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  1. Is there a complete list of BOOM things? Can't find it on doom wiki. Example of a BOOM thing: Song changer in Ancient Aliens MAP01
  2. Starting to actually do anything is hard. I don't know how much hours i've been looking in the editors blank screen, occasionally drawing few lines or square sectors until i give up and play league or something. But when i get myself going, everything becomes kinda easy, the day flies by in a single moment, and by the end of it i had most of the map done.
    This map wasn't fun. I lost my interest halfway thru. New gameplay gimmicks and interesting visuals could somehow support my interest in the map, but... THE MAP IS TOO BIG: Bigger is not better, and never was like that, and it seems like forever to actually beat it. VISUALS ARE UGLY: Brown on brown with brown and sprinkles of brown on top, no color variety at all. Architecture isnt that impressive and usage of slopes is justified with nothing. UNNECESSARY/BAD ZDOOMISMS: Slopes mentioned above, custom monsters, that are just normal monsters but it takes forever to actually kill them, like that ice baron of hell, that can tank thru 13 ssg shots like he doesn't care and has no painstate, and weapons with sprites ripped from hexen/heretic/whatever with same functionality, stats, but even shittier, rocket launcher replacement now has recoil, that if somehow affects gameplay, then tottaly not in your advantage, and plasmagun replacement, missiles of which is so massive, they block half of the screen, and are glowing with dynamic lights, so you tottaly wont see shit while trying to shoot anyone really. Also, death script, why? GAMEPLAY IS BAD: Switchhunt of the map that is filled with bulky new enemies and revenants(Do you have some sort of thing for them?). Player is always short on both ammo and hp. Traps are usually either something opening behind you or you being locked in tight space with lotsa bulky enemies/revenants. Sometimes there is no indication on where to go or what to do next, if, ofcourse, there is no door right next to the switch, how would player realize that he needs to hit that giant bell after the fight to retrieve golden key? Overall 2 cos of effort.
    First map was too easy and short, second and third were ok, but easy anyway, and after picking up a ssg third map becomes a cakewalk. Not a lot of monsters variety, if its not a chaingunner waiting in the next room, it will always be an agitating skeleton, also too much armor. i saw you were trying to create a vanilla feel to the maps with the first three maps, but then you said "Screw this" and made "Tyrant", nice map, but doesn't really belong to this wad, and you clearly put more effort into Tyrant than the rest of the wad. Overall, 4.
  3. 1 liek = 1 dolla

    New Project (1).jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ardias


      True, he can try living as a starving artist now.

    3. Remmirath


      Well, thanks guys, now I'm a living meme

    4. Reisal


      The JPG artifacts on that image hurt the eyes.

  4. Does anyone else have a problem when suddenly all the wad resourses get replaced with markers? Cos i dunno y is this. 

  5. So ye, i'm trying into UDMF mapping, with sum things i picked up from Dragonfly's streams and Leodoom's idea ( Not exactly an idea but whatevs ).
    (still cant upload pics for sum reason, but ill put it in comments))  

    1. how to delete account
    2. leodoom85


      Nice pool in there...but the fog looks weird...

    3. how to delete account

      how to delete account

      I also addicted to placing pickups now.

      thx dragonfly

  6. halp. I have the last stage of brain cancer


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. how to delete account

      how to delete account

      That gave me an idea tho


    3. how to delete account
    4. Phade102


      Cancer related jokes are usually considered poor taste, just a FYI =)

  7. "Light change to brightest adjacent" action sucks.

    1. Nevander


      Which is why I stick to Light_ChangeToValue. So direct and so very nice.

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