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Everything posted by ShoDemo
Is your avatar from the first Halloween movie intro?
I am asking because it seemed kinda familiar and I love that series!
I just zapped in the TV for a bit, as I was eating dinner. I looked at a channel which plays a lot of action movies during night time and guess what they decided to show...
Ok, not a big fan of the movie (if only they had the minimal plot of the game, instead of the "extra gene superhumans" one), but it has some cool moments (mainly the BFG and the FPS scene) and I will probably watch it later.
One question though. How did they even decide to play it? Usually they put some generic-good movies that I have already seen 1000 times.
Just finished Hexen 2 and I got to say, it was very satisfying as a game and I really enjoyed its puzzles.
First of all, let us all be silent for a few moments, in memory of Tyranith. He helped the player in his journey, with the notes he left behind and he was so close to beating Eidolon, but he failed for obvious reasons.
Also, in Hexen 2 I chose the Paladin, who is a holy warrior fighting in close combat most of the time (his sword is really effective), although he can fight from a range too. His Glyph of the Ancient form is a grenade thrown to explode in a small spherical area and it is quite strong. I would say it is the best form of the item, without playing the other classes. And the powered up weapons are mostly powerful ranged versions of the existing attacks (examples: Vorpal sword, Axe, Purifier)
His weapons are :
- The Gauntlets (whenever you equip them, the Paladin slams his fists, which creates the sound of an earthquake in the process, pure badass-ery)
- The Vorpal sword (a nice and simple melee weapon)
- The Axe (for ranged attacks, explodes just like the Warrior's Hammer of Retribution)
- The Purifier (this is the coolest weapon in the Paladin's arsenal and I found myself using it quite often, because I had plenty of mana and Kraters of Might, cross shaped, golden color, essentially a Nailgun on steroids)
So, the Paladin is the Warrior of Hexen 2 and he plays in a great way. He is very fun overall. But I should have gone with the Crusader. From what I get, he is supposed to be the Cleric and I loved the Cleric. I might try him in the expansion.
Now let me continue with telling my thoughts about each hub.
Hub 1: Blackmarsh
This hub has a medieval theme, which I enjoyed a whole lot. The enemies were kinda fast for me at the beginning, but I got used to it later.
Here you have to face Archers (they are ok, although they can be tougher compared to Doom's low tier enemies), Spiders (kinda annoying at the beginning, although they die pretty easily if you learn how to use your melee attack properly), Golems (I used to kill them either with the Vorpal sword or with the Glyph of the Ancients and they are awesome enemies), Fire Imps (Afrit with more advanced behavior), Archer Lords (HAH GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Yes he teleports around and he throws explosive Lost Souls! Not that fun of an enemy, to be honest.) and the Ice Golem mini boss (if you do the puzzle, he is the same with the other Golems).
The puzzles in this hub were very logical and I got great amounts of satisfaction, when I would find a hidden room (examples: The altar room in one of the buildings in the castle, the hidden inside the fireplace room, e.t.c.). I found everything without a problem. The Mithril potion to be placed in the wall underwater, the bones of King Leoric being placed in the mill, in order to become dust and be used in the orange fluid room, the thing you put in your eye to see the magic stuff, the magic found in the tailor's closet, used to enter the King's place, the shovel used to dig up the item near the Blacksmith (that one appears on random locations from what I know), e.t.c.
Funny moments:
- I once called my sister to show her that I could fire a ballista in the game and I accidentally shot the tower, to reveal a teleporter inside it, that lead to a room with the Stable key or something (I was shocked).
- The catapult throwing a sheep in the air and then me going on the catapult flying like crazy.
(@42PercentHealth, you were right to have been playing with the teleporter. It is very fun)
Boss: Famine
For a rider of the Apocalypse, he was very lame. I just hugged him and stabbed him in the ass with my sword quite a few times. His attacks were totally worthless and I threw a Glyph of the Ancient to kill him, once he started teleporting around crazily. (he had a nice white explosion though)
Hub 2: Mazaera
Now this hub has an Aztec/ Mayan theme and it is easily the scariest of all the hubs in Hexen 2. I could have let the game and played something else, because I don't like horror games and this one started scaring me a bit.
In this hub you have to also face Scorpions (piece of cake), Were Jaguars (Fast warriors with sword and shield, that can be dangerous at first and if they start screaming without moving, then they can start leaping around and kill you if you are careless) and Were Panthers (Were Jaguars on steroids). These enemies destroyed me a few times and I thought I would lose tons of essential for later resources to beat them, but then I found two techniques to kill them efficiently:
- Take the sword and hit, dodge back, hit, dodge back, e.t.c. With this one, the enemy is less likely to live in order to power up.
- Throw axes until they die, but they may power up.
The puzzles here were mostly a piece of cake (as in simple) and there were some cool challenges in order to get the four elements.
