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Everything posted by DoomGappy

  1. Why don't you use DSDA? It's like the successor of PrBoom, keeps most of the same flavor.
  2. Lower the console and use idclev 11 or map map11. Or play the second episode, it should play map11. I removed all the other maps to save space and also because the project isn't released yet.
  3. @Jakub Majewski, your box 18 has more than 10 tags. Since I'd asked you before tocomply to the format but it won't be possible, can I use tags 900 to 914 and make it a secret box? Thanks! I'll add them soon.
  4. I think that accounts for all the boxes. Now I just have to place them and adjust the height offsets, and reach out to individual mappers if anything breaks. Here is our progress so far, though some of it is broken and it can't be beaten without a few noclips. Just so that people can take a look at how it's tying together.
  5. Oh. I hope they see the messages soon. We have almost everything at least lined up for the final wad.
  6. Oh, I have this one. Didn't know the numbering was optional. I'll see if it fits in there. Thanks.
  7. Take your time and have fun. That's all that matters in the end.
  8. @DynamiteKaitorn, this is your Box07, right? There is another one in its place here made by @Grizzly Old B. Would you be okay with it changing spots? If not, I think we could move Grizzly's box instead.
  9. These are the boxes that are still missing. I'm pinging mappers so they can resend them to me. 25. @Slaughter - 'Hell Hole ' 41. @SmolGhost 43. @Scionox ‘Caco-King’ 44. @Scionox 'Fiery Surprise' 48. @Lone2401 49. @Moustachio 51. @SmolGhost 58. @Scionox 'It watches' 64. @Jakub Majewski 67. @Lizardcommando I'm sure some of these boxes are the ones that I posted a screenshot of earlier. Caco king is most definitely the pink room with a caco on the throne, for example. Out of these, I think @SmolGhost is the only one unlikely to reply, as the last time he visited the forum was in December 10th, 2023. If his boxes are not found, I'll open up that slot for the extra boxes I already have, and if there are still empty slots, I'll open them to other mappers, even those who have reached the 3 map quota. Additionally, a big problem of this project was the height variation of the door sectors. a box that starts at 0 units and goes to 128 units tall for the exit door means an offset of 128 pixels for all subsequent boxes. I might have to work closely with some mappers later to fix their boxes in the final version instead of just copy and pasting.
  10. Your box 57 became box 73, then, since @taufan99 dropped that slot.
  11. Hey, @ptrdoom! Here is a new version I've made for you with the graphics and midi. Plays well in PrBoom+ and DSDA in -complevel 9, from what I have tested. If you feel like checking out the other maps, check out the project's thread here: As for making other gameplay elements, I have a challenge for you. I made a little map a while ago to test a little room setup. A fun 7 minute little thing. I have my version of the map here, but I would like to see what you make of it too. Here is the file. You can change everything, except for the flow of the level, that is, going to the room with the red key, getting it, coming back and opening the door to the exit.
  12. I've identified this one to be box61. I'll tag the mappers of the missing boxes soon.
  13. Techno Rumble is Box 57 and Blood magic is an extra box, right? We already have a box 57 in place made by @stochastic. Would you be okay with your box being realocated to another slot if necessary?
  14. And here's the progress so far. If your map has been sent but it's not in these screenshots, tag me and send it again, if you can. From my count, we're only missing 14 boxes, and 7 are above and I just don't know which ones they are.
  15. Update: adding more and more boxes. Almost all the ones that were on the main file are implemented. I need some help identifying these boxes.
  16. How the hell did I miss that. Thanks again, I'll set it up.
  17. Seeing as there's been a recent bump, I'd like to ask something. Recently, I made a map using @PeceMan's MCTex, which had a configuration file that allowed for the textures to be separated into sets of similar groups. It looks something like this: Is there anything of the sort for OTEX? I know this pack already has a very good naming convention which makes navigation easy, and I guess it can be easily made by each user if they so choose, but it would be nice to have it from the get go. Just a thought that's been floating on my head for some time now. Thanks for the crazy good looking textures, especially the marbles, woods and metals.
  18. I've been prioritizing figuring out which boxes were submitted, if there are any necessary adaptations needed to them, and what slots are vacant. I've saved it here together with the other extra boxes and I'll update the thread with info regarding them later on in the process.
  19. Oh, that's really nice. Players who notice that will definitely find it cool.
  20. I do Blue, Red, yellow. I think that's the order they appear on the HUD, right?
  21. Hey, @ptrdoom! Took me a while to get to this one. Here is the video commentary. I tried to show you how to do a little "carrot and stick" stituation with the level exit. Here is the modified file and here is the map I used as an example on the video. I made it with @The Royal We and we were very much attentive to the concept of "looping" for this one. I need to do an intermediate tutorial soon, as I wouldn't consider some of the techniques I'm teaching beginner anymore. Lighting is fairly complex, for instance. Hope you enjoy watching it and playing our map!
  22. I'll test the mechanics to see if they work well, but I'll tell you about any tweaks that were made.
  23. These are your boxes 23 and 24, right? I think I have them here somewhere. Let me clear up the ones that I still am not sure where they belong and add more boxes to the grid before doing that.
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