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About Kyka

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    I ban custom titles
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  1. Lacking the intimate knowledge shared above by @Hebonky, I would have guessed it was somehow connected to the secret cow level from Diablo 2. (Wandering around on that level were hundreds of lethal cows and much mooing was to be heard.)
  2. This looks really cool. GOod luck getting it all done. And for the record, I like both the old and the new areas that you replaced them with. imho a good sign. :)
  3. Really like that aesthetic. It hits that uncanny level of Doom detailing perfectly, right in the middle of sparse and plain vs overdetailed. It reminds me of @Jodwin's amazing 2010 release Jade Earth, one of Doomworld's top 100 maps, and one of my personal favorites. Nice work. @Touchdown
  4. If only those lousy judges had known that there was literally gaming royalty in their midst, perhaps they may have seen the piece differently. I just had a listen to the piece now. Beautiful themes and melodies as always. Definitely a strong point of yours. As always Lee, thanks for the music!
  5. Say that again, but slower...
  6. Talk about pay to win... (You don't wanna know what they charge for a soulsphere...)
  7. As someone who playtested this bad boy, it really is a work of art. And great gameplay too! Enjoy.
  8. Seconding what @Tango said.Beautiful sense of color and shape. Great stuff.
  9. @Moai Welcome back. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
  10. I hope things are better for you and your health has really come good. Thank you for sharing. If you don't mind me asking, what did you do to get over/rid of the mold infection?
  11. The first time I finished MyHouse.wad. That empty yard with the for sale sign. It was like my entire life, all my experiences, had simply never existed.
  12. Please please do this. I mean now the community has 32 new variants on how to use the icon of sin? It'll become a classic. On topic, I would remove the icon of sin from Doom 2. Even in 1994, I thought it was rage inducing trash. And I didn't think anything was trash in 1994. We were just grateful to have any games to play. Those were dark times heh.
  13. Are those textures from Blood? They remind me of Blood. Looks good though.
  14. I wish this had happened. And that I had been there to see it. And while I was there seeing this extraordinary scene play out, I would have removed the Hell Knight, which is and always was a cheap shitty recolor, and replaced it with an actual original baddie that filled a similar mid-tier-but-not-too-tanky-beastie role in the game. And then I would have been asked to leave the office, because I also don't work there, and hopefully no one would have noticed that I had deleted the hell knight sprites and replaced them with something infinitely cooler but still recognisably Doomy. And after that eventful day of us two random strangers invading the Doom offices, id software would have hired a security guard.
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