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About Melfice

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  1. So lately things have been between exciting and boring. I got the packet of information from the Illinois Institute of Arts yesterday, a few days earlier than they said I'd receive it. Looking through it, I was amazed at the stuff. It's a bit overwhelming, really. They had some facts in there, and I found out that starting salaries for Graphic Artists (Game Design falls under that catagory) usually start out making $45,300 a year. Like, woah. I'll be doing alot more with my life than alot of people I know will, and makes a feeling of greatness. It also came with a course outline of what I'd be doing for each quarter and everything, and then a bunch of other info. Next week I have an appointment with Mrs. Hendrin (my former High School counceller) to see about scholarships and funds and stuff like that. This whole thing has me so excited and looking forward to life. For once I have a direction, and think I'll beable to enjoy my future, and I'll beable to make friends like myself and actually get to hang out more than once a month.

    I'm trying to decide a way to lose weight. I've thought about a low-carb diet or something on the order of that I dunno. I was watching the food channel today and the show on there was called "Low Carb and Lovin It", and he claimed to lose a ton of weight, as well as his family. Hah I feel really weird typing this into this journal, I'm actually talking about health stuff. But hey, atleast I'm not gonna endanger myself with it or get carried away. The way I see it, a person can be healthy and watch their weight and everything with getting completely carried away over it and end up annorexic or giving up meat.

    Also I found my 1st Ed. AD&D Player's Handbook, Deities & Demigods Manual, and 1st Ed. Monster Manuals yesterday. It's kind of funny to look at the stuff in them. The artwork is old, but still god...in a way.

    Tommorrow night Lance said something about coming over which would be cool. I think I'm gonna proxy up most of what I'm missing because all the stuff's on the way. I have three T2/Standard decks under construction right now. The closest to being done is Mono-Red, however the most realistic of being done first is my Mono-Blue even though it's farthest from complete. The Mono-Blue seems like it'll be the funnest. Cards in italics I already have, cards with a * are on the way via snail-mail trading

    25 land
    1 Minamo, School at Water's Edge
    18 Island
    3 Stalking Stones
    3 Blinkmoth Nexus***

    5 creatures
    2 Meloku the Clouded Mirror**
    3 Keiga, the Tide Star

    30 other spells
    2 Oblivion Stone**
    3 Echoing Truth
    3 Relic Barrier
    4 Hinder
    3 Condescend
    4 Thirst for Knowledge****
    4 Mana Leak
    3 Annul
    4 Vedalken Shackles****
    3 Last Word

    So I don't have much to get.


    Bahahahahahaha missle go boom.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Bucket


      Aww, all he wanted to do was share his feelings. I feel bad.
      OK, done feeling bad. Who wants ice cream?

    3. Fletcher`


      Lüt said:

      That's two words.

      Actually i was referring to the fact that most of melfice's posts lock my thought into a prison from which it shriveled up and died.

    4. Nmn


      Dron said:

      Well that was funny. :)

  2. 12/10/04 04:13 am - Real.

    It hit me earlier, and the more I think about it, the more I know the answer. Is there anyone real out there anymore, or is everyone just part of some following? Are there any real people out there anymore. The ones who don't go around with some gimmick they've attached to just because it looks cool at the time, while it slowly fades away and a new one forms so they'll always have a place to belong? Think about it. You know the answer. No, there isn't. Okay, so maybe there's a rare few (a few, when in comparison to the world, keep in mind, can mean several) that are, but otherwise, no. It's sickening to me. As an artistic person, an individual, a unique individual, different from everyone else in the fact that every person is born unique, that someone would want to conform and people have to survive socially by clinging to groups that they claim they like or are cool. Why not just be ourselves? Is it because people are that boring, that they feel the need to continuously reject their own uniqueness in order to belong? Are humans really pathetic enough that they can't have a social life without this? Seriously. Think about it. Think of the people around you, that you know. Think about yourself. Do you have your own meanings, your own set of things that you stand for, or are your morals and standards merely a carbon-copy of a thousand other people's that belong in the same clique as you? It's a crime if the answer is yes, because you know what? It changes you. And I've seen it happen several times over. You change who you are subtly until you're something you're not, and then you don't even realize it because you can't see it through other people's eyes. It's one thing to share the same ideal as someone else does, to stand on common grounds, it's another thing to conform to eachother or a group throwing away your real personality in order to be completely part of that clique. People that do this, to be blunt sicken me. And you probably do, too.

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Sharessa


      I've always just ben myself and not cared what people thought of me, and I never really thought much of the percieved cliques I ran into. Hell, the clique definitions were rather fuzzy at my school. People usualy appeared to be a mix of 3 or 4 types. We really just divided into groups of friends. Heh...

