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My A2 results came back today. They are as follows.
Art: B (heh)
History: C
English literature: D
Shame about the english literature. :(
Btw: If you non-english folks have no idea what i'm talking about, think school examinations that you do in whatever education system applies when you're 18 years old.- Show previous comments 8 more
I dropped out of my A-levels, due to an unforseen bout of homelessness about four years ago. I was predicted A in Computer Science, A-U in english (My teacher branded me as the cliche; Brilliant but lazy; damn that Petay Parkay shit) and I dropped out of Chemistry early because it gave me headaches, even though I was predicted B.
And I remember almost none of any of it :D
You did well, kiddo :D
[edited due to dyslexia-related errors] -
Janderson said:
Has any one ever done resits?
Would I have to relive the whole year?
I've done resits for my AS exams from last year. I got a C for art and an E for everything else. For A2 i dropped computing and resat the specific exams i did poor in. My History grade was raised to a C whilst the English grade was still an E (one mark away from a D the rotten bastarts).
I dunno about resitting the whole year. I continued through A2 whilst resitting the papers of AS. Still my friend weren't very happy when he got shit results so he resitted the year.
Btw: Unlucky Janderson. :( Hope you get better grades next time.
Got up early, ate breakfast and got ready, checking i got everythi, and went off to get Doom3.
Got there at 9am. Had to wait a bloody half an hour before the shop opened, but i did go into virgin megastore and saw a copy available there. Didn't buy it though, as i preordered it from the GAME two weeks ago as i would get a free doom 3 t-shirt with it.
So yeah, 9:30 the shop opened and i went in. Weren't much of a queue, only this one guy who was buying several games including a preordered doom 3. I blame kazaa and the like personally. In any case. By precisely 9:35, doom 3 and the T-shirt was mine. After years of waiting its finally mine (i'll address that its the game i most want, not the shirt :P)
Here's a bunch of photos of me and the game.
Feel free to post your own photos of your copy of doom3 fellow Britons. :)
Edit: Yes i know there's been a thread previously about posting screenies, but it's about a week old and i want this one for us Europeans.- Show previous comments 5 more
Well i'm back, from my trip to hell.
So yup i had a few more fiddles with the settings of the game. Believe it or not I managed to get the game fps to about an average of 30, and occationally it was up to 50 to 60, all along with features i kept such as stencil shading and bumpmapping. Pretty cool, but guess what? Amongst all the changes i made, one of them was to crank the resolution down to (wait for it...)
320 to 240 pixels
Yeah i know, i suck, but figured if my graphics card is going to act like a shit card then i'll treat it like one. :P Didn't seem to ruin gameplay for me in any case, but afraid i can't comment much on graphics.
Ok analysis:
The first hour of the game was pretty amazing, just like what pcgamer said. All the people doing this that and the other, spreading rumours, greeting you as a newbie and the like. I often found myself sitting still for a bit to watch the news in the game or playing super turbo turkey puncher (weren't too much to see there but i doubt i was going to see it again so meh). Lighting was pretty cool obviously, but you do take it for granted after a while.
To cut to the chase i like the way it was building up to the moment when hell breaks loose, when the lighting started to get dark or people were talking more about strange occurences and the like. I was quite amazed that the part where hell breaks loose wasn't a scripted movie as shown in the trailers, meaning i had to keep an eye on my surroundings (and the zombie-to-be chap on my right) whilst watching the carnage on the screen.
As far as the fright factor goes, i didn't find it scary so far. I blame the footage that was released as it got me ready for the worst (but still i need to play the rest of the game). I proceeded with caution though, checking the rooms with my flashlight before proceeding ahead. I didn't find it to be any surprise when i first encountered a spanner-armed zombie standing right on the other side of a door. On the other hand there were moments that got me jumpy and made me stop and think. After i killed my first zombie i almost jumped out of my skin when another came behind me an shot me in the head (i was playing it on veteran btw), before i kicked his ass to high hell. Whilst the standard zombies were pretty much easy, the imps i faced were the ones that got the adrenaline going. They take more damage than their original counterparts and the cramped conditions only made it worse. Otherwise they weren't too much of a pain. What got me killed the first time was my carelessness towards the zombies with guns. I often fought them in dark conditions where they fired from the shadows, and i was left wondering where they were. Gonna get that bastard the next time i play this game.
Quick list of other things i liked.
. The blur effects when you get hit.
. The shading; seeing a shadow creeping round the corner and all.
. The voice acting and facial animations (not up to HL2 standards but decent enough).
. How the zombies hid in the shadows.
Finally some things i didn't like.
. The zombie gibbing; sorry, but it doesn't let me see the cool ragdoll physiques as much as i can.
. Could have just been me playing the game on veteren but i was hoping that the amount of enemies were more spaced out throughout the levels and acted by themselves rather than just waiting on the spot for me, just so that i could get that paranoia feeling that something might be behind me.
. I still need to play the game some more, but i wanna see more wall climbing imps as much as normal walkers.
. Is it just me or some of the monsters i encountered so far could have done with more sfx?
Overall, pretty damn swell so far.
I think my next mission is to get a better graphics card. I should kick myself in the ass for not doing it earlier (i'm a bum you see). Even if i can run the game, i'm sure it would look a 100 times more sexy with say, even Geforce 4 128 mb thing for my PC, and perform better too. Compared to my other hardware components it is only the graphics card that is letting me down. For now maybe i should fiddle with my settings some more, but gathering about £100 to £250 is a priority.
Otherwise, its worth the bloody wait so far. Good job Id. :)
Off to bed now i think. -
It was a pretty good film IMO. Cgi was pretty cool, particularly with the rain on the character's faces\fur and Antonio did a good job with puss in boots. Typically it has the whole "let's have a fantasy world with a modern theme" with tvs and stuff like that, like what so many american cartoons have these days, but half the time it added to the humour of the movie. Overall it was quite funny and i recommend it to anyone who likes this sort of stuff.
