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About Melfice

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  1. No, not the website...


    I'm going to the Magic prerelease next weekend as a ninja. Why? There will be ninjas in the set. Also, the 19th is "Talk Like a Pirate Day." But fuck pirates. Pirates don't perform seppuku. Which I may do if defeated...fakely. And yes that mask is made from a t-shirt that's too small for me.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. BlueSonnet


      Quast said:

      how the hell could he possibly be sneaky or quick?

      Read the manga or watch the anime. You'll see what i mean.

    3. Quast


      BlueSonnet said:

      Read the manga or watch the anime. You'll see what i mean.

      fuck that jazz

    4. Ultraviolet


      Quast said:

      He looks like he'd enter the world's strongest man competition...how the hell could he possibly be sneaky or quick?

      Stealth isn't about hitting the floor softly because you weigh next to nothing. Stealth comes from knowing how to control your weight (emphasized in many martial arts), knowing where people are looking and what they are looking for, etc.

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