    3. insertwackynamehere


      Danarchy said:

      I've always just ben myself and not cared what people thought of me, and I never really thought much of the percieved cliques I ran into. Hell, the clique definitions were rather fuzzy at my school. People usualy appeared to be a mix of 3 or 4 types. We really just divided into groups of friends. Heh...

      *shakes head* These kids are in more denial than an alcoholic "I can quit anytime"

    4. Melfice


      Heh, of course, everyone here is too satisfied with themselves (or is it full of themselves) to take in any of this. Closed due to thread failure.

      BTW, I wasn't very clear. I was talking about all the sub-groups people cling to, like Emo, Goth, Hardcore, Straightedge, etc.

  3. At the beginning of time (for the rest of mankind), in 1520, there was a huge meat ball known as God. Then there were his four suns, known as Jesules, Abraham, Lincon, Alex, and Donny. One day, Donny betrayed the other Jesits and Jesus, and tried to kill them to take over England, England being heaven. Jesus got pissed and exiled Donny to Hell in Mexico.

    He turned Donny into an Armadillo, and dubbed him Armadildo, and that really pissed Armadildo off. So he began to eat the innocent Jesulites, shitting out mexicans who were actually his demon minion shrews in disguise, who upon jumping the border to purgatory aka America, would shred everything to bits. Eventually it would be so overran with the demonic shrews, that Jesus would come to take everyone back to heaven. Then the great battle would begin.

    Armadildo would invade England and exact his revenge. However those who worshiped Jesus and the Jesules, the Jesulites, who were like elves except they wore frilly things and didn't have bells on their shoes, had a plan. At night they steal little kid's underwear by going through their drawers and then back underground through tunnels, where they had secret machines that they stuck the underwear in, and then popped out a replica Jesulite. Eventually there was so great numbers of Jesulites, that Jesulitse could defeat the shrews, and Jesus would destroy Armadildo once and for all!. And that is how it went down in the Jesulites bible, which was named Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy except that a guy wrote a book and named it that and was more famous so now they're coming up with a new name for it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zark
    3. darknation


      metaphorical failure!!!
      redo from start

    4. Sharessa


      You fail it. Your skill is not enough. See you next TECMO.

  4. In the midst of creating a website for TeamKill, I began messing around with my website and decided to mature it a bit. It's no longer quite as chaotic. It's a flash site, but I think I've managed it pretty well. The links are down minus the 'News' section which loads up on start, but I just wanted to post it here to showoff the new interface :)

    Journey of the Lost

    The website is also home for a music project me and a friend are working on. Note the link at the bottom to my other website *hint*hint* thats more doom related. And that one *is* complete.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. insertwackynamehere


      Fredrik said:

      1. Don't use frames.

      2. Don't use a splash screen.

      3. Don't use Flash.

      4. No useless decorations.

      5. Compliant markup.

      Heh I passed Fredrik's test in that case.

      I personally like the site, I've always wanted to do something in flash, but I'm not paying for it or warezing so yeah. I've always like Boris' web design techniques which is what I based the general idea of wackyhq on (think wip with blue and white theme).

    3. Sharessa
    4. Fredrik


      Flash is for flashers.

  5. Thought-Flow Nov. 6th, 2004 @ 04:40 am

    Let's be smart. Let's be special. Let's quote every man in history as a way of expressing ourselves through other people's words, when we could come up with something meaningful ourselves. Voltaire, Stalin, Jefferson. Anyone you like, so long as its what you think, and in someone else's words so you don't have to come up with it. Things have a habit of meaning more, when you do them yourself. Maybe that's why I've never been one to ask for help, regardless of how bad I needed it. I could sit there stuck on a math problem for the entire hour, or not understand it. I wouldn't ask how to do it. I'd half-ass it and hope it was right. Sometimes, success. Often times, failure. There are annoyances I have to face. You have to face. They have to face. You can't do anything about it either. It's a pleasent thought, isn't it? But the weak ones are the ones that are the creators and controllers of said annoyances, that can make them go away. You know what one of those annoyances is, for me? One-way minds. The minds that insist that the way they're doing things is the only way, and refuse to explore other possibilities, other methods, other outcomes. The ones who think if they don't continue the way they're going now. Right now. That they will fail miserably and be doomed for the rest of their life, regardless of if the path their own right now will ultimately lead to them being unhappy anyway. People. People are idiots. Last Tuesday, over half of america proved that they're ignorant, stupid, bastards. Trent Reznor said it best. "One step closer to the end of the world. The one-two combo of corporate greed and organized religion apparently proved to be too much for reason, sanity, and compassion. It's a sad and shameful day, to be an american."