Dunno about a shrek 3 or 4 though, like what dreamworks have in mind. -
Been up for a week now. I felt like showing it off. This is based on the manga artwork that i've been showing for the past few months. So now you can see what it's all about. :)
Heh. I'm not really a fiction dude tbh. I prefer to draw (as you're all aware ;) ). Still, this would have taken me donkey years if it was a comic. In any case, i hope what i've learnt in English literature has paid off.
Any ways that i may critisize it? Whilst the people i've shown it to say it's awesome, i can't help wondering if i've made some blunders. Firstly there were a lot of grammer errors before i put this up on fictionpress and whilst i've done my best to correct everyone of them, there might be one or two that i've forgotten about. Secondly, I tend to think i've been a bit repetitive with the choice of wording, and somehow i don't think i've explained much on the science of certain things. Still, it plays around the theme of mystery i suppose, and perhaps doesn't clog up the flow of the plot. That and perhaps one could say that it's a typical manga, though i've tried my best to steer the story away from something like the shit anime on tv. Ah well, i do this sort of thing for fun i guess.
In any case i give you the story. Pretty long i might add for 3 pages. In any case, i hope you enjoy it. :)
In case you're wondering about the setting, think of it as a world like FF7, in which there is the coexistence of advanced technology and basic technology.
Keep a lookout for updates on the story.
edit: Btw taking a look at it, some of the paragraphing is the result of fictionpress not me. Sorry for the inconvience. If you want me to send you the original word document(s) via email, feel free to to ask, as long as you can provide your email address.-
A slight update. Here's the current cover for episode 2. Maybe due for a change
Felt like showing it.
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/7383166/ -
Been watching the Shin Hokuto no ken anime recently. I hope to get round to watching Killbill at some point this week.
Post what you've been watching. -
I was the one who bumped the shadowrunner thread. I realised at the last minute that i did and then deleted the post. Then i logged off, then nukage posted, and here we are now.
So yeah, Nukage isn't to blame, don't ban him or nothing. I'm the one who was responsible. I'm the fucking idiot. Sorry. -
My vote's going for 50megs at the moment. I can put up with some of the geocity type of burdens for free web hosting. And no this is not for a doom site. -
I wanna put on some of my stories onto this site but i'm a little cautious. The rules seem pretty reasonable and protective of the fics on the site and thousands of fan fics on there already.
What do you think? I know it can't be 100% safe for me to put up stories without the risk of people stealing it, but do you think i go for it or ditch it?-
I've used that site for a good while, even before it existed and the original section was a part of fanfiction.net. You just have to worry about their popup ads. I got a nasty trojan from there that took a good deal of effort to get out.
As for keeping your stories safe, there's really no guarnatee anywhere that they won't steal it, but yeah they make it pretty clear that stealing stories is bad. -
So now i'm 18.
Now what? -
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OK, let me go over each one.
Neko In A Basket: I know someone who will happily kill for this pic.
B-Ko: Been a loooooong time since I heard THAT name.
SSJ Vegeta: Nice.
Zed's Basement: Hahaha, nice 'n' twisted.
Superpants: Purebred awesome.
Superpants versus TSTuke: The greatest matchup since Marvel versus Capcom. -
I'm Jules according to this thing. -
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Here are the ones that I found in my IRC logs.
http://www.fanta.dk/showmovie.asp?mid=C07FABB7-0876-46BD-826F-B1D5EDCE2F6B -
One year ago i registered at DW forums. One year ago i posted my first art thread. One year ago i made my first post. One year ago i entered the madness of doomworld.
Throughout that time i have spent many an hour, posted many an art thread, made 1297 posts, created many a thread, given many a lol or imo, expressed many an opinion, have lmao many an occation have gone on many an unnecessary emotional tangene,downloaded many a wad, created many a sprite, asked for much advice, , tried "unwillingly" trolling on several occations, offered help with either a tc or other topics, changed my name twice, got voted 7th sexiest guy on doomworld, took the life of a forum lurker, recently made a "dent" in the doom art section, and loads of other stuff that i can't remember, and in spite of it all i still see myself as a n00b.
It's been tough. There's been upheavel, but i survived. I continued to play the game. I've had fun. In a forum as crazy as this, you just can't give up. There's always something dragging you back kicking and screaming. Something keeps calling you back. And in spite of all i can't help knowing that i made the right choice coming here. And even though i'm little more than a lurker these days, even though i don't take this stuff as seriously as i used to, I guess i can't say anything else other than thanks.
Doomworld forums: The toughest joint around.
-TSTuke- Show previous comments 5 more
Your welcome, if I've done anything to help your experience here, that is (I don't think so but oh well).
Please stick around and keep posting your artwork :) I don't know about others, but I like it, and think you're a good artist. Keep it up man!
P.S.: Since you're posting as BlueSonnet again, you should try to get that old Ryoko avatar back, once the forums avatar thing quits screwing up, that was a really good one hehe.
Almost. This one's a nude pic of a character of mine (see my previous art threads). This pic's a combination of marker pens and photoshop techniques. The use of colours and light in this pic again creates a rather sexy image. The intention was indeed to create something moody and dreamy. Mind you, i was listening to the track "wheels" from unreal tournament when creating this picture. Here we go
and the original
Something tells me i should have done the lines of this pic in black, as i would stand out more in that way. Haven't received any criticism in that aspect.
BTW if it means anything, the next similar pic to this won't have the arms in the way, so you'll see the breasts in full awe. Just thought i'd say that.