Funny moments:
- I had the two skull, but I forgot where to use them and so I roamed around endlessly, passing by the needed place a thousand times, until I am like: "OH HEY!!! THE TWO SKULLS GO IN THE TWO ALTARS!!!" *FACEPALM*
- The moment when I grabbed the Ring of Flight and I start leaning to the ground when I turn around, I was like: "Hey, why am I turning like this?". Then I look up to Death's place and I start floating. "YEY I AM FLYING!!!" (they implemented the flight mechanism perfectly, compared to Heretic and Hexen)
Boss: Death
Famine, have a look at this and take notes! This is a cool boss, while you are not! Seriously though, I have Death flying on a Pegasus and I chase him by flying near him, while firing with my powered up Purifier. You can't go wrong with this one.
Hub 3: Thysis (aka Egypt)
First, let me post a song:
SpoilerI have waited very long to do this...
Now let's continue.
Thysis is in my opinion the hub with the hardest puzzles to solve, but the most satisfying (I went around for hours, but it was worth it). And its theme is like it should have been. Plus it has time travel (Raven didn't know that I love TNT MAP04, so it is a cool coincidence that I can time travel).
Here you have the addition of mummies and some of them have devastating ground attacks, but it was a matter of time before I learned how to dodge those, or the arrows they throw. The combat here is a lot more relaxed and I like it.
The puzzles here are extreme. I was so proud of myself when I saw the prophecy: "Ra will fly in his chariot high in the heavens above the palace of the Pharaoh and only then the staff of Nefertum will be released."
and I thought: Ra is the God of the Sun, so when the sun is higher, so will Ra be. But at what time is that? 12 o' clock. Where to do this? In the solar clock thing. Then I went near the wall that protected the staff and it crumbled apart!!! YEY!!!
And I visited the palace of the Pharaoh, where I saw that I had to set the one wheel to Isis.
In this hub I also gathered the 4 jars, I got both crowns, e.t.c.
Things that annoyed me: This hub was almost perfect for me, but I hated two things:
- The jar ground puzzle, where you have to find the randomized pattern on the floor. For this, I had found the 3 possible patterns and I spammed the diagonal one, until I got it right. What a fucking disaster.
- I will say one word and tell me if it disgusts you, because for me, it is one of the worst words that I encountered in a game. HIPPOPOTAMUS!!! You may think: "But Shotgun, how can hippopotamus be a bad word?", to which I answer: "THE WHOLE FECKIN MAP DIDN'T HAVE A HIPPOPOTAMUS, YET I HAD TO SET THE FECKING WHEEL TO HIPPOPOTAMUS!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS GAME??? DID YOU SMOKE CRACK??? WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE GREAT PUZZLES BEFORE AND AFTER THE WHEEL??? DID YOU HAVE TO USE HIPPOPOTAMUS??? FOR GOD'S SAKE, THAT IS BY FAR THE WORST THING IN THE GAME!!!" (If it was indeed written somewhere, please tell me where. I free roamed for hours until I looked at a walkthrough to solve only this puzzle. I didn't look at a walkthrough ever again in this game.)
Boss: Pestilence
This boss reminded me of Famine, although it was harder. I beat it quite fast although I wasted some healing items in the process.
Hub 4: Septimus
From here, Hexen 2 becomes lighter on puzzles and starts having more dangerous combat, which I found to be a neutral, according to my tastes, change. It was kinda disappointed losing the interesting puzzles extremely quickly, but at least the levels were changed for more exploration and combat.
Note: In the whole game I had been saving items and now I had 15 Tomes of Power, 8 flying spawnable imps, 15-16 cubes that shoot fireballs, 15 Kraters of Might, 4 Mystic Urns, e.t.c., so that really helped with the less ammo in some places.
The new enemies that are hard are the Archer guys that shoot only red arrows and make a creepy sound from which you know its them (those guys ate tons of my ammo).
Also there is the medusa
SpoilerMy mind couldn't undo the connection with this song. I don't listen to Anthrax, but I love this one.
,which is accurate to Greek mythology, because it can turn you to rock and it has some of the most annoying homing attacks in the game (I didn't know something like that in the 3rd grade of primary school history, but oh well). When I saw one, the procedure was simple:
- Pull out Purifier
- Power up
- Obliterate
- No ammo because there were Archer Lords before, so use Krater of Might or search level for more ammo.
The puzzles were very simple and I only got a bit lost in the process of searching for the second donation in the Forums of Zeus. The stones on the other hand were placed in totally easy places to find. Also, I got some goodies in the Temple of Ares, because I found some breakable walls around the levels (I got all of the items there except 3 or 4). To sum up, it is an ok amount of puzzles after playing Egypt.
Funny moments:
- My War was a retarded boss because he got stuck on a pillar.
Boss: War
His arena is huge and well designed and he is a strong boss, but he couldn't stand a chance, because I had 8 Icons of the Defender at that point (used only one to kill him and some Tomes of Power).