    American. America. The United States of Hypocrisy. The land of the fr..wait. Freeze. Stop. The land of... what? The word is missing. Without purpose things disappear. The land of "blank." The purpose of the word "free" in that sentence has disappeared. It's reason for being there, now null and void, has caused it to discretely fade away as we head into the future. It's purpose used to be to explain that we are about freedom, choice, and practice of our own beliefs, without hinderence. What happened? Ironically, America, as many well know, went on it's own holy crusade to rid the world of the Red Scare, aka, communism. There are but few communist nations left in this world. Ironically, the U.S., grows closer to being one of them.

    Dateline, November 5th, 2004. Webb City, MO. A new student from Arkansas is suspended from school for wearing gay pride shirts. Said student is gay, and was a member of a Gay Youth club in their previous school. But. It's okay for kids to go around with anti-gay material, and pins that say "God made Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve." Atleast Steve isn't a slut. Shhh. I didn't tell you that. The picture is all wrong. No, not that picture. Go bigger. Even bigger. The biggest you can imagine. The entire fucking world, in a frame. The entire world is in a glass frame, and everyday a hammer is repeatedly being taken to that picture, breaking it, destroying it. The glass has shattered, much like the dreams of those who live there. One hit. Two hits. Three hits. You're out. It's no wonder the people like to live in their own little dream world, ignoring everything else around them. This the previous generation has left us with. Thanks mom and dad, grandpa and grandma. Thanks for fucking up the world, and handing it to us so we can try to put it back together. But again, wait. Broken, bruised, forgotten, sore. Too fucked up to care anymore. It's beyond repair. You can't fucking fix something, and you can't bring change, unless enough people are willing to do so. No. They aren't. They're too busy being happy fucking things up even further, blindly. Ignorance is bliss...until you get whats yours.

    We need a new world. Just go to sleep. Everytime I close my eyes there's a vivid new world waiting, chapters unfinished, fading. Dreams and nightmares were never more safe to live in, than they are now. Enjoy your dreams, because more than likely, that's all they'll remain.

    Current Music: A Perfect Circle - "Annihilation"

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Melfice


      Not only are alot of things beyond fixable, but a sole individual can't change the world. You need more than a handful of people when compared to the rest of the world if you're going to try and change something. Truth is, there aren't enough people. Most people are satisfied with the way things are going, or if they care at all, don't care enough to do something about it. People generally don't give a shit one way or the other about anything unless or until it effects them personally in a way that gets their attention. Then there's people that are against change because they're for what it is that needs changed (kinda like Bush being in office...).

      As for the blog, it's not about whining, it's about realization and acception of things the way they are, even if I don't like them. That and just writing something as you think about it, aka free-style.

    3. myk


      Lord FlatHead said:
      I can't think of a single attempt to make fundamental changes to society that has worked. Even if the whole world suddenly realized what needed to be done and how, I don't believe we could organize ourselves enough to succeed.

      Revolutions aren't "humanistic" except in the sense that some anachronic system breaks down because it's not compatible with the current (material or economic) conditions. It's not that you're "going towards heaven" but that something changes. Sometimes inevitably. Everything is fixable yet fixing something does not grant you immunity from a million other issues... some of which are direct results of your fix. What was medicine one hundred years ago may be a malady today.

      What we have is constant revolution, because we're too slow to evolve in pace with circumstance.

    4. zark


      Melfice said:

      Not only are alot of things beyond fixable, but a sole individual can't change the world. You need more than a handful of people when compared to the rest of the world if you're going to try and change something. Truth is, there aren't enough people. Most people are satisfied with the way things are going, or if they care at all, don't care enough to do something about it. People generally don't give a shit one way or the other about anything unless or until it effects them personally in a way that gets their attention. Then there's people that are against change because they're for what it is that needs changed (kinda like Bush being in office...).

      As for the blog, it's not about whining, it's about realization and acception of things the way they are, even if I don't like them. That and just writing something as you think about it, aka free-style.

      So because you don't think you can change anything, you're just going to sit on your ass and do nothing? Man, imagine what the world would be like if Martin Luther King had thought like that, or people campaigning for gay rights. Something's only impossible if you think it is. If you're not happy with the world, do something about it. Whether that involves campaigning against the system, or moving to another country, it's change. You're living in a free world: you can change the way you live, be glad you're not living in a dictatorship where you're burned at the stake for being gay/an immigrant/rebelling against society. Do you know why the world isn't like that? Because people spoke out against it. If you think all is lost, and that nothing can be done, then you're the one who's lost, and as long as you think that, nothing will ever be done.

  6. I've got a friend who's moving here from Holland, so I'm trying to help him get some information. If you can't tell me yourself but know a link to a website it'd help greatly.

    First, what does it take to get a Visa/how much does it cost/etc.?

