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Everything posted by DoomGappy

  1. I took quite the beating yesterday on maps 01 and 02 already. Plenty of dickish enemy placement. I wonder what the hell people were thinking back then, generally I prefer hard wads that don't seem to purposefully hate the player with a vengeance.
  2. This thread got lost in my notifications, but thanks to all the recommendations. I particularly liked that fruit salad, recommended by Maribo, came with a very distinct color palette, though I haven't played the mapset a lot yet. You know what? I'll beat H2H-Xmas. That was the calling I needed.
  3. Super necro, but played this recently. Got recommend this in a thread I asked for "snowy or christmass-y doom wads". Sorry for the bad mic sound.
  4. Yes, you can't like your own posts, as stated before.
  5. I'm remaking entryway with MCtex and just found out this guy who's there on easy and medium only.
  6. There have been projects that sim to do that. Do you want it to be more like Adventures of Square or No Ultra-violence? https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=59415
  7. I've played other stuff you made without knowing it was you, but now that I got into mapping I keep a closer eye on that. I gotta go back and revisit some stuff but I'm trying to beat valiant and back to Saturn X. Thanks again for such amazing work and inspiration!
  8. Skillsaw, I just wanted to tell you that this is my favorite megawad of all time. I've played it two or three times already and I always come back. Map28 - Floating Arena is one of my favorite maps ever, and I made my little brother play it today on ITYTD and he was halfway through it already! If I close my eyes I can easily remember some layout areas of maps from this, but it never gets old. And the midis are awesome and I can hear some of them as well, but my favorite is Imaginarium, which plays in map24 - Culture Shock. I still have to play more of your stuff, but I always recommended Ancient Aliens to everyone I talk about in the community or outside of it. Thank you very much for making this!
  9. I haven't had the time to check this yet, but DavidxNewton is someone I greatly admire, and from what I've heard, a very professional and attentive teacher. The lights and other things will come the more you observe other people's maps or even real life. Keep it up! I'm waiting for the next map, and I'll try to record and editing video tomorrow. Would you mind if I made these videos public? Other people might learn from them as well.
  10. Oh, hope my runs help you tweak stuff around. Sorry if I sound monotone I was just tired at the time. I look forward to replaying it again once you add more maps!
  11. By more organic shapes I mean rooms that are not only boxes or rectangles, but rooms that are L-shaped, U-shaped, other geometric shapes and also things that are not manmade, like rocky formations. The beginning area of your map03 is a good example of that, I spent a little time admiring it in the beginning. It's something that will allow you to make things that feel more "alive".
  12. I think my commentary didn't work, but here is my playthrough. This one was really cool and I loved the church in the end! I'll record another one talking about some editing tricks, but not now, because I am not at my own house. I guess now I would recommend you to play more with height variations and less boxy and more organic shapes. Keep it up!
  13. Hey, ptrdoom! The folder link was set to viewer only. It should work now. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13puUmsPWVfJyydEyFZYXffu4f9Kji0YJ?usp=sharing
  14. I prefer TNT to plutonia. Never beat plutonia fully because it always feels excessively dickish just for the sake of it. There also seem to be plenty of ugly and not fun maps from 10 onwards.
  15. Merry Christmas, DoomWorld!!! 

  16. I have no idea how you are doing the models but can't the idle animation be like them in place just breathing?
  17. I have started to feel the same way about e1m5 recently, after replaying episode 1 a lot for Amalgoom. I also have a specific fondnes for doom2 map11. These are the two striking ones from the original games, and perhaps it's because of the specific action packed run-and-gun-and-get-behind-cover way these levels play.
  18. This looks nice but when I first saw it really quick I thought those were boobs. Crash go brrrr.
  19. Thank you! Feel free to open it in the editor and check what I did there, it may give you some inspo. It's always fun to analyze other people's maps.
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