Hub 5: Blackmarsh
Blackmarsh is the last hub before Eidolon and to be honest, I was kinda sad that it didn't use any of the already existing places in the first hub. It was all totally new. I appreciate the minimum puzzles though, because it is the end of the game and I was starting to get tired (game, you surely know what I want).
The enemies are a mishmash of all the hubs, but the new additions are some of the toughest enemies to kill, due to their high HP and Protection against attacks. I am talking about the Fallen Angels, who are supposed to be deceptively beautiful and very evil! The normal Fallen Angel was easy to handle with the Axe (technique: wait until it is ready to attack and then shoot it while dodging), but the Fallen Angel Lord was a pain to face, due to its deadly laser (technique: Tome of Power, Icon of the Defender, Purifier or otherwise use 8-10 Glyphs, because the damn thing blocks the damage).
The puzzles were the easiest in the game. I mean, play a music sheet, clean a cross at the holy water, which the game tells you is holy and place it in the altar, complete a circuit with a golden sphere, use crowbar to open some bars, find the Soul key e.t.c.
Boss: Eidolon, the oldest Serpent Rider
Eidolon has a map with ammo before the encounter, so that the player is full and then comes the encounter. I walked up to the wall where Eidolon was hiding and then I see Eidolon jumping from inside with fury. His design as a boss is very nice, although he looks like the devil. I start hitting him with the powered up Purifier, while being protected by the Icon of the Defender and then he becomes HUGE!!! (reminds me of Power Rangers enemies, only there was no Mega Zord here)
Later, I damage the 3D Chaos sphere (that was a cool design and seeing it in person was great) and I start hitting Eidolon again, until he starts dying for more than 10 seconds. What a great boss! I surely liked him more than Korax and maybe more than D'Sparil. (for me Eidolon>D'Sparil>Korax)
This is the end for this game and overall I believe that there wouldn't be a better game to finish the series. Yes. it is full of hard puzzles at the first half, but they are logical puzzles most of the time. I used the walkthrough only once, while in other games I looked at it 2 or 3 times and this tells something about Hexen 2.
Next I am going to play the expansion for Heretic and Hexen 2 and I am done with the series.
Problem with Hexen 2: I unfortunately forgot to download the music for the game (had the Steam version), so I played without music, but it wasn't bad at all.
Hexen hubs in a nutshell (at least I tried):
Spoiler- Show previous comments 1 more
So now if I want to goad you, all I have to do is say the word "hippopotamus?" :-P
As usual, thanks for posting your thoughts! I thoroughly enjoyed reading them!
I always have quite a bit of trouble with the War boss -- I've never seen him get stuck like that, I haven't worked out a movement pattern to reliably dodge all of his homing projectiles, and most of my time during combat is spent trying to switch between invuls, kraters, and healing items. :-\ Last time it played, though, it wasn't so bad because I was using the HoT source port, so I could bind keys to certain items.
Please, don't reference hippopotamus ever again. Let it be lost in the abyss. :)
No problem! Besides, I had a lot of fun writing this after playing the game and rethinking what I liked and didn't like in the game. Plus, it helps securing the game in my memory. :D
And yes, I was thinking to implement the bind keys, but before I did that, the game was over (maybe I will bind 4-5 items in the expansion). I also had that switching items problem, but I usually countered it by focusing on invuln and Tomes of Power first and then Mystic Urns or Kraters of Might.
I guess I must have been very lucky. Even if I was at his back, War couldn't move, but his projectiles were deadly even then (I should have used the boots in the boss fights).
Today, I felt like mapping and watching a movie, instead of playing. So, I made some stuff for my second level and then I looked at the list of movies I wanted to see and I found Blade Runner.
And what a great movie it was!!! The "far away future" setting, as imagined in the 80s rocks, the soundtrack by Vangelis is perfect for the mood and the story about the replicants being hunted down by humans is thought-provoking, to a point of being pure philosophy (I am usually not a big fan of philosophy as a study, thanks to some bullshit that we had to learn at school, but I like to think deeply about things once in a while and I surely enjoyed this movie).
Plus, this movie has tons of references to the culture of the past (for an example Coca-Cola, Atari and more logos everywhere).
Also, it contains The quote of quotes in it: "It's too bad she won't live, but then again who does."
Finally, the ending was something I did not expect.
SpoilerI mean Deckard being a replicant. I remembered the dream sequence where Deckard saw a unicorn, when I saw the Origami made by Gaff, but I didn't get that Deckard was a replicant. Too bad I didn't think for a bit more before going to the Internet. A true plot twist in the end of the movie, which was executed perfectly.
And then the credits rolled:
SpoilerSomehow I feel like I have heard the ending song again and it is awesome!
NEVER MIND! NOW I REMEMBER! It was featured as the intro of a Maiden concert, during the Somewhere in Time era, because the album got inspiration from Blade Runner.