    Second, do you all know of any good websites to figure out how much it would cost to Kansas City from Amsterdam (or Rotterdam would be better if possible)? I've tried seeing how much it would cost on Expedia.com but to no avail.

    Thirdly, when you fly over here like that, what would one do about his/her possessions? Like how much can you take with you?

    I'd appreciate any help at all :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Gokuma


      Moving from another country to Missouri? Missouri?! Origin of the Bush States' (Florida+Texas) vote counting policies (their old compromise)?

    3. Bloodshedder


      Lüt said:



    4. Melfice


      I found the info I need elsewhere...

  7. Starting making a new playlist today. Usually I make playlists when I'm entering a new stage, so to speak. Looking over it all I have a ton of different mix cds. All mostly the same artists though. I need to copy the music from my desktop onto my laptop since thats usually where I make mix cds at. Would provide for more variety.

    Driven Mix
    The Game - Disturbed
    Use Your Fist and Not Your Mouth - Marilyn Manson
    Awakening - The Daming Well
    Rexall - Dave Navarro
    Forsaken - Jon Davis
    I Won't Lie Down - Face to Face
    It's On! - Korn
    Head Like a Hole (live) - Nine Inch Nails
    Fire - Scooter
    Heads Explode - Monster Magnet
    Parabola - Tool
    Vermillion, pt1 - Slipknot
    Links 2 3 4 - Rammstein
    Nazi Halo - Jack Off Jill
    Know Your Enemy - Rage Against the Machine
    Perry Mason - Ozzy Osbourne
    Resurrection - Fear Factory

    (not necissarily in that order, I still have yet to put them in a certain order)

    Personal Jesus Mix

    Personal Jesus - Marilyn Manson
    Stupify - Disturbed
    Hey Daddy - Korn
    Judith [Renholder Mix] - A Perfect Circle
    I'm Afraid of Americans - David Bowie
    The Fragile (live) - Nine Inch Nails
    Slept So Long - Jay Gordon
    Stay and Drown - Finger Eleven
    Christianity - Skinny Puppy
    Goneja - Skinny Puppy
    Mantra - Tool
    Schism - Tool
    The Noose - A Perfect Circle
    Circle - Slipknot
    The Downward Spiral - Nine Inch Nails
    Coma White (Acoustic) - Marilyn Manson
    Mad World - ??? (I need to find out the name of that guy)

    Torn Apart Mix

    Nazi Halo - Jack Off Jill
    A Perfect Circle - Judith
    Goodbye - Gravity Kills
    Ticks & Leeches - Tool
    Down With the Sickness - Disturbed
    Brutality - Urban Voodoo
    Cold - Static X
    Rev 22:20 - Puscifer
    Born Again - Marilyn Manson
    All In the Family - Korn
    Awakening - The Daming Well
    No, You Don't - Nine Inch Nails
    Swamp - Tweaker
    Linoleum - Tweaker
    Engel - Rammstein

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. The Ultimate DooMer

      The Ultimate DooMer

      Melfice said:

      Driven Mix[/b]
      The Game - Disturbed
      Use Your Fist and Not Your Mouth - Marilyn Manson
      Awakening - The Daming Well
      Rexall - Dave Navarro
      Forsaken - Jon Davis
      I Won't Lie Down - Face to Face
      It's On! - Korn
      Head Like a Hole (live) - Nine Inch Nails
      Fire - Scooter
      Heads Explode - Monster Magnet
      Parabola - Tool
      Vermillion, pt1 - Slipknot
      Links 2 3 4 - Rammstein
      Nazi Halo - Jack Off Jill
      Know Your Enemy - Rage Against the Machine
      Perry Mason - Ozzy Osbourne
      Resurrection - Fear Factory

      Hooray, someone else likes them! (classic FF tune as well)

    3. deathbringer


      I er, made a mix tape for the car once..thats the closest ive got to this sort of thing, heh

      Ultimate Hell Soundtrack
      Bat out of hell-Meatloaf
      Lets break the law-Anti Nowhere League
      Dance of death-Iron Maiden
      Come on feel the noise-White Riot
      I wanna rock-Twisted Sister
      Suspect device-Stiff Little Fingers
      Woman in disguise-Angelic Upstarts
      Not just a name-Angelic Upstarts
      We will not remember you-Anti Nowhere League
      Just another hero-One Way System
      Last night, Another soldier-Angelic Upstarts
      Wildest dreams-Iron Maiden
      Breaking the law-Judas Preist
      Paschendale-Iron Maiden
      Black sheep-Vice Squad
      We are the league-Anti Nowhere League
      Not gonna get us-TATU
      Up against the wall-Tom Robinson Band
      Poison-Alice cooper

    4. Bucket


      Wow. There's a lot of hair and tenor in that playlist.

