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About Shaviro

  • Rank
    Team Future Chief
    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. Hub1 is still alive and kicking, though the final phase has been moving forward rather slowly. Most of the "real" work and beta testing is done and has been for a while, but a decent amount of stuff still remains and has been causing a problem or two. As the development and testing phases draw to an end, we're getting more and more pleased with the "final" product. One thing does create some concern. Hub1 doesn't give a "correct" view of how the finished RTC-3057 will be. Hub1 starts out like most other clicheed sci-fi horror stories, but it will, soon after, hub1 evolve into much more. This, of course, doesn't mean we are not satisfied with hub1.

    That said, we are just wrapping it all up now, as we have been for quite some time. Hub1 should be out by the end of this year.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Julian


      darknation said:

      you're wrapping stuff up, but it will be out by the end of the year?


      I'll try to translate what Shaviro said in a less politically correct language: "We're still waiting for this fucking frenchy to finish the 6/7 tracks that's been selected out of the crappy compositions he gave us."

    3. Bucket


      I can make a song.

      ...one song. It's all I've got time for.

    4. Julian


      Broken sarcasm detector?

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