The newest build of ALIENS: ERADICATION TC with many improvements and additions is here. After testing and tweaking the Eradication mapset, my attention turned to improving gameplay with the Doom/Doom2 iwads and custom maps/pwads.
The original goal of this project was to simply make a set of maps using assets from Kontra Kommando's Aliens: Trilogy/Ultimate Doom mod. While making these maps I would get an idea or two and edit the original Mod to implement the idea. A few ideas turned into dozens and the result is what I present to you today. This latest update focuses mostly on the Total Conversion when playing with the original Doom and Doom2 maps and custom maps that use mostly vanilla assets. The edits made to the mod in order to implement the ideas used in the Eradication mapset kinda broke the balance in these other maps/wads. After many hours of playtesting I am very happy with the game play experience. After testing wads like Scythe, Base Ganymede, Doom and Doom2 the way id did, Lunar catastrophe, and many others (see readme for a comprehensive list of wads that work well with ALIENS: ERADICATION TC) on all difficulty settings, I felt it was time for an update release. Enjoy and Thank you.
DOWNLOAD: Aliens: Eradication TC (New Update) - ModDb
See OP for changes in this update.