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@Piper Maru??? I thought you were dead! Where did you disappear dude?
@bzzrak My health had taken a turn for the worse, so I needed some away time. I'm better now though!
Welcome back then! And stay healthy! It is nice to have you here at the forums again.
Today, I played Hexen Deathkings of the Dark Citadel again and I was at the 3rd hub, going from portal to portal, not knowing where it would lead me. Then I beat the final boss and I didn't expect that I finished the game. I mean, the boss was the 3 anti-heroes and by the time I reached them, I had around 10 Kraters of Might, 6 Dark Servants, some Mystic Urns that I never used once and a whole lot of other things.
Things I liked in the expansion:
- The compressed Hexen gameplay. The 3 hubs contained in this expansion are exploration at its finest. Especially in the 1st hub, you get 4 keys from the starting map and you can go wherever you like.
- Playing as the Fighter. I never had any trouble with ammo and Timon's Axe is an awesome weapon. Also, the Death Wyverns were easily killed with the Hammer of Retribution. I threw around 5 hammers to each Wyvern and they died. I even killed a Wyvern in 20 seconds or less, by landing every shot on him.
- The 2nd hub. It somehow reminded me of the 2nd hub from Hexen and that was my favourite (it was a very immersive hub, that seemed to have a very realistic setting). Maybe it is because it had some outdoor areas in the first map. And the gameplay in that hub flowed really nicely. I found Yorick's skulls pretty easily and when I visited the Graveyard area, it was cool fighting Dark Bishops and Reivers with the Hammer. Plus, the Graveyard had some inside jokes probably, because when I pressed the tomb stones the game played some messages on the screen.
- The expansion seemed more interactive to me than the original game. I entered 3 tombs iiirc and I got messages played on the screen whenever I did something. It was great seeing in Eric's tomb the words "Come in peace!" and "You defiled Eric's tomb. Prepare to die!". Or when I placed cogs in the 3rd hub, the game said "A staircase has been raised in X map." I don't know how I feel about the game giving tips that ease out the exploration though. On the one hand, it is appreciated, but on the other, I feel like it detracts from the "A door has been opened somewhere" spirit of the original game.
- The spawning system is improved. Long gone are the days when you cleared a hub and you had to fight boring Ettins that spawned once in a while, somewhere inside the map. Now you can also fight your favourite Dark Bishops (at least they are my favourite enemies in the game), Afrits and the fan-favourite Slaughtaurs (Timon's Axe made killing those guys somewhat interesting for me, although they can still be annoying with the shield).
- The 3rd hub's starting map. I went inside the room and I started killing for a while (+10 for satisfaction). It felt nice using my various weapons on every enemy spawned in that room. There could have been placed less random monster teleporters in the water areas, but that didn't bother me much.
- The 3rd hub's item searching. You had to find 4 cogs and 3 keys, while going through the various portals, which was enjoyable in my opinion.
Things I disliked in the expansion:
- The Stalkers. Those are in my opinion the most annoying enemies in Hexen. I didn't see any Slaughtaurs swimming underwater (that would have been a nightmare). But I saw many Stalkers in this expansion. For the love of God, why did they put so many??? Couldn't they use more Wendigos or Green Chaos Serpents instead (there were more Brown Serpents)??? Every time I entered a liquid area, I held Mouse 1 with Timon's Axe and I spastically swang my mouse left and right, hoping to kill them, without them doing much damage to me. The amount of potions I saved up during each hub went mostly to healing after a Stalker attack (ok, I healed in other occasions too, but I used too many potions on Stalkers, especially in the Hub 1's Sump).
- Heressiarch. Couldn't they have used something else??? Did they have to use the Heressiarch 2 more times. I know, I said in a previous post of mine that I loved his design, but I don't want to meet him everywhere. I hope he won't be in Hexen 2 (don't spoil it for me, I will figure it out once I start that game and I will be angry if I see him again). The only thing they did right in my opinion with him, is the first encounter and they immediately screwed up by placing him in a small room (more on that later).
- Final boss. This was anticlimactic. When I entered the portal room leading to the arena, I guessed it would be a mini encounter or a secret map, not the final boss. I wanted to enter the room via a bigger door, so that I knew that this was the end. Or they could have created some overpowered reincarnation of Korax (mostly slightly updated attacks) for the final encounter. As I already said, the 3 anti-heroes are ok, but not if I have a trillion Dark Servants with me. The game gave me at least 4 Dark Servants that I used on Heressiarch (in the two battles), 3 for the anti-heroes and 3-4 that were left unused from before. That is a lot and it takes away the fun from the game!
- The 2nd secret map. It is the only secret map I discovered by myself (first one I looked a wiki and third I didn't bother). And what do I get? Randomised button press simulator and with each button pressed you get a free 20 or so enemies to drain your health and resources more. Yey! Seriously, this map is annoying! But in its defense, it was nice what they did will all the class weapons being visible there. I saw the Cleric's stuff in that map and I thought my game was broken at first, but I searched it and it turned out that it was the map's gimmick.
