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About Maisth

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  1. Even though this is not doom related, i felt like posting this here since it has to do with level design, anyway this is one of the maps i've made for Catharsis Reborn check it out!




    Just like Doom, there are bad maps on Duke 3D

  3. POSTAL: A Day in Paradise its finally here for you POSTAL Fans i think you gonna like this!



  4. I Just received my Duke Nukem 3D Level Design Handbook book with the CD!


  5. I Did it!, i am now officially on Senior/12th grade, Vacations here i come!

  6. Well, it had to happen sometime i guess.


    I was hired by WhackJob Interactive to help them make Catharsis Reborn, very happy right now since i get to work on a favorite game of mine



  7. Today i bought the Duke Nukem 3D Level Design Handbook, hoping to arrive here soon.

  8. Exam days, hopefully everything goes right!

    1. Trupiak


      Math exam tommorow here, good luck to both of us lol

  9. For those wondering how COD WWII Plays, here's a shit gameplay video about it


    its total garbage

    1. Philnemba



      For those wondering how COD WWII Plays, here's a shit gameplay video about it


      its total garbage

      That and they removed the Nazi swastikas in multiplayer <_<

    2. nxGangrel


      I honestly thought for a while they removed the nazi's all together in multiplayer. The other team would just be recolored Americans I guess.

    3. Marlamir


      WW2 games are  all about swastikas and nazi's, this looks like retextured older games.

  10. Ghost recon is back and its crap once again 



  11. Here's my gameplay video about RAID: WW2 



  12. Today's my birthday, man hard to believe im 17 years old time has passed fast.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pavera


      Just gets faster from there. Happy birthday! Enjoy your youth and freedom while it lasts.

    3. ShoDemo


      Happy birthday!   :)

    4. BigDickBzzrak


      One more year and you're officially an adult. Until then, happy birthday!

  13. Do you consider Anime a Disease or a Drug addiction?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Zakken


      Anime is trash and so am I

    3. Da Werecat

      Da Werecat

      I mean, anime is primarily about child-like faces and high-pitched voices saying things like KAWAII and SENPAI? And it causes people to marry their pillows?? How can you support something like this???

    4. Voros


      The people who make anime have more balls than the western ones. So anime is good for the freaky/cute factor. But it all depends on quality really.

      Regretfully, I don't have the time or interest to watch animes. If one suddenly pops up, I might watch it. Same goes for songs, movies, etc.

  14. Man been enjoying Shadow Warrior Reboot i gotta say its pretty good!

    1. geo


      Yeah its tough to go back to other FPS after Shadow Warrior and its powers and key combos.

  15. The future is here now.



    1. Koros


      Actually, the present is now. The future is ahead of us and the past is behind us. So.... The present is now.

    2. Zanieon


      I tried to use Hammer Editor once, i quit 5 minutes later because the last update that shit recieved was 13 years ago and it still looks like 1990 mapping tool.

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