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About SilverMiner

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  1. Allow me to give you some advice: Do not release things as sequels to known series, especially when their design, gameplay and overall quality are extremely poor compared to the series overall. Your Plutonia 3 wad is shameless clickbait, that is why it has one star and is renowned as one of the worst releases in 2017. If you had done the right thing and released it as it's own entity, you'd be getting less negative reviews as there would be no preconceived notions for the quality of the product. I'm telling you this because I hate to see people repeatedly make the same mistake. This is intended as friendly advice, not a harsh message.

    1. riderr3


      At least it have sub-name "Going to Surface" So... maybe someday we can see official "unofficial" Plutonia 3 😄

      My Urania megawad also have some Plutonia flavors (along with pinch of TNT's). But I choosed the appropriate name, more or less.

    2. BigDickBzzrak



      Do not release things as sequels to known series

      Except if you're too big for rules

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