Things that didn't work right:
- When I entered Eric's tomb, I intentionally fired in there to see what the punishment for defiling the tomb would be. It said that I would die, so I quit the room and nothing happened. If I had stayed in the room, it would probably have killed me instantly (I saw it on a video on youtube). So, does anyone know how that trap works?
Heressiarch encounters:
- I returned from a portal to Hub 2's starting map and when I enter the "arena", I hear a door opening. I turn around and my eye catches a figure running towards me from an upper level (where you had to place the Heart jewel to exit Hub 2). I think to myself: "Was this Heressiarch?". And then I see him teleporting next to me. There I panicked. I exited the room, in order to make a plan and I noticed that he can't exit that room, due to being too wide. So, I threw in two Dark Servants to distract him and I axed him once in a while. He died and that's it. I give it to the guys at Raven that they made the encounter unexpected.
- I go inside a room in Hub 3 and get up the stairs. Then, I hear a familiar noise. I look and what do I see? My good friend Heressiarch down the stairs. Here I was angry for seeing him again ("won't this bastard die and leave us alone?", I thought). So, I threw 2 Dark Servants again and this time I used the Quietus, Hammer of Retribution and flechettes combo (they are grenades with the warrior, which helped in quite a few occasions). Then, he died once again, like he deserved.
Final thoughts:
Deathkings was a very fun expansion to play and believe it or not, I can't decide whether I like this or Hexen the most. Both had their highlights. Next time I write here, it will probably be about Hexen 2.
And @42PercentHealth, I did as you told me with the Wyverns in Hub 1 (I saw your spoiler after I beat the first hub). With them dead, I saw the high areas of the map being unlocked and they had tons of ammo, which was very rewarding (thankfully, only one Wyvern died after 2 minutes, because I couldn't hit it easily from the ground with the Hammer). And I never used the Wings of Wrath (I must have had a few of those by the end).
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Yes, I know that Quake had that feature, but it was really awkward to me. And I would have to also hold down the sprint button, which would make it a really unpleasant combination. That's mostly the reason why I want to use a source port.
And I will be able to give an opinion on the puzzles once I play the games. I CAN'T WAIT!!! :D
Route and thoughts on E4M6:
So, I just started playing Thy Flesh Consumed again. I had stopped because of E4M6 and the lava everywhere. I needed a route to follow and I came up with one today.
First I cleared everything in the outdoors area and then I went in and grabbed the Hazard suit. Went to the right, found a blur sphere in a secret wall, got the plasma rifle out, fell in a small outdoor area, killed everything, fell to the lava and I took the right side of the central teleporter (leads to an area with many rocket boxes). From there, I sniped some Imps and Sergeants in the opposite side of the map.
I fell again to the lava, went to the back side of the central teleporter (I was lucky that I picked the right one), picked up the blue key, teleported to the left side of the central teleporter, killed some Barons and Cacodemons and got the yellow key.
Afterwards, teleporter chaos:
SpoilerI fell and teleported to the front, where I found some Sergeants, Spectres and Cacodemons. Killed them, teleported to the lava, killed Sergeants, went to the yellow door, opened a path for teleporter, teleported to the previous room, went inside another teleporter (too many of those in this level)
and after killing some enemies, I reached the red key. Then the Cyberdemon is unleashed, just to make my life easier (I mean harder)!
So, I return to the previous room with yellow and red key obstacles, I hit the red switch, get the Hazard suit and Health pack, teleport back, teleport way back again, from the central teleporter room, grab invulnerability that was locked behind red key bars (I didn't want to take any chances with the Cyberdemon, because I died there in my previous try), teleported to the Cyberdemon and I killed it with the plasma rifle (the invulnerability lasted long enough).
In the end, the bars raise and I rushed to the exit, like I was being chased. Unfortunately, I killed 100/104, so I wonder where the rest of the monsters were located (probably at the remaining secrets). But in E4 I decided not to go for 100% anyways, because of E4M1, which decided to throw at me an army of Barons, without enough ammo (had to make them infight with other monsters or something for 100%).
Overall, I enjoyed this map. The gameplay is pure adrenaline, if I could describe it and the use of environmental hazards is done in a clever way. Similar was the use of lava floors in E4M2, across the whole level, but it felt less threatening to me, compared to E4M6.
I may post something again, after getting the whole episode beaten. I believe E4M7 and E4M8 will be easier or at very least only E4M8 will be easier, because I remember finishing it somewhat fast in my past playthrough, 2 or 3 years ago.
I was watching youtube videos, when I saw one about a Doom mod called GZshmup. You may want to check it out, since you know shmups and how they play. I am seriously surprised at how far Doom modding has gone.
