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About Isolation

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    Green Marine

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  1. In the spirit of Halloween, a small teaser of my upcoming PSX / Doom 64 inspired Megawad
  2. Fall of Triton II: Purgatory Level 21: Unholy Blessing
  3. Unfortunately it will be a while. This level is part of my upcoming 32 level Megawad which is still quite early in development.
  4. Working on a Doom 64 (and Doom 3) inspired level.
  5. @Eduapy Yep I am currently working on Fall of Triton II. Still a very early WIP. I am hoping to release an actual trailer/gameplay within the first half of 2022. But for now here are a couple more pics ( ;
  6. Sorry I don't think you can remove the Grenade Launcher without breaking a few levels. I am in the process of updating PDR to V1.1. I will try and update the name to "Grenade Launcher" in that update.
  7. The first 66 Levels of PlayStation Doom Is Here! What is PDR (PlayStation DOOM Reloaded)? - PDR is a 66 Level Megawad inspired by the Doom games on PS1. - Currently being worked on by myself & Yikesdude754 - PlayStation Textures, sprites, sounds, music and lighting sounds all return along with Dynamic lighting to show a whole new side to hell. - Levels will now feature glow effects building upon the PS1 atmosphere - The Nightmare imp from Fall of Triton is back and improved, along with some more new content. - PlayStation Doom style gameplay and design. - New twists and content added - The Project has been in development now since June 2018. - The Third 33 Level campaign is currently in development. What do I need to play PlayStation Doom Reloaded? You will only need a copy of GZDoom (Preferably the latest version) & a copy of Doom 2. Everything else is included. DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/yprk8rckywvrwwl/PDR1.0.rar/file Gameplay of Level 32: Mining Facility Level 63: Canyon Crossover Level 55: Tears of The Devil Level 29: Screenshots:
  8. Wow. Cool to see this. Looks really cool. Hopefully we will get to see the sequel to Fall of Triton on here once that is finished.
  9. There is never enough PSX inspired levels. The maps you mentioned plus the innocence X series is pretty much it. There are a couple of other standalone levels that have PSX sounds and music and that is it. Thanks for the kind words on Fall of Triton. Yes there probably is a slight issue with the ammo, something I have noted for the next project. I have been planning the sequel. The levels will be similar to Threshold of Pain, not able to work on actual PS1 but should still have the PSX & Doom 64 atmosphere.
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