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  1. Almost. This one's a nude pic of a character of mine (see my previous art threads). This pic's a combination of marker pens and photoshop techniques. The use of colours and light in this pic again creates a rather sexy image. The intention was indeed to create something moody and dreamy. Mind you, i was listening to the track "wheels" from unreal tournament when creating this picture. Here we go

    and the original

    Something tells me i should have done the lines of this pic in black, as i would stand out more in that way. Haven't received any criticism in that aspect.

    BTW if it means anything, the next similar pic to this won't have the arms in the way, so you'll see the breasts in full awe. Just thought i'd say that.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Shapeless


      Is it Ok to request photoshoped pics of Nude Obeasse women into the Mancubus, as submissions to my next contest, and then post them here. If it only shows boobage?:D

    3. Sharessa


      Shapeless said:

      Is it Ok to request photoshoped pics of Nude Obeasse women into the Mancubus, as submissions to my next contest, and then post them here. If it only shows boobage?:D

      I'm not entirely sure what you;re getting at there, but whatever it is, it sounds pretty horrible.

    4. Silverwyvern


      A long time ago I posted a demon with a visable penis and testicles. I have yet to be 'warned'. Also.. what if someone made a more real version of the bull demon. Nostrils, anus, and reproductive organs present?

      It's such a fine line I think they should be judged per image, not per vague genre.

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