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Well, R-type is probably my least favourite horizontal shmup, because the games I played from that series didn't have any scoring system to begin with, gradius is quite similar in that regard, though I'd pick gradius over R-type any day, personally.
If I was to implement scoring to doom in a shmuppy kind of way without forcing gameplay to far away from what we have now, I'd do it exclusively by way of multipliers.
To give an example, Imagine a monster with like 100 HP. When you kill it, you get its HP as a score, for example. To get a risk/rewardsystem in, I'd use 3 layers of multipliers:
1)Proximity: If you're at point-blank-ish range, you get like 4 times the score for a kill when you deliver the killing blow. If you're close to point blank and up to 200mu away from the monster, you get a 2x multiplier, and anything above 200mu gets no multiplier.
2)Health: The lower the player is on health, the higher their base multiplier. if you are at 33% or lower, you get a 8 times multiplier, if you are at 66% or lower you get a 3 times multiplier, and if you're above 66% you get no multiplier.
3)Attack animation: Killing something during its attack animation should give a 2x multiplier.
Assuming all of this was possible to implement: you could kill that 100 HP monster for 100 - 6400 points depending on the situation, and that allows for very shmuppy risk reward setups, because it is an incentive for players to take risks. Now imagine that scoring system on a cybie with 4000HP. That's what I'm calling interesting, because it makes people want to point-blank-BFG them all the time for score.
Hmm, I see how it goes about the points and I am already interested in that Doom risky gameplay, although it probably doesn't exist, since you need the point system for it to be worth it.
By the way, if you know by heart the level you are playing and the enemies that appear on it, would lowering your health to 33% and below from the beginning be a strategic move or would it be considered a dumb move?
I mean, if you are going for the points, it would still be worth it, but is it a viable technique and can a well-trained player survive the bullet tsunami, till the end of the level?
It would of course be a strategic move. Maps made for such a mod would have to have options available for players to make decisions about how much health they'd need before starting a fight in the next room or so. Letting something hit you, or having some voodoo doll trickery there to allow for a convenient quick adjust at the start would be mandatory for this, imo.
I just finished the 3rd episode from Heretic on the 4th difficulty and I wanted to write down my thoughts (something like a review, although not that serious). I guess the first 3 episodes are the base game and the expansion is the next 2 episodes, so my opinion should be the same for the next 2 episodes, more or less (unless the game pulls a <<Thy Flesh Consumed>> on me).
First of all, the game was fun to me. The atmosphere was just nice. It stands perfectly between Doom and Hexen. The music fits the game, although I don't find it especially memorable. After playing 3 episodes, I can pretty much remember 2 or 3 tracks.
Also, the levels are well designed I guess, but they can be somewhat abstract. I feel like they are a playground filled with toys for me to come and play, compared to Hexen's levels that seem dilapidated (they conveyed a more believable setting). And the secrets were mostly easy to find and I almost always got all of them.
For the ambushes, I can say the game is based mostly on closet ambushes and they work pretty well. From a point and after you will look everywhere, after hitting a switch, getting a key or opening a door.
Now for the weapons, my main gripe is that I didn't feel like the game gave me an ultimate weapon. Doom had the BFG, Hexen had the Wraithverge, or the Quietus or the Bloodscourge. Heretic had what? Was it the Phoenix Rod? I don't know.
To be honest, I never had an ammo problem in the game. It was plentifully distributed in each map and I got many secrets on my way.
Here is my opinion on each weapon:
- Gauntlets of the Necromancer: Way cooler than the Doom chainsaw in my opinion.
- Staff: Your typical melee.
- Elven wand: Like the Doom pistol, but it is still viable later in the game, so I think it is better (I used it for the Gargoyles).
- Ethereal Crossbow: The Doom shotgun in other words, although it didn't feel as satisfying as the shotgun to me. However, it helps in the entire game and it can be used against many different opponents, so it is ok.
- Dragon Claw: The Doom Chaingun. Faster than the Elven wand and useful. Cool weapon.
- Hellstaff: I don't know if this is the Plasma rifle, but I love it!!! It is my favourite weapon and ammo for it is pretty easy to find. Great weapon! Thank you Raven for such a masterpiece!!!
- Phoenix Rod: The Doom Rocket Launcher. To be honest, I'm kinda disappointed with it. I wanted so much more from this weapon and it doesn't satisfy me, but I used it in very few situations, so I can't complain much. Very useful against Iron Liches (3 to 4 shots).
- Firemace: What is this supposed to be? Why should I use this, instead of the Hellstaff which has 100 more ammo units, when full stacked? I don't know.
And the enemies:
- Gargoyle: A fun little flying enemy, that is not a threat even at the start of the game. There are also Fire Gargoyles, that can shoot... you guessed it, fireballs.