  8. It's 1:16 am as I begin this, sitting in the downstairs living room at Lance's house, awaiting to depart for Olathe in 5 to 6 hours. Nathan is asleep on the air matress in front of me, Lance in his room. I had been attempting to sleep in what used to be the room of the oldest of Lance's younger brother's. I couldn't sleep.

    I had layed there for an hour. Tossing and turning, I thought about the present, and the future. I thought about my soon-to-be-job. I thought about finishing the car, which I shall soon come up with a name for. I thought about the deck I had strategically planned out yesterday, and some of the cards. Through all of that, not in that order, my train of thought ended up derailed as I began to think of Brandyn. Still without answers, I would think of the one night we spent together, what might have been wrong. I couldn't think of anything. I never got straight answers from him, I was left to my best guess being the complications that would arise due to him not being out, and his parents being as strict as they are. Perhaps I wasn't good enough for him. That thought provoked me to imagine a scenario, where in front of his house I had parked with my finished car, a classic, and with it was obviously me, except after losing alot of weight from working out. I would deliver to him the two dvds, and on the Queen of the Damned dvd, would be the note saying "I cannot be forsaken." I would drive off into the distance, leaving him to have second thoughts about what he had done, were that the reason for what the lonliness that I now face again. For how long, uncertain. I am certain that in the end, I can do better anyway.

    What bothers me about it, is not the fact that I lost Brandyn. Not at all. What bothers me is the lack of closure, and not knowing what the problem really is. It's a curse that drives me to continue persuing things no matter the subject. A natural want I have to know the complete story behind things that involve me, and to beable to end it, without leaving any strings untied. To beable to use that knowledge and learn from my mistakes. Eventually, I'll completely be over him, and won't think about him except on rare occasion. I'm soon going to have a job, I'm working out so I can lose weight and be healthier, and I have a car to finish. I have goals for once in my life. Now, the hardest part, is to keep those goals in focus, and push obstacles aside. Perhaps I needed for this to happen. It seems to have given me the edge I need to finally get started on things I should have began long ago. I've got alot of catching up to do now that my mind is in it's right place. Here's hoping it'll stay that way...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fletcher`


      Here's to you getting less depressed, and less depressing. Hang in there.

    3. Ultraviolet


      Liam said:

      i dont want to date anyone who is going to leave notes like 'i cannot be forsaken' at my doorstep after a breakup.

      Yeah, that is pretty scarily stalky.

    4. Melfice


      Liam said:

      have you ever perhaps considered that your dating issues are related to how utterly mopey you are...? don't take that the wrong way, but i dont want to date anyone who is going to leave notes like 'i cannot be forsaken' at my doorstep after a breakup. or perhaps it is just not the right time for you to be dating around.

      I never said I'd actually do that, it was me imagining it. I was pretty sure that I had said so. If I ever did decide to give him his movies back I'd do it personally and wouldn't act 'mopey.' Most generally, I'm not really a mopey person at all. You all wouldn't know this as you don't know me in person, but quite often if somethings bothering me or I'm having some sort of problem, I don't make it apparent when I'm around others physically because I want them to enjoy the time they're with me rather than making them want to get away from me, or end up trying to get it out of me what the problem is. That's why I write about my problems in blogs or journals, or talk to people online who I don't see personally on a day-to-day basis. I also write how I feel or what I think better than I can say it, usually.


      btw, thanks for de-monging my blog

  9. "Chill dude...it's going to be fine." "No it's not going to be fucking fine."

    Nothing ever does. It's just one huge fucking disappointment. I thought everything would be fine with Fernando but he was a fucking whore. I thought everything would be fine with another guy I know until he decided that living 2 hours away just wasn't going to work. My fucking faimly constantly fight with eachother and I'd think it'd be fucking fine eventually but it isn't. Life is one huge fucking cosmic joke and I don't get the punchline. It'd be one thing if my entire fucking life wasn't more than a huge disappointment. The pieces are only as good as the whole. Every fucking piece is a disapointment. A tragic ending to something that began well. And I'm fucking sorry if i'm a depressing fuck but jesus christ nothing ever turns out right. I didn't want to be inconsequential, I didn't want to be the wasted potential, I didn't want to let the truth be perverted, but everyday I'm finding out the hardway that nothing is what it seems. The reality is never better than the dream.

    And yet I still sit here with no way of knowing what will happen next as life is the unpredictable shit hole that it was never made out to be. The virus of life. I don't know what the fuck to do. The slipknot Vermillion said it best: He's a myth that I have to believe in. I have to believe that a guy is there that I will beable to be with and get away from all this shit with. All I know is if I'm not utterly depressed I may still have fun this weekend after riding the downward spiral to the bottom attempting to not cut myself on the razor blade edges. I thought I found my personal jesus, he turned out to be a false prophet. All is not well that ends well, the ending never is well. At the moment you're probably sitting there wondering who the fuck I've turned into and how the hell I can speak the words that I do but all I have to say is that my mind is a black hole because everytime I may feel for something the feelings get sucked away as I bide my time acting like everything will turn out fine.

