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Everything posted by Misty

  1. Electricity in this area still kinda works, but for how long no one knows, because they all got corrupted except you, the player.
  2. Of course it's possible these days, but as people pointed out it's not really worthy time and energy to recreate worst best build engine game. Oh, this reminds me that Hellforge server did speedmaps with Tekwar textures, I don't remember if they are in idgames tho.
  3. Not going lie, this is creative way to make trees, taken from this episode: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/g-i/g-b-arch
  4. Caronte by Aluqah(2007) I know Aluqah from his Mandrill Ass Project yes, it's a real set, even got cacowards in 2011, but this time it's about his older map called Caronte. It targets zdoom port, so one can expect sequences, scripting, slopes and any other zdoom magic they used back in the day. It's not that difficult - most annoying thing is instant death lava floor if you fall out and instant shot boss. If you feel nostalgic about old zdoom levels, this map is for you. Also it has this:
  5. Dead Base 2.0 by Owen "Sarge Baldy" Lloyd(2003) This one is made for zdoom and occupies e2m1, so it needs Ultimate Doom to load. It's also counts as remake to "dead base" level, released in 90's by Alberto Barsella according to text file. This remake contains zdoomisms like some hud messages, coloured lighting, invisible monsters(pain to see from where they come - least well aged zdoom feature), few slopes there and here, switch that spawns ammo clip and telling you that energy is drained. Level itself isn't difficult and layout is still full of squares. I guess, back then, slapping some brand new features on old levels were considered norm and improvement. I'm leaving og level it was based on(you can compare and see how it went): DEADBASE.WAD - `Wasteland: Dead Base' by Alberto BARSELLA(1994) Screenshot from Dead Base 2.0
  6. Land of the Damned by Paul Fleschute (2000, released in 2022) 3 Heretic levels that were supposed to be part of megawad according to author, but never properly finished. Those levels occupy e1m1, e2m1 and e2m2 slots. Maps themselves play really well and it's perfect for short break playthrough.
  7. Raging Waters by Greg Hagedorn (The Poolman)(1995)(sent in idgames in 2018) Raging Waters is short Heretic level, locating in e1m1 slot. By today's standards it's not overly difficult as there are only few monsters. Judging by text file it supports both single player and deathmatch as back in the day deathmatch was full of rage and fun. Visuals wise, level feels comfy due texture usage and contrasts between rock and marble. Going to more modern times, it was one of efforts to give this level more permanent home, preserve it for future generations to discover and play. my corrupted DOOM 2 home by Brian Glines(1996) "Myhouse.wad" genre was more popular in 90's, judging how many such levels were built in the past. There lots of doomcute areas that everyone loves so much, it gives cozy feel and shows some insight how person lived during those times in the past. Gameplay wise you can expect some cramped encounters, but those easy to defuse before they do any damage to you.
  8. I gave a quick look - architecture wise you have right idea, it looks really promising. Texture wise, it feels like you simply slapped textures to avoid hall of mirror effects on your level. Adding more textures there and here around would make map more lively and would help separate outdoors and indoors. In other words - at this stage, you need work more on this, think about levels as your visiting card, you always want make nice impressions, regardless if your style is minimalist with few textures possible or leans hard on details. Gameplay wasn't too hard, feels okay as for the first level. I would rethink about about lift fight before exit, because it's easy to kill everything while you stand above barely unharmed.
  9. Hello everyone! Just wanted to say that Caffeine Injection is finally in idgames! I updated op with new link. I also sneaked some quick bugfixes and added ammo there and here around, besides swapping some weapon in map02 locations for quicker access. Thank you everyone who played and gave feedback, this wouldn't be possible without support and criticism. Feel free comment and do reviews, it helps me improve for future projects.
  10. Since I released Caffeine Injection set, I didn't expect that there will be so many positive reviews. I pushed this in idgames again since it was rejected, hopefully this time it will work without any problems - I would prefer give this mapset permanent home. 

    I have few more projects pending, but since I started last year on university, I'll work on slower pace. 

  11. It would be easier if you compressed those files into one pk3 file, especially if you target gzdoom, it would reduce hassle to load them all, there are plenty examples how to do it if you open up modern gzdoom projects.
  12. People would willing to help you more if you had something to show, code, sprites - you name it, otherwise if you want to commission someone to help you - you need pay. That's how industry works outside of forums.
  13. Yeah, I agree that map02 could be communicated better, but since plenty of time passed since first time I finished it, I didn't want to touch this level anymore, so I left as it is, just adding some stuff there and here and readjusting some sequences/visibility on switches. I actually pushed this idgames(waiting for email to confirm that those are uploaded by me), because since no one posted on this thread until now. Edit:seems it got rejected, so I guess I can add more stuff, fix resources and reupload again.
  14. E1 style for me is really comfy. Of course, it looks cold and desolate, but familiarity with textures and settings makes feel like I'm at home. Of course there many e1 style maps varying in difficulty and puzzles, still each one gives something new and insightful. Besides e1 style is one that made big impression on people back in the day, so there are more tributes compared to other episodes.
  15. It's broken for everyone, see this thread:
  16. Hello, I pushed new update on this set, for now it stays on rc2.1 . Link remains the same in op. Update notes: Fixes softlock in map01, you can get in if you softlock yourself again. Moved trigger lines further away in map02, if you still manage to soflock yourself, you can open those bars to get in. Map05 got spectres swapped with pinkies, also some skill adjustments around. I plan push this in idgames soon, so if there are more concerning things in maps, please report those.
  17. Yeah, I have same problem, just few minutes ago posted on my project thread and that post doesn't show up on my profile. We can only patiently wait until it's fixed.
  18. Thank you both for finishing this playthrough! I plan update this set really soon, not feeling playing doom or mapping lately, so I'm taking small break. @Biodegradable I see you cheesed map04 soulsphere secret in map04. Solution is: As for map05, I released it last year around June stand alone, but I decided to include in this set as finisher with few tweaks, like changing evil eyes gimmick with target switches that are easy to understand. I also decided to give bfg to ease encounters. In last area, I added lifts(yeah platforms also count as lifts) if you accidentally fall down.
  19. I don't really dislike my creations - sure they could be better, but each one helped me to reach level where I stay now. I treat each old and new map as learning experience. Compared now and few years ago, it's like night and day. At other hand - it's okay to feel that your level doesn't live up your expectations, no craft is really perfect one. Just apply your new knowledge on new level and keep working on it.
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