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About Teivman

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  1. the last thing I would've expected to hear was a Turok styled cover of the Isle of the Dead theme. That really gave me some whiplash, excellent TC btw.
  2. I'm still alive, somewhat.

  3. Teivman

    Rainbow dash HUD

    Why? Why does this need to be a thing?
  4. Teivman

    3D Entryway

    It's short, Blocky and simple. But it's got a nice aesthetic, and i had some fun playing it.
  5. I've probably made over 90 total conversions/partial conversions that i have downright scrapped due to the knowlage of my poor blocky level design. It is really hard *for me* to make non linear techbase levels as i am more used to making more linear slightly realistic levels, which is a pain. I need help.

    1. Marlamir


      There no better thing than experience. try to look to your map and think what you dont like how will you improve, change that part. draw some ideas on paper and play with it, like erase some part draw new one etc. take inspiration from real life houses/ interior, like how they are build. by time you will be better.

  6. Does anybody know of any other 90's fps games that have been re-created in Doom?

  7. Hello 2018, Goodbye 2017. It's not been pleasant to say the least.

  8. Has anybody made midi covers of the music from Quake III?

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