    The only real condolence I have in my life is that I'm not the only one who suffers the feelings that I feel. Others look at it as an injustice to have to live with such feelings but I look at it as a warped justice because everything that's shelled to you in life someone else is sure to have gotten served to them as well. While I would never kill myself sometimes it becomes more apparent why my friend Derick attempted to shoot himself in the face with a shotgun. He told me that he had no further purpose here, whatever purpose he had, had been fulfilled. All that was left for him was years of labor to merely satisfy his existence, and the large dosage of painful emmotions he would endure topped with a thin layer of joy.

    No one will comment on this. No one gives a shit enough to do so. So I bid you all good day.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Melfice


      I got the point, Gatewatcher. Thanks Kid Airbag.

    3. darknation


      thank you for riding the Mantrain. We are starting off in Whitetrash early this morning, passing through Manslag and changing train at Fernando. We are travelling Down the Spiral with Trent Reznor as your conductor (we kindly ask patrons to avoid trying to fuck Trent in the ass. He doesn't like it), who will make regular announcements about how everything in your life is a metaphor for pain and self destruction and the only way you can ever hope to improve your shitty, pansy-assed life is by buying pseudo-industrial gothic rock and comparing yourself and your suffering to the popular, rich and interesting artists that make said musics.

      Refreshments and razor blades will arrive via the coffee cart shortly. We ask patrons to keep their blood to themselves for hygine reasons.

      Our service today terminates at Selfpity. Avoid the hecklers as you disembark the Mantrain, or encourage them with statements such as "No one will comment on this. No one gives a shit enough to do so. So I bid you all good day." depending on how much of that existence-justifying hatred you wish to funnel at yourself.

      Thank you and have a nice day.

    4. deathbringer


      No one will comment on this. No one gives a shit enough to do so. So I bid you all good day.

      Except you. And all the others. *insert those two letters here*

  10. Well the last two nights have been rather productive thusfar. Last night I was asked by fellow forum member Dunbar to do the .mp3 soundtrack for an upcoming ZDoom mod. Gladly I obliged and began to ask for details on a few places so I could begin since I was in the mood to do some music anyway. Sometime soon after more work on the maps themselves have been done I'm sure there'll word about it around here. I asked persmission to share a few of the tracks I've made thusfar for it. So here's a little preview of what my last couple nights have been spent making.

    The Sewers, Level 1 (think ninja & mutant infested sewers)
    The Subway, Level 1
    The Subway, Boss Theme

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fletcher`


      I see no moose. I see no crackpots either.

    3. Sharessa


      This is moose music, in the light of the moose.

    4. Bucket


      These tracks are good on the whole, but the boss music doesn't grab me like it should. Try using that as a different level(maybe one with a tech theme)... and try something a little more hardcore for the boss music.

  11. Ok, last night's dream was just fucking wierd, but not in a bad way, wierd as in I have no idea wtf I would have dreamed that for. And this is also the first case where I've met Trent in a dream.

    I'm not sure about the beginning of the dream all I know is that its really dark and we're driving around and next thing you know it's dusk. That's right, time went backwards, or atleast the day/night thing did. Anyway, I get off of this boss and go to this store and look for nin singles and cds, and was originally for some wierd ass reasons looking for a dragonball z toy from one of my other dreams (mind you, I hate dbz now). So I go upstairs and there's all these old, dirty looking toys that are guns and weapons and shit, and along the walls are cds and books and dvds on shelves. So I go look at the nin ones, I find a single for Head Like a Hole, a single for TDTWWA, and some bootleg that has rare songs on it. I proceed to look for an import cd by a band I like that's only released one cd, that I've never been able to find.

    Anyway, after that I'm leaving. Everything fades to black, and suddenly I'm hearing The Frail. Next thing I know I'm walking through a dark corridor out to the side of a huge fucking stage. There's no guard rails or anything. It's like a huge auditorium rather than a stadium. I look up and its gone into the end of The Wretched while I was trying to find a place to sit. I look up to see Trent smashing a keyboard, and its all techy and stuff, the keys flash different colors. Then he tosses it off stage in my direction before I realize it (I was stunned, I probably would have got nailed in the head if it had been thrown at me from shock), and this stupid looking chubby kid by me gets it, it was like he tossed it directly at him.

