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Julia Nechaevskaya

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About Julia Nechaevskaya

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    Author of Inter/CRL source ports
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  1. As far as I recall, this will require one of these corrections, but I can't remember which one exactly. Here they are in Crispy Doom, may be handy: this and this.
  2. Exactly as @ETTiNGRiNDER said. It's a drawsegs (rendered wall segments) limit overflow. Yellow color on screenshot showing HOM effect, "SEG:" is a counter for drawsegs:
  3. Those small hicpus right after opening a door... Seems to be related to composite textures generation "on fly", i.e. when player first time seeing them. Probably it can be optimizaed a little bit, like generating composites for available textures on level while invoking R_PrecacheLevel (same as Crispy Doom does). In theory, it should be safe for memory, as player sooner or later will see all textures on the level anyways. Just coriuos, what is minimum amouth of RAM needed for RealDOOM? At least to run E1M1.
  4. Hey! 🤗 Sad to hear that the project decided not to go with conservative vanilla limits, but come on, it didn't have to. I wish everyone involved good luck and all the best. You can do it! 💗
  5. ChocoRenderLimits/CRL and International Doom are both Linux-compatible, but both require compiling from source using CMake. I rarely use Debian in a virtual machine, just to make sure that both ports are still compile and run on Linux, but that's about it, unfortunately.
  6. Here, a development build with implemented Sound Propagation mode for automap: crl-pre-1.9-win64.zip Should be working fine now, and no other changes have been made since the last 1.8 release. I need to give a few explanations as this feature is something rather unusual: "Sound Propagation mode" is available when the Automap is open, and to activate it just press P (default bind, in the same way as Overlay and Rotate modes). It is also available in 'Widgets and Automap' and can be rebinded in 'Keyboard bindings'. When the player is attacking, sectors that are affected by sound propagation will be colored with bright green for a small moment, no matter if sectors lines were mapped for drawing or not. It seems possible to use a different colors for one-sided, two-sided, or sound-blocking lines, but I honestly not sure if it is worth adding too much cosmetics for that. Also, this green color is used by revealed secret sectors, which is not very good. Should be friendly with IDDT mode and automap powerup. Implementation is quite fast, but I think there is still some small potential for optimization, not to make it faster, but to make it just more effective. But let it be my headache. I've made a few comparisons with Doom Builder and it seems to be the same, except that since the game world is always active, drawing takes into account gaps like open doors and any other possible sound holes. There is no difference if sector already have sound target or not. Probably not worth to make this feature too complicated and unclear. Funny enough, chainsaw is quite useful for constant propagation drawing, so at least here it's not a complete bollocks. 🎃 Finally, I highly recommend to check out decino's video about sound propagation in Doom, if you haven't already. It's really interesting topic and extra level of complexity indeed. Comments, recommendations and suggestions are always welcome!
  7. Made a small experement: "sound propagation mode" for automap. Inspired by same mode from Doom Builder, except here everything is happening in real time mode. Probably could be useful for some purposes? Example video (implementation no longer experemental, yay):
  8. It was copied while editing mode on GitHub, and it's fixed now in changelog, thank you!
  9. CRL 1.8 is out! There are a few additional changes since pre-release, marked with a 🔵 symbol in the changelog below. In general, this version has very few new features and a lot of small, if not say tiny, usability improvements. Downloaъ: Windows (64-bit): crl-1.8-win64.zip Windows (32-bit): crl-1.8-win32.zip Changelog: Small afterword -- To be honest, I'm not the right person to ask about pinning this port, better ask the vanilla map creators if they need it or not. According to the download statistics, CRL has never been an overly requested source port, and this is completely understandable. Probably only a small group of people need it, but I love those people with all my heart, love this port as well as everything vanilla-related. Nowadays, when we have a BOOM/MBF/MBF21 or just limit-removing mapping standards, Vanilla is something special, a "Scene" that requires both art and knowledge. And I'm just happy to do some good things to support this scene. 🙂 Oh no - no - nooooo...! 😱
  10. In Doom? Very simple. 🙂 Ideally, it should have a slider, not just scary "Screen size: num" string, which is almost uninformative. Slider and menu item will eat about three lines, which is a bit too expensive for menu filling. But hey, it gives me idea by adding such slider to F4 menu, on same manner as in Heretic/Hexen, where screen size slider moved below SFX/Music volumes. IWAD should have necessary graphics AFAIR. Or is something too redundant?
  11. Oh my, turns out, "Solidsegs" aka MAXSEGS aka "SSG:" is also a critical limit, evil like a visplanes. 😟 Yeah, DOS version have a limit of 32, while Chocolate Doom have a little fix, but invokes I_Error when it's hit. Thanks for double checking with CRL! From my side I can only kindly thank @esselfortium, as "SSG:" counter was implemented at her request.
  12. Phew, was able to finish it two times, on bare bone 320x200 resolution with conservative engine and on modern 3x. I'll bery very short with emotions, just to don't spoil anything. 🤫 It starts with small fights and puzzles and ends with... Better see yourself! On my first run I was absolutely sure, that dozens of Cyberdemons are supposed to be spawned, and with huge amount of luck they can be slipped through, but good thing I was wrong. What I really like is a huge amount of attention to small details. A lot of complicated mapping tricks require not only technical and practical knowledge, but artistical feeling as well, and RUST give it all fairly. And of course, tally and especially finale screens, this is pure love. 💚 Special thanks for making it vanilla-compatible and keeping vanilla scene alive!
  13. Good morning. 🙂 Just as promised, a development build: crl-pre-1.8-win64.zip. There are no "WIP" things, so it should be stable enough. Full changelog:
  14. Hello @Arsinikk, I have fixed it, thank you for pointing out! Absolutely lovely and incredible effect with loading bar, I'm speechless. 💚 Speaking of CRL, it's still active and already have a couple of very small improvements, mostly for usability and handling. I'll gladly provide development builds with changelog and fixed case from above tomorrow (it's 2:07AM here, I'm falling asleep...). They should be stable enough, but perhaps, there will be some extra ideas or suggestions before 1.8 release.
  15. I highly recommend to check out implementation from Chocolate Doom, this is how vanilla Doom was drawing disk icon. You can also simplify everything to something like this implementation - no Z_Malloc/Z_Free needed, you can draw icon where you want, but will require extra care for status bar background, otherwise icon will remain on status bar background buffer after drawing.
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