- Golem: Something like a Pinky or an Imp. You can take care of him with the Gauntlets, if you want to save ammo. Golems also have a variation, which is called Nitrogolems. And you can't tell the difference most of the time, except from when they attack (they are not that dangerous in either form). What does this remind me of, hmmmm? Maybe Hexen has something similar. Like, let's say Centaurs and Slaughtaurs. Who else does this thing except Raven?
- Undead warrior: Tall skeleton guy (Revenant in disguise), throws green and red axes, with the red ones dealing more damage. An easy to face enemy with the crossbow.
- Sabreclaw: Its scream is like having nails tear apart metal or something. It is easily the most terrifying thing in the game. Luckily, they die in 3 blasts from the Crossbow and they are knocked back by the Crossbow.
- Weredragon: An enemy with a cool design, that can melee and shoot fireballs. Something like the Hell Knight. I like those guys!
- Ophidian: A lizard like being that throws projectiles from its staff. It is best to take those guys out as fast as you can. And they look good.
- Disciple of D'Sparil: A mage who throws 3 purple energy balls, while talking in an ancient language or something (similar enemy in Hexen). In groups they are dangerous and they too have a lot of health, despite them being mages.
- Iron Lich: You can see those guys pretty often, as a mini boss of sorts. They have 3 spells and if you play the game a bit, you will get used to them. They are ok I guess and they die pretty quickly with the Phoenix Rod.
- Maulotaur: He is the king of bulletsponges. He might have the largest health bar in the whole game. His attacks are devastating and if you get hit by 2 of his ground attacks, you are dead (I died one shot this way, in E2M8). Even with the Power tomes he takes a lot of time to kill. Probably the only time I found the Firemace useful (combine with a powertome).
- D'Sparil: An ok boss that deals the right amounts of damage and he teleports somewhere around 5000 times. I was chasing him around the battlefield to kill him.
Generally, I can say the enemies in Heretic have variety and are great, but they are all, more or less, bulletsponges. That's the one thing I disliked about them.
Additionally, the items are good and most of them are pretty useful, especially the Power tomes and the Invulnerability ring. The healing items I used very rarely and the Wings of Wrath were useful in getting some secrets or escaping a damaging floor.
Now for the Power tomes, they are easily the best mechanism in the game. I was only disappointed about the Phoenix Rod's secondary mode, which was a flamethrower and it didn't help that much. The other weapon modes were awesome.
My favourite things in the game are: The Cathedral (a map in E1), the Weredragon, the Power tome, the Hellstaff and that wave-like texture, used mainly in E3 (it looked really good).
Overall, I can say Corvus is a true badass and Heretic is a nice and enjoyable game, but almost everything in its formula got improved in Hexen. Still a nice start for Raven and I am going to play the next two episodes too. After that, Hexen 2!
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I've done it quite a few times, but there is the rare occasion when he damages me faster than I can heal. Otherwise, if you start hitting him right as you use the tome of power, you should easily kill him before the power wears off.
Sorry, but today I couldn't reply to the rest of the posts, until now.
First of all, @Ichor, those tips about the Firemace will be especially useful for the rest of my run in the game. I may finally have the right purpose for it as a weapon and I will try to use it a bit more, despite it being somewhat boring of an ultimate weapon.
Also, thank you @Fonze for saying that you enjoyed my thoughts and stuff.
About BPPT, I may try that in the future, but only for the first 3 episodes, since killing all enemies in E4M1 was hard and I guess more toughness is waiting for me. Also, don't enemies respawn like in Nightmare on Doom? Because if so, then it may be more doable and fun (and challenging). Besides, it said in the wiki that you get more ammo from the ammo pickups (50% iirc), with the enemys' health staying the same. It's just that the enemys will be more offensive, if I could guess.
And for the tomed Firemace, I used it only in E3 on a Maulotaur. I generally used the Hellstaff or the Dragon claw a lot when there was a need for a tomed weapon and about the tomed Phoenix Rod, I didn't know how useful its secondary would have been and before I could use it efficiently, I got double ground hit by the Maulotaurs in E2M8. Going to replay that map, for testing purposes (kill monsters command, give all and spawn Maulotaurs or whatever these commands might be for Heretic).
BPPT Gives 50% more ammo and doubles enemy speed; there is no respawning. The extra ammo is only negligible save for the rare map that comically is more difficult on smite meister because its author artificially created its difficulty through ammo starvation. But most of the time the extra pressure offsets the extra ammo.
The -fast speed is what gives the slow, straight-shooting projectile and melee monsters an edge to be more equivalent to Doom's difficulty level. Idk, Heretic feels kinda... sad, when played with monsters at normal speed. At least as far as the iWad goes.