    Well, I was pissed. He started singing 'I'm Looking Forwars to Joining You, Finally', and it was great. Suddenly he started looking for someone to come up on stage and sing the rest. And I was all hyped, and then he pointed at me, so a security guy helped me onto the stage, and I sang the last half of the song. For some reason, after the concert was over, I got back on stage. Hardly anyone was still there and those who were were scattered around. I went back to one of the props that looked like a small fountain (wtf?), and there were Magic cards inside of it. The head of it was rotating somehow, but as I looked down into it there was something I wanted, even though I don't remember what it was. Trent came up and asked me what I was doing and I said I'd dropped a Worldslayer in there (note: Worldslayer is a card that I collect because I really like it, I have 9 of them, 1 foil, 1 japanese foil).

    He said to just get it out of there, and I accidentally picked up another card and looked at it and he said something like "well, that one's not that great anyway, is it?" I agreed, shook his hand and thanked him for the conert, and headed off of the side of the stage. On the side of the stage there were this statues of angels without genitelia, holding swords. Probably about 4ft tall. Now in real life I would never do this, but in the dream I grabbed it, and ran out to the bus with it. I put it on top the seat and told this fat chick to get the fuck out of my seat, got the statue, sat it on the floor in front of me, and we left. Thus ends my really wierd dream with Trent in it.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. deathz0r


      The best dream I ever had was when I was some necromancer dude summoning zombies from the dead, and making them wear face paint and blow up helium balloons. Oh, and then I ate a walnut. That dream rocked.

    3. Melfice


      deathz0r said:

      The best dream I ever had was when I was some necromancer dude summoning zombies from the dead, and making them wear face paint and blow up helium balloons. Oh, and then I ate a walnut. That dream rocked.

      Sounds like you had been playing a bit much Diablo 2.

    4. Sharessa


      Heh, I had a zombie dream after watching 28 Days Later. Basicaly it started out as your typical zombie movie where everyone was running around fleeing from zombies and shooting the shit out of them. Then later, as it started to get eerie due to a lack of humans, I came upon this resistance cell of zombies and their leader believed the human race should be wiped out because we were useless and the zombies should rule. Apparently he provided a rather good argument because I agred to join him whereupon he bit me violently on the neck, which was rather painful. After that, I was a zombie which didn't feel any different than being human except I felt colder and had a large chunk of my neck missing. Fun times.

  12. No, not the website...


    I'm going to the Magic prerelease next weekend as a ninja. Why? There will be ninjas in the set. Also, the 19th is "Talk Like a Pirate Day." But fuck pirates. Pirates don't perform seppuku. Which I may do if defeated...fakely. And yes that mask is made from a t-shirt that's too small for me.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. BlueSonnet


      Quast said:

      how the hell could he possibly be sneaky or quick?

      Read the manga or watch the anime. You'll see what i mean.

    3. Quast


      BlueSonnet said:

      Read the manga or watch the anime. You'll see what i mean.

      fuck that jazz

    4. Ultraviolet


      Quast said:

      He looks like he'd enter the world's strongest man competition...how the hell could he possibly be sneaky or quick?

      Stealth isn't about hitting the floor softly because you weigh next to nothing. Stealth comes from knowing how to control your weight (emphasized in many martial arts), knowing where people are looking and what they are looking for, etc.

  13. "And then there were thousands of them. Rats...dirty dirty Rats..." - Ms.Bitters

    I love Invader Zim. And I also love this:

    Heh, casual has never been so fun. With a card from the set Stronghold (reprinted in 8th Edition), I can make infinite Rats :D

    BTW, Fear means it can't be blocked except by black and/or artifact creatures. They turned it into a "keyword" so they wouldn't have to waste a ton of card text space starting with the Onslaught expansion.

    1. Grimm


      Man that lame legend remins me of my lame Barrin, Master Wizard legend

    2. Melfice


      Grimm said:

      Man that lame legend remins me of my lame Barrin, Master Wizard legend

      pffft, bullshit. Master Barrin is not comparible to the Rat legend. Atleast the Rat Legend can be a win condition.

  14. Copied my friend's two Radiohead cds "Kid A" and "Pablo Honey" today. I only like two songs on Kid A, where as I like all of Pablo Honey. I also like OK Computer.

    I decided to start playing the Necrons in Warhammer40K. However my friend is playing Tyranids. If I get in close combat, I'm fucked.

    The new Magic set is going to fucking kickass.

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. The Ultimate DooMer

      The Ultimate DooMer

      I used to have a black deck that was really good, in fact it never lost a 1-on-1 match. Having 4 Demonic Tutors and all of it's creatures costing less than 4 to cast and/or some special ability that made it better in attack (plus the usual enchantments) had something to do with it.

    3. Little Faith

      Little Faith

      I still love my thallid deck.

