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  1. Quote

    Ok, so I started playing Deathkings of the Dark Citadel this week...

    Cool! What class are you using?

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    2. 42PercentHealth


      Spoiler alert: If you want to know why you should kill the wyverns and the best way to do so, read below. If you'd rather figure it out on your own, then don't.



      Each time you kill one, it opens a section of the map full of mana and other goodies (including some of the most powerful items in the game). So it really is useful to kill them.


      At the end of this hub, you get a pair of wings. You can use these to fly behind the wyverns and just axe them in the butt. :-) #cheesestrats Unfortunately, that means you have to wait until the end of the level to get the stuff though.


    3. ShoDemo


      I guess I will be patient and discover the reason as I am playing. And if it is important, then I will return to that map and take them out.

      However, you recommending me to kill them tells me that I am not done with that particular map yet. Now I am really curious and I want to play some more Hexen.  :)

    4. Ichor


      You can get the hammer before solving any of the puzzles, but it requires a bit of tricky jumping. Then it's just a matter of leading your targets. Sometimes it's a big lead.

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