneasy when I encounter it in various levels.
  5. Eventually you will get known some of those people, mentioned and not mentioned, if you hang out around these spaces, community is wide and huge. From those who departed from this earthly realm, I miss Megalyth's postings in this forum, even if I was just observer and lurker. It will be 2 years in July since he passed away. Time waits no one.
  6. Updated op with missing pictures, they should work now as intended. I'll update credits.txt file later on.
  7. Despite taking meds for my depression for almost year, big sad still is still there. Only thing they do are making me feel stable mood wise and less walking nightmare. Oh, and my hair is greying at rip age of 27, they no longer ask me my docs to be sure that I'm not underaged when I buy drinks.
  8. Successfully hosted my first community project and pushed it in idgames finally. Feels good man... (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
  9. I will fix missing pics and reupload project with updated credits file. Couldn't be me if I don't miss something, lol (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
  10. I could, discord killed image linking.
  11. Hello, just want to inform that project is finally in idgames archives, I updated op, but also leaving link to the project there too: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/themes/xmas/snowave Any important updates will go through archives if needed. Thank you all who joined and helped to make this project reality. Until next time!
  12. That green nukage in hangar hits differently.
  13. Well, there are plenty of treatments for hair loss and keeping them alive, some are sold over counter, some require doc prescription. Of course, you know yourself better and I'm in no position for suggestions.
  14. It's just a hair, they will grow back. Maybe invest in some treatment to grow them little faster. Either way, you look good.
  15. Blue trees give unique flavour to otherwise cold environment outside, as for inside, I'd go with different coloured flat there those trees planted, my mind says red, green or any other tone that balances trees out.
  16. In the corner, evil eye watches your every movement:
  17. Seems, project was rejected from archives, but I looked at the duplicated entries from iwad and removed those. I hope it will be okay this time. Apologies for delay.
  18. It's fine, since you're releasing it stand alone, you can take much time as you need (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠). My own backlog is big and wide.
  19. Pushed project to idgames! If it will get through it, all important updates will go there from now on.
  20. Getting distracted by new ideas while working on one project, that's why my doom mapping folder is above 4gb worth of data. Of course, it also falls into other life areas. Redrawing line if connection isn't the way I want and need. Wanting to try something new, but yet falling into same mapping patterns.
  21. I'm going to submit project in upcoming days to idgames archives, sorry for delays(life stuff happened and I easily get distracted), just need look if I didn't miss anything important. @HEXWALKER from silence and previous posts, I finally understood that you should release your level stand-alone, since I don't think you will provide that update that I asked for and I'm not going to chase you like goose with the knife. It will be the best for both of us.
  22. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/The_Rebirth pretty fun and runs on vanilla ports.
  23. I can look at your level, if you tell me what needs to be done in order to be finished. I understand that life and issues get in the way, it never hurts to ask help. I would rather get all maps submitted there get in idgames than start cutting things out.
  24. Hey, most of of fixes are there, but I'm still waiting for Hexwalker's updates that should be done months ago, heh. Sorry for silence.
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