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About EmotionalFelineinaMadstate

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    A great mapset, bright colors are one of my favorite things in maps. May Kate rest in peace.
  1. Your username sounds like an automatically generated GFYCat URL

    1. BigDickBzzrak
    2. EmotionalFelineinaMadstate


      Now that I think about it, it actually does.

    When a Doom mod causes controversy, mixed feelings, and making a dev of a certain port angry, you'll bet i'll give it a good score. Not saying because it caused controversy, it has a good score. It was a weird trip to go through, and is a really neat idea, but of course, a star had to be removed, due to my headaches and immeasurable pain this thing gave me. Love and hate you, anotak.
  2. So, uh, what's with the bleach remarks?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaido


      It's a joke


      And kids in Africa could have drank  that cup xd , is not a nice thing to say even if it was meant as a joke.

    3. EmotionalFelineinaMadstate



      It's a joke

      Wow, you know, you could've said that a few hours earlier, when you commented it out of the blue on an unrelated thread.

      And that was a HowToBasic reference, where a ton of commentors are all like "Kids in Africa could've eaten that [insert thing here]!", it's just a running gag on his channel, that's all.

    4. Kaido
  3. Sooo, how angry is your cat??

    1. EmotionalFelineinaMadstate



      I think he's angry enough in my sister's grasp.

    2. CzechMate29200


      That is a pissed off cat ;)

    The detail is amazing, and sometimes is overdone in some areas. i'm even amazed that this is compatible with the Vanilla DooM. Somewhat an underrated wad if it weren't for the weird new sounds and combat. The combat is pretty hard to play with, and i ended up dying multiple times due to the lack of ammo supplied in the maps. Aside from that, 3 stars for the detail, and 1 more star for Vanilla compatibility. This wad is recommended to anyone who is willing to punch Arachnotrons with their fists in an attempt to kill them.
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