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  1. Today, I felt like mapping and watching a movie, instead of playing. So, I made some stuff for my second level and then I looked at the list of movies I wanted to see and I found Blade Runner.


    And what a great movie it was!!! The "far away future" setting, as imagined in the 80s rocks, the soundtrack by Vangelis is perfect for the mood and the story about the replicants being hunted down by humans is thought-provoking, to a point of being pure philosophy (I am usually not a big fan of philosophy as a study, thanks to some bullshit that we had to learn at school, but I like to think deeply about things once in a while and I surely enjoyed this movie).

    Plus, this movie has tons of references to the culture of the past (for an example Coca-Cola, Atari and more logos everywhere).

    Also, it contains The quote of quotes in it: "It's too bad she won't live, but then again who does."

    Finally, the ending was something I did not expect.


    I mean Deckard being a replicant. I remembered the dream sequence where Deckard saw a unicorn, when I saw the Origami made by Gaff, but I didn't get that Deckard was a replicant. Too bad I didn't think for a bit more before going to the Internet. A true plot twist in the end of the movie, which was executed perfectly.



    And then the credits rolled:


    Somehow I feel like I have heard the ending song again and it is awesome!

    NEVER MIND! NOW I REMEMBER! It was featured as the intro of a Maiden concert, during the Somewhere in Time era, because the album got inspiration from Blade Runner.


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    2. BigDickBzzrak


      @Piper Maru??? I thought you were dead! Where did you disappear dude?

    3. Deleted_Account


      @bzzrak My health had taken a turn for the worse, so I needed some away time. I'm better now though!

    4. ShoDemo


      Welcome back then! And stay healthy! It is nice to have you here at the forums again.

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