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About leodoom85

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    I'm going to break you...like a kitkat bar.
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  1. Just noticed that you last posted a comment back in January, when I was still on hiatus. I hope you come back soon. :(

  2. Especially when it hits you with the max of 80 hp of damage? Yeah...
  3. Well, fuck Reddit, if I say it bluntly. Anyway, people can use whatever difficulty they see fit. There's no shame in doing so. I do it occasionally too at some wads. Wanna do it on UV-fast? Go ahead. Wanna use Nightmare instead? Be my guest. HMP? No problem, for practice or casual gameplay. Same for the easier difficulties. Difficulties exist to accomodate those types of gameplay. Yes, I do like to play UV but I'm not going to dictate which difficulty is "recommended" or for "the better experience". Just, no.
  4. My decision to avoid the liquid surfaces, especially those three liquids, is if it does damage or not. Well, at some wads, water ALSO does damage. Ozonia is a good example of that.
  5. Good to know... Hmm....was it the map called "fireblu void" the original? Because that map was the catalyst for the idea of the project to begin with. Anyway, map plagiarism is a low blow.
  6. Wait a sec... Did he said that it took two years to complete the map? I'm sorry but looks like an edited and simplified version of map 4. Simple as that. The very beginning looks way similar for sure.
  7. This is laughable. Just when I thought that this was over, this shows up only to add salt and acid to the injury.
  8. Suck that that's not how it works here in the thread. Anyway, I'm out for now
  9. Yeah but I'm generally the type that I don't care about being in lenghty posts and heated arguments because we all know that ends bad or, staying in the same point through loops. If they want to stay there for hours, then so be it. And yes, I know that most things coming from videogames that are based in real life goes hand in hand. Oh well, humans are so complicated and can't understand to each other when these kind of topics are this spicy. That's why I have this mindset to not mix what happens in videogames with what happens in real life. If that was simple coming from other people....sigh
  10. Well, this thread is something, ain't it? From the mechanics to kill or not to kill the enemy on screen to type a whole essay about morality... You know...people need to separate videogames from real life, even if it's based on real life events and there are many games that does that. Yes, it has a satisfaction to kill OR not to kill most of the enemies present in a game in order to complete an objective to progress or to finish the whole game. Yes, I DO feel accomplished when the objective is taken out, killed, dispatched....etc. Yes, to survive in the game, it's either to kill or take out the opposition or to be killed to get a game over. And yes, humans are an amalgamation of bullshit and stuff like that but....please, a videogame is just something that we created to have fun, like Doom, for example. Heck, even older games are made to kill or dodge the enemies and no one paid attention to it...and I'm not a violent person at all. I know to separate fiction and reality. Just folks...separate those things, will ya?
  11. Hello.


    I'll be honest with all of you. The days at the last year, especially at the last 4 months has been pretty bad.

    My mom was diagnosed with a non-terminal cancer found at the thyroid zone. But, the good news is that the damn tumor was removed successfully and, my mom is recovering slowly.

    So yeah, she's fine and she feels much better after 4-5 months of being sad, almost depressed. Anyway, we are more relieved after the surgery.


    Also, last year can go to hell. I felt bad on the inside, at the edge of depression.

    It was bad news back to back to back...my grandpa's death in the middle of the year, my mom's cancer found in september...relatives also have cancer...


    Anyway, I hope that this year gets better and forget the motherfucking disaster that the last year were.

  12. Death thanks to panic and being painfully corroded by acid...slowly Blind category, UV, recorded with PRBoom+ As usual, the image is shown after 5 seconds from my death. Demo: dwim_rosLD85.zip
  13. These maps sucks. Period. Anyway, here's the result: The pic is shown at 5 seconds after my death. Blind category, UV. Recorded with PRBoom+ Not much to say really... Demo: dwie_talosLD85.zip
  14. I use bloom, dyn lights (obviously), trilinear filter with NormalNx2 as the HQ resize mode, no multisample, rendering as quality and no AO (ambient occlusion).
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