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Everything posted by DoomGappy

  1. Don't really care about the coke, I just want to know where you got your pet caco
  2. Have had many ideas for cool community projects, but I'm a super novice mapper so I just store them and wait until I mature a bit. One of them would be "Heads up", a map pack where no decorations on the flor would be allowed, so that mappers would have to get creative to make it look nice and appealing and also fun without changing the ground level. There would proibably be an upside down map somewhere in there, which would be fun too. Here are some screenshots of the yet untextured, unreleased, unedited, unpopulated test map. I had another idea for a "rats" themed wad, but it's still super unpolished.
  3. just made some cool looking metal steps. These are joined, but the textures are separate. Also, some lights, more to come later.
  4. Great taste, friend. You'll enjoy Refracted reality. I quite like colorful doom maps, so I'm creating my own texture pack, if you feel like checking it out.
  5. That's exactly it. From the look of your screenshots I think you might appreciate Refracted Reality and Auger Zenith, both very colorful and are amazingly good looking and fun wads. Refracted Reality, at least, I still haven't played Auger Zenith, but mentioned it for the looks. BTW, is your PFP a Wayne Barlowe artwork?
  6. Those look really cool. If you don't release the map, could you at least post the playpal file?
  7. Tooting my own horn here. I'm making my little brother a gift map for his 10 year birthday. There will be two versions, one normal sized, and one big. The normal sized map has regular textures, and the big one, which is kinda like a "rats" map, will be corrupted by hellish forces and have demons in it. It's based on his house. Yes, that's an Among Us shaped bed.
  8. My Third and final contribution, I'd like it to be room 9, since it`s more suitable for when the player still only has the shotgun or the chaingun. It's a 512x512. Spoilers for the map below. Call it the fountain of youth. I also fixed some other things in the other rooms, added a secret to one (the item I put in there is a suit of green armor, but you can change it according to balance to a box of ammo or something else, if necessary) and also changed the way the player can reach the other side in the other one to make it fit more with the theme of the room. I also balanced the enemies according to difficulty so please take a look at it and test it accordingly. Thank you for this project, OP. It's not even finished but I'd really like a sequel already. Jo2uke Gappy - Trial by fire - mosh pit - the fountain of youth.7z Edit: Again, I have trouble with finishing things all at once, so when I come back I can see the flaws and fix them. Here it is, they are interconnected just for my testing purposes. Thanks for the patience, OP. Jo2uke Gappy - Trial by fire - mosh pit - the fountain of youth fix.7z
  9. Can I request some textures? How about some borders for nukage pits and other liquids like the marble ones from original doom, and also some more fitting flats? I really liked the cube ones, I think they'd look good on the floor. Here is a 256x256 since I'm in the Box Doom mood. startan room.7z Edit: Yeah, just saw they are already there. For some reason they didn't load before. Thanks for this, OP!
  10. Since you're talking about progression, I think it would be good to create a central room with keys that connects rooms 20, 40 and 60, so that the player can backtrack more easily. Could be a 512x512 central hub of sorts with some ammo and medikits as well.
  11. I think that's called rubber banding, when the computer players have an unfair advantage or always seem to be just 5 seconds away from the first place, for example. There are some good and bad examples of this mechanic.
  12. You download the template from OP's post, edit it and post it here. OP copies it and assigns it to the requested number in his computer, and then he posts it here once it's all finished and fixed.
  13. Just played it now, really cool. Maybe I'll cook up a 512 later if there are still any slots left.
  14. That's nice. Also, yours was a mean room too, but really nice. Can't wait to see the final results.
  15. From the initial layout it looks like all rooms are 256². Will there really be 512² rooms?
  16. Here is the OTEX Revision, and I also made another room. This one can go earlier in the map if it's okay. Plays a lot easier. I'm claiming 26 for it if that's okay. Also, not a lot of work went into lighting and detailing with this one, so you can change whatever you think is necessary if you feel like it. You can call it mosh pit. Jo2uke Gappy - Trial by fire and mosh pit.7z EDIT: Fixed the lighting in the second room, some lines and tags that were wrong, and put some shotgun shells for the battle. Jo2uke Gappy - Trial by fire and mosh pit 2.7z
  17. Damn I just saw that otex is needed, I just made it using the regular doom 2 textures. Can you at least playtest it if possible and give me a feedback so I can texture it, @randomsounds01? Also, if I make some small areas outside of the box to make some blood fountains, is that okay?
  18. I want to submit a room for testing. I don't know which number, but I would recommend it be put on a later part where the player has already got some weapons or ammo and possibly some armor , otherwise it's too hard. Maybe 71, 74 or 77? Fits with the layout. I put a SSG and some ammo for testing purposes. It's a mean little room, so maybe rebalance the health or armor pickups? Took me like 8 tries to beat it. This is my first map submission ever, so feedback would be appreciated. I'm thinking about making another room, but this time a 512 one. I used the fourth tag to close the player's way to backtrack, locking him in the room with no escape, it would be nice if you could use one of the tags of the following room to lower this wall, allowing backtracking to be possