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  1. I considered it, but man, that's the stuff of nightmares. This was bad enough to put together as it is, so I'll leave that particular sisyphean task to someone else.
  2. This has been a source of agony for me for the past three days, but lo and behold, Bad Apple being played on its entirety through sectors! I have no idea if it's possible to get pixel data from imported videos at runtime with GZDoom, but at least I couldn't figure out a way of doing it, which in turn means I did the only other thing that came to mind: Storing the video itself into a massive array. Oh, if only I had known... You need GZDoom or some other port that can handle ZScript. Tested with GZDoom 4.12.1. DOWNLOAD As an extra, there's a README file inside the PK3 with details on the implementation if anyone is curious about it.
  3. I just finished playing this and loved it! My personal favorite was MAP22, I really liked the spooky atmosphere. MAP26 was pretty cool too. As for levels (or level, I should say) I didn't like, I thought MAP15 was a nightmare to navigate, but most of the fights were fun at least. Oh yeah, that Archvile-centric level a la Plutonia was fantastic (and I don't like those enemies at all!) and the hub map was incredibly atmospheric. I'll stop now before I start a borderline uncomprehensible rambling about how much fun I had. EDIT: I don't want to double post, so I'll just say here something I remembered: I spent like 20 minutes running around MAP25 without knowing what to do beacuse I missed the fact that these are, in fact, doors! They should definitely have some light on them or something. When I saw them I just assumed they were decorated walls. I did have the Computer Area Map, but it's still easy to miss stuff like that in big maps.
  4. ...I had to go to the ZDoom wiki and look at the code for both classes to see for myself. I can't believe I never noticed this.
  5. I recently replayed Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil on veteran difficulty, and goddamn was it annoying. There are a lot of enemies with attacks that are nearly impossible to dodge, and the increased damage on veteran doesn't help at all. Moreover, the game's atmosphere didn't do a damn thing for me, not like it used to a few years ago.


    There are people who say they appreciate the game a little more every time they replay it, but it seems that in my case it's the opposite. It might have been caused by me having played the System Shock, Resident Evil and Silent Hill games since the last time I played Doom 3, making me realise other games did it better, or maybe I'm just more critical of games in general nowadays.

  6. I'd say that's partly because of how easy it is to end up going through the maps by memory, without really knowing what switches do or where keys are. It just becomes second nature. I remember that the first (and last) time I played the original games on Nightmare, I realised how I didn't know most of the crucial points necessary for progression in a lot of maps, which really made getting to the exit as quickly as possible quite hard. I distinctily remember being shocked when I got to E2M6 and couldn't remember where any of the keys were, despite having played the games for like 15 years at that point.
  7. I think it's cool as a concept, but in practice whoever's playing would probably go "THIS IS BULLSHIT!" and stop playing before long. Maybe it could work in a (G)ZDoom map with some scripting after player death to really convey that dying was the intention, rather than the result of a horribly unbalanced map.
  8. Just some pixel art I made of Hitori Bocchi, from the anime Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu. I had to after a friend of mine recommended it to me and got me a tad obsessed with moe anime lol. Those shows absorbed my soul. I am now nothing but a shadow of my former self.
  9. Hope you're doing well.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KVELLER


      <3 I'm alive.

    3. dmslr


      Welcome back! Where have you been?

    4. KVELLER


      I kinda got tired of Doom around the time when I last visited the forums, and I also felt like garbage so I wasn't really in the mood to post and whatnot. After that, it seemed like there weren't enough hours in a day to do everything I wanted to, so coming here wasn't an option. I'm not really doing anything these days though, so here I am.

  10. I didn't even know the "Forum Legend" rank existed.

    1. seed


      Heh, well it does, I've seen it on other members before, I think one reaches the rank after 4000 posts or so.


      Fitting, isn't it :p.

  11. At long last, I updated my "About Me" section. It just took me five months! :D

  12. Sorry for the long wait, I got the link for to download so you can directly see whats wrong

    1. KVELLER


      It's ok, I'll take a look at it ASAP.

    The WAD that showed me how vanilla maps can be just as amazing as anything else in the right hands.
  13. Opera died on me momentarily and scared the shit out of me.




    Oh, the wonders of technology.

    1. Gothic


      What is this meme?

    2. SleepyVelvet


      the random Suitepee face gets me.

  14. Ugh, I'm going through another one of those phases where I look at stuff I've written in the past and think it's nothing but cringeworthy. Case in point: my "About Me" section. I'll have to think of something else to write in there, hopefully something that actually says something about me.

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