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About galileo31dos01

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  1. There is All Hell is Breaking Loose publicly released in 1996. I think some of the custom stuff is entirely from scratch, if you don't count edits of original monsters or those that were morphed into one new thing, and it's also one of the earliest experiments with dehacked when it was a novelty. Of course there's STRAIN as well. I can think of System Vices also from the same year, though less known I believe. This one I did play, everything custom in it was made by the same person. This includes graphic replacements for a handful monsters, and if you scroll down in the page linked you'll see a gif that showcases them. My favourite is the demon replacement, which kind of reminds of the stalker in Hexen in that it roams underwater and becomes visible once it's upclose when it tries to bite you. The mapper made sure you encounter this thing only in its natural habitat.
  2. Hi! Category 1 UV Survived in 1:49:32 (I finally did check the tally and imprinted the time on my brain!) Crispy Doom 6.0.0 post_IEbygal.zip
  3. I've been playing this sporadically and I'm enjoying my time. I feel like both individual mapping expressions mix so swiftly with each other, like peanut butter and chocolate. And the art style of both is incredibly attractive to my eyes, from the choice of colour combinations to the little doomcute things, and most specially for all the out-of-bounds scenery. And then the gameplay is as advertised, challenging and exciting. And... you probably wouldn't expect a comment on this particular thing, but I personally love it when there're are random hidden bonus pickups on places you wouldn't need to be (e.g. map 04). That adds points to enjoyment lol. Some few observations:
  4. Needed to pee so bad but I saw this and played it first, but I do have to pee now... Fun was had, while it lasted! brique_FDAbygal.zip (crispy demo)
  5. Hello! I finnished this today and wanted to mention some few bug/issue-related things that you may find of help. I mentioned some of these to finnks13 already though I include them here so you have a properly tidy list. My setting was dsda-doom 0.27.3, HMP, pistol starts. I had a blast with this set, very good maps, very attractive visuals, and very fun execution of all the additional custom ideas - cybruiser with own projectiles, fire thingy, spitters, colorful pickups, colorful blood puffs, colorful plasma, thing actors representing the team members' avatars, that fugly creature in map 13 and the silence gimmick (in terms of execution it's great), and surely I'm missing something but I loved all of that stuff. I hope to see more from this team, I should try out Afternoon at some point too. Thanks for sharing!
  6. Here's an extremely minor suggestion, for the text for E1M4 in the tally screen to be "another moon" below "deimos tration in" since currently the first and last words don't fit within the screen if you have your aspect ratio set to 4:3 or something, or not "forced corrected" in crispy-doom.
  7. Arachnotrons winning over anything or everything is the best because they are cool stuff.
  8. Always nice to see threads that put temporary focus on specific sector designs. Although I don't pay enough attention to doom pyramids, the Avactor shots that Shepardus posted are insanely beautiful, I kinda want to revisit them now (but I won't lol). I thought of these two: This is from Earth by Roger Ritenour. It's in the second map. And it's completely vanilla of course, there's nothing else around it. I really liked it when I first saw it, like one of the major highlights from a wad I otherwise wasn't a fan of. Seeing it now reminded me of other very old pyramid-esque/ish structures like TNT's map 31 or HacX map 15 but I didn't take pictures of them. This is from Deadly Ritual, the DBP number 51. Although I took the screenshot from an angle you normally could not reach (and it kinda spoils the trick behind it), there're other spots from where you can properly view it in all its greatness. This is mine and it's in the bonus wad in Hell Revealations. Of course I was gonna plug in something I made myself. It's humble and, well, truncated... I'm pretty sure I thought of Earth's one a few times while I was making this one. It was originally gonna have a tall staircase comprised of lots of short steps, as an obscure nod to a tall staircase in HR2 map 28. Vanilla drawsegs limit vehemently opposed to that plan. I like it for what it is.
  9. Uh, for "epic adventure through elaborate techbases and then eventually to hell" you could try out Relyctum. The maps in it are in general a lot more intricate and have plenty of nooks and crannies you don't want to miss. The feel you are looking for is definitely there. If you fancy single maps, check out Don't Turn Your Back on the City, it captures a similar feel to Hellbound while showcasing even more levels of environmental detail for an epic mini journey from the city to somewhere creepier.
  10. Which monsters do you mean? Could you provide a screenshot? cause I could kill them all. I'm not really interested in writing for doom wiki atm but never say never!
  11. Thanks! The sector you mentioned isn't flagged secret on purpose. I like some hidden stuff to be not required for a max. The monsters you missed I assume are those in a particular secret area.
  12. Generally speaking, the higher the resolution the better time you'll have distinguishing those switches and most other small things from a distance. I suppose by 'low' resolution you mean like in doom2.exe chunky pixels? If so, yeah that's not gonna mesh well with finding certain secrets here, or just in general I would advise dropping that choice for a modern look because you want to be able to tell things apart.
  13. I played this wad very recently so I can also assist you with this one too lol
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