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About Phade102

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  1. Apparently me tweeting at Chelesa manning makes me a traitor. The logic is baffling...can anyone help me understand?

    1. UglyStru


      Guilty by association? I have no clue...

    2. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      I have no idea what's going on, and what the deal about Chelesa Manning is, let alone what you tweeted, or who deems you a traitor for what reason and how your relationship with that respective group/person is like. So... Yeah... If you want for people to understand your situation, make it understandable, is what I'm saying...

    3. Phade102


      well thats just it, NIH. I dont understand it either. I was trying to contact her to ask her some questions (Though I doubted I'd get a response) relating to transgender stuff, and I had like, five people reply to the tweet calling me a traitor for trying to speak to her. Its like the amish when someone is shunned, its just so weird.

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