    4. Melfice


      My favorite deck to date was a Sliver deck I made a while back. A couple years ago they released a small expansion that was all creatures, and it included a sliver of each rarity for each color. Well there were some pretty good abilities on them, so I made a red/black deck called the "Kamikazi Sliver" deck. It was pretty fun to play :)

  15. Pick a cd by a band that you like that you feel you can relate to most. List each song and next to it reflect a line from the song to an event in your life or your feelings on something, or describe why that song fits you (atleast a sentence for each song)

    Marilyn Manson
    Mechanincal Animals

    01 Great Big White World - I love this as the opening track on this cd. When I'm feeling down or in a bad mood, I put this on knowing it'll play first. It expresses how I feel..."It's a great big white world, we're all drained of our colors, we used to love ourselves, we used to love one another", which describes the way I feel about the cold heartedness and how uncaring most people are anymore.

    02 The Dope Show - Describes holly wood perfectly and fame. "They love you when you're on all the covers. When you're not, they love another.."

    03 Mechanical Animals - Makes me think of how superficial everything is now. Also, it has alot of lines that I find reflect on the way I've felt before. Basically the entire song.

    04 Rock is Dead - Well, I don't know why this particular one fits me. Maybe the line "sell all the living for more safer dead", being that no one cares about the consequences of their actions anymore, and people would be better off, and safer, dead. And yes, "God is in the TV", because parents let the television babysit their kids for them.

    05 Disassociative - This song, to me, reflects my everlasting plea to escape everything. "I can tell you what to say in space, that the earth is too gray" and "The world was killing me", because it's true, it's so very true. "I can never get out of here, I don't wanna just float in fear" reminds me of the fact that life seems to never go anywhere.

    06 The Speed of Pain - A fundamental rule in my life: "When you hate it, always seems to last, when you love it, never seems to last." Anything good that happens in my life never does last, but all the negative and bad things remain. "I can't lay on my back, because of the knife for everyday that I've known you" describes the back-stabbing from the start that I've endured with people I thought were friends in my life.

    07 Posthuman - "God is a number you cannot count to." It's true. God is the ammount of people who believe in him. If no one believes in him, then he's not real. "God is just a statistic", by how many people believe in him and how many people don't.

    08 I Want to Disappear - "I'm a million different things, not one, you know." There aren't many people that know me, and alot of the people that think they do really only think they do, because they don't.

    09 I Don't Like the Drugs (But the Drugs Like Me) - "Raised to be stupid, taught to be nothing at all" reminds me of the fact that the parents and school systems don't teach kids shit anymore. All teachers care about are their paychecks, and all parents care about is themselves. Besides, as long as we don't know what's going on around us, we're no threat to people who are doing wrong, eh?

    10 New Model, No.15 - "I'm as fake as a wedding cake" describing superficial people again. "Pitifully predictable, correctly politically" describes so many people I know. Never can be different, they always have to be the same and fit in, fall in line with conformity and find happiness in slavery.

    11 User Friendly - Well, I'm User Friendly, as long as you don't screw me over :P

    12 Fundamentally Loathesome - "I just suffer, and I hope to die someday." True. "When I hate it, I know I can feel, but when you love you know it's not real." That'e experience talking, after loving people and finding you didn't love them as you thought you did, or they fuck you over in the end. "Shoot myself to love you, If I loved myself, I'd be shootinig you." God...I've ended up feeling this way about so many people... this is my favorite line off of the entire cd.

    13 The Last Day on Earth - "And now I've found you, but it's almost too late." Yeah, something always comes up, and it ends up a temporary thing. It sucks. So much.

    14 Coma White - "'Cause you were from the perfect world, the world that threw me away today." People just throw you away like trash, and treat you like it. Everyone lives in their perfect little world, where nothing can go wrong, and they don't care about anyone else so long as they're happy. "A Pill to make you numb, A pill to make you dumb, A pill to make you anybody else, But all the drugs in thise world, won't save her from herself." That's the way I feel about people who do drugs, drink, or even smoke. Used to, I never saw a reason to it. One day my ex-best friend Tim told me "It's because it makes you feel like you're in control, and because it takes your mind off of how fucked your life really is." Well, what the song said was true. You can do that shit all you want, but it's not gonna make it all go away. It'll always still be there when you come back to reality, or when the pot, cig, or you get over your hang over the next morning from getting drunk. All just a temporary thing to escape, but it doesn't last forever.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bucket


      Tomorrow, I promise.

    3. Sharessa


      Heh, I dont think there is a whole album I can relate to. Oddly enough, Mechanical Animals used to be my favorite album and I could relate to just about every song on it back in 9th grade when I was horribly depressed and suicidal.

      I bet I could do about a dozen joke versions of this though. :P

    4. Ultraviolet


      Wow, Assmaster, you were right!

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