Quick update:
Ok, so today was my final day going at my school. The last time I went there was 2 weeks ago for the final exams IIRC and today I came back to see my grades, like every other guy and girl did. I was worried at first, since you never know who will correct your papers (it could be a 25 year old teacher or a 60 year old teacher). Apparently, I got 15 at Essay, 18,4 at Physics, 19 at Chemistry and 16,4 at Mathematics (especially that exam was an <<axe>> in terms of difficulty, as we call it here). I guess I scored enough points (17279 to be precise) and I will 90% be able to go at the university I like, if all goes as planned. I am really happy today, if you couldn't guess.
And they are also giving us our certificates for being at that high school, at an event during 20:00 today, which includes our headteacher's speech, crappy music played directly from the school's Windows XP Pentium 4 pc, using 20 year old speakers (what a great setup that must have been 20 years ago, but not today) and a buffet of sweets (the highlight of the event in my opinion, yey).
But what does this status update really mean? It means more time for Dooming and no stress about grades and subjects for at least 3 months. At last, I can be 100% relaxed (I was 90% relaxed before this day).
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and back when I was about 5 or 6 (2005-2006) in school, I kid you not the teachers assigned us these old ass MS-DOS computers. I hated that thing...:D. Then as soon as I left that school, they replace them with brand new iMacs (I think they were G5s). I was so pissed off :)
Then as soon as I left that school, they replace them with brand new iMacs (I think they were G5s). I was so pissed off :)
I would love having an MS-DOS pc at school, but I guess it would be a bit boring only typing code in it, without any applications, programs and games to run (and without Doom).
That <<replacing something, after I was gone from a school>> happened two times for me:
Once was in junior high school, where the whole building was like torn apart (everybody called it a brothel, because the school was destroyed and the teachers were grumpy and hated their jobs) and they started the repairs after I left.
The other time was in high school (they are rebuilding it now), which was pretty good actually, with not that much damage, so it didn't bother me that much.
Now I remembered. Make it three times. In primary school, we had typical pcs that run on Windows XP again (suitable for playing flash games during the lesson, when the teacher allowed us) and after I left, they bought very good laptops with Window 7. I was somewhat jealous!
5 years old in 2005 wowowow
I don't want to make a stupid status update, but here it is:
(silent as the grave)
Somebody say something???
SpoilerOk, I'll get back to my homework now.
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Oh damn, I actually thought this was a good substitute for Blogs back on the old DW page.
Personally I kinda doubt Linguica will shut the feature down just like that... I mean, sure, he could, but seeing how there's quite a few people enjoying this feature, while putting it to good use at the same for the most part, there might be a different approach that is also worthwhile.
I'd actually like to hear Linguica say what he would like to see these statuses used for to begin with. Not that he has to explain himself at all, but knowing his general idea won't hurt either. Quite a few people pointed out that status updates make this site appear facebook-ish, but I'm inclined to think that this isn't necesssarily due to status updates being a thing, but it rather is a consequence of how people employ these for the most part.
What I'm trying to convey is that status updates and their use are lacking guidelines in every way imaginable. Guidelines however require additional, constant efforts in moderation to be enforced to a satisfying degree, which brings me back to the relatively easy solution of putting status-ups on a limiter. That severly reduces the efforts required to moderate/monitor them, while it also allows for the occasional lolrandom non-content people seem to like as well at times, myself included.
Lol, I still find it funny that after a single short troll post my status update privileges were cut short, probably forever.
Which is kinda bad since I always make lengthy updates and I rarely stretch a single subject across several updates (heck, when have I done that? All my short stories end in one update, and my rants as well. Only thing that was supposed to be stretched was the Grind, as it was supposed to since it lasts 30 days, duhh) Could it be that I was uploading stuff at a regular pace while everyone else took forever?
Yeah, a stupid joke or two, but what is that in comparison of one-liner updates and status updates that might have as well be private messages (just sayin' doe)?
And... well, just because one-two people really liked my stuff had motivated me a lot, since I am a writer by nature, and I appreciate attention given unto me :D
Hey Ichor. I have one question. Why is your reputation red and negative? It seems really weird. Does it have to do with you closing in on the 666 number or is it about you and other administrators teasing each other (something like that).
Normally, I wouldn't want to bother someone with something so unimportant, but you know. Curiosity got the best of me! :)
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Even after it's changed, it can still be increased with likes like usual, so eventually it would move to the positive.
Once it goes back up to zeeo, you should then set it to -1337 and start over XD
Currently watching the 1977 Spiderman movie (my favourite superhero, along with Iron man, Spawn and Ghost rider) and I laugh a lot. I try to spot moments were Spiderman didn't actually do the climbing scenes on a real building, but was most likely walking on a green screen (you can understand with great ease that it is fake, which makes it really funny). Half of the movie scenes must have been shot on the ground, which is hilarious in my opinion (just now I remembered the Safety Last's clock scene, which was authentic, compared to these fake scenes). I know they didn't have the best tools at the time for making movies with great special effects, but after seeing Doctor Who's first season and the clever tricks they used there to up the quality, the Spiderman movie seems like a joke today.
Here is the link: