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About Nate42

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  1. Assuming you don't pistol start it actually gets easier in later levels since you have more weapons and ammo. It's tough but well designed worth your time imho.
  2. I mean you're not wrong, but knowing what to do and being able to pull it off without getting squished are two different things. 😀 Anyway fully admit that I suck.
  3. Me too, just finished it today. Kenosis was kicking my ass so I took a break from it for a while then life got in the way... but finally finished. Great set, even better than the first one. I'm old and slow and only intermediate skill at best, so some parts were really tough, but I think there's something for everyone in there.
  4. I wouldn't worry too much about the "beta" aspect. It was good enough to win a Cacoward after all. I don't remember any major issues on my playthrough. One of the best (if not THE best) Heretic/Hexen experiences you can have. I particularly like how it combines some of the best aspects of both. If Raven had released this as a Heretic sequel back in the day people would have been blown away.
  5. So I did finally finish this yesterday, really enjoyed it. Particularly liked the boss encounters, and the I played with fighter on medium difficulty and found the combat to be quite challenging, but nothing I couldn't handle with some occasional save scumming. :D Highly recommended, and looking forward to part 2!
  6. Great work, always good to see Hexen get some love. Hard as shit though:)
  7. I'm an engineer and in principle I love the idea of porting doom to anything and everything, even if it is grossly simplified to make it work. Pushing hardware to its limits or using for unintended purposes is cool. I have to admit though that things like the pregnancy test where it's really a monitor and isn't running anything make me irrationally angry.
  8. It's derived from giblets and thus should be pronounced jibs. But I always thought that sounded stupid and said it with a hard G regardless. :D
  9. Use command line to load mods, it aint that hard. You can make .bat files for mods you play alot so you don't have to retype. Also windows command prompt lets you recall your previous command with the up arrow, so if you leave a prompt window open you can just use the up arrow to relaunch the same mod you played last time.
  10. That's what I thought you were thinking. Sounds pretty rad to me. I am too lame to make it but I'd for sure play it.
  11. I think the idea of a wad where you fight various named hell aristocrats as boss enemies, where they have unique attributes to distinguish from run of the mill barons, would be pretty cool actually. Sounds like a lot of work though.
  12. I come back and do a lot of lurking here every few years and it seems like this debate is always happening. :) As Jayextee said, there is no such thing as half a dimension. Objects in Dooms gameworld have 3 dimensions and they are all meaningful to gameplay. Ergo, it is 3d. Yes there are limitations, most notably the fact that you can't have platforms on top of each other, monsters are 2d sprites, and you can't look up and down (even when it was added in Heretic it was ugly and hacky). But none of those change the fact that the game world is 3d. 2.5D has no mathematical meaning, it is a made up descriptive term (way older than youtube or even Doom) to describe techniques for "faking" 3d graphics. The key characteristic is that the 3rd dimension has no real meaning, its an illusion. You could argue Wolf3d fits that descriptor given all walls have the same height and level design is done as a 2d grid. Not so in doom though, Doom's world is 3d.
  13. +1 MyHouse.wad So obviously its probably a shoe-in for a top 10 maps award, but how about a shoutout to its music/sound specifically?
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