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About Phade102

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  1. Secrets are absolutely not necessary, but they encourage exploration. If you are designing a linear map, having a few obvious secret areas in them can make people think outside the box.
  2. You have 0 respect for the players of this forum. you expect us to debug your maps, find all your crappy bugs because you're quite frankly a terrible mapper, and you make excuses as to why you wont play the maps yourself. do you know why this is? BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOT PLAYED IT. you cannot be sure its possible to 100% because you yourself haven't. you're a joke, pan. I'm frankly glad your joke of a project is gone.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dew


      Always count on @bzzrak to defend of the poor marginalized neo-nazis. After all, he threw some spare change on a bunch of thirld-worlders in a ploy to disseminate white nationalist propaganda. I don't see YOU doing anything so noble!!! It's just a joke, like in his beloved Terry Wads!!!

    3. Phade102


      You do konw Spiritmaze that everyone knows you're pan on an alt? You do know that'll just get you a permaban right?


      and you're right, Dew. I dont really listen to anyone someone of Bzzraks reputation says.

    4. BigDickBzzrak


      Because obviously me being an asshole means that nobody else can be an asshole

      Oh wow a dude dropped an accidentally buggy map, let's gather the hivemind and call him out collectively!!!


  4. Phade?... Phade!?!! PHADE!!!!

  5. You would have earnt yourself a lot more respect if you'd admitted your mistake, instead of just being a coward and leaving doomworld.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gothic


      What did he do?

    3. Misty


      He posted fake photos in "post picture of yourself" thread and got busted.

    4. Gothic


      Oh I thought he threw a tantrum or something.

  6. Hi, I just wanted to thank you for your review on the confinement community project. If you could give me some feedback about map 13 that you didnt like, I would appreciate it for future projects!

    1. Denim Destroyer

      Denim Destroyer

      Well my main issue was that I could not find out where to go after I activated the chaingunner trap and the crushers started.

    2. Phade102


      Yep yep, the map in question was very confusing. even I had trouble figuring out where to go. i apologise you had a bad experience, your feedback will definitely help for my next project! =D

  7. I'm just wondering, did you actually PLAY community chest 4?


    Its just, you mentioned ugly detailing when its one of the more visually appealing wads out there to most people. I'm looking at your previous reviews, and it seems that you gave slaughter maps 5 stars, and  something like CC4 1 star. in which case, thats not a  valid case for review.


    In any case, your CC4 Review is grossly wrong, with no facts to back up your claims, which makes me think that when it comes to reviewing, yours aren't that trustable. Especially since less than ten minutes before, you reviewed sunlust to amazing detail 'it's good'

    1. Grain of Salt

      Grain of Salt



      "Most people" are easily pleased.


      I gave wads I liked 5 stars. You didn't look very carefully if you think they were all slaughter.


      Succinctness is good.

    2. gaspe


      OMG Grain of Salt (salt indeed :^)) how dare you to post your personal opinion about a wad and write a negative review??!!

    3. leodoom85


      salt tastes......that's why

  8. Does this room look too dark for an outdoor area? What do you think?Screenshot_Doom_20170923_021448.png.e41d78f5dff214dcc4319c7f930aab75.png

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Phade102


      Thats a great tip @leodoom85, thanks! I didnt know about that O.o

    3. leodoom85


      No problem m8 ;)

    4. Phade102


      Oh my god it is so much easier to figure out lighting with this. Its so useful because i'm making a cave next,  so it needs to be darker. Thank you Leo

  9. Its disheartening, and also encouraging to see maps in places like skulldash, and then I look at my work, which is below. But this is my style of mapping, and I like it.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rodster


      Your map looks good!

    3. Memfis



      But this is my style of mapping, and I like it.

      Yeah, this is what it all comes down to. You (probably) can't top the masters, but you can create something they never could because you have your own unique vision.



      What's wrong with that screenshot, again?

  10. Final design of a room I posted about in a previous status update. I think it came out rather well.Hellscape2.png.2a5f035899846416b90b76e348eb144b.png

    1. 40oz
    2. HeyItsDuke


      WOW! I have to play that!

  11. Wasn't entirely sure this was worth a forum post, but I need some tips for my map.




    Basically, I have the flow of the map down, but this room is just stumping me. I've set the sky to the hell sky with a transfer, but I really cant think of what I could put in the blood. The player enters the room from that little area to the right of the megasphere, but i'm drawing an absolute blank as to what to put in here. can anyone throw any suggestions my way?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. 42PercentHealth


      Very nice!


      One more thought, since I see this thing shaping up: What if you were to put the mancubus at the "corner" of the path rather than at that end? This would remove the player's ability to hide from it, and it would also force the player into a more precarious dodging scenario, since they might have to step off the path into the blood to avoid fireballs.


      Just a thought.

    3. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.

      There's always room for masterminds.


      Looks okay, although I think 'making the walls more interesting' (less square, less monotextured, perhaps broken up by some sort of vertical beam pattern) is also a valid alternative to putting lots of stuff in the blood itself. I posted some months ago (in a thread you started) about how some of the most complex stuff visually has relatively simple floors.

    4. Phade102


      @42PercentHealth Thats a very good suggestion, forcing the player to tackle the mancubus like that.


      @rdwpa I will be adding a bit of Scenery behind the 'walls' to make it look nicer. this is honestly just the first pass over, i'm focusing on the playable area first then adding the detail later. The room right now looks really ugly, but I'll take an in game screenshot too because that isn't the sky either, its the red hell sky which really makes it look nicer. I'm going to be putting some hellish cliff textures to make it look as though the player is going through a more hellish landscape. But I definitely agree with what you're saying, and I Know that when it comes to playing a map, the floor is the last thing people are going to look at.

  12. hmmm, how do I get a 'line horizon' effect in boom format? I wanted to give a real outdoorsy feel for this room...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. rodster


      This is what i meant, I realized that it is not really a "Line Horizon" effect though:



    3. Urthar


      I don't think there's anything in Boom format to mimic ZDoom & Eternity's line_horizon, other than drawing massive sectors. MAP01 of BTSX E2 is a good example.

    4. Phade102


      I just lowered a sky texture to mimic the effect. worked quite well. Now I have to work on making the map not look like some flat landscape.

  13. So, I really want to make a set of hell themed levels using boom format. I dont think i'd make a full megawad out of them, just a few maps. But i'm new to boom format, and I need to use sky transfers. so I'm wondering if it'd just be easier to use udmf format until I figure it out?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Phade102


      @bzzrak I completely understand. But, I also want to thank you. your instructions on the sky transfer worked perfect, now i'm definitely going down the boom path.

    3. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      The easiest way to figure out how something works in boom is opening a map made in boom format in the editor, and having a look at it. In most cases this will tell you pretty much everything you will need to know wrt to how something has been made. Since sets like SunLust are made in boom-format, there are lots of maps worth looking at when it comes to learning how stuff works.

    4. ; )

      ; )

      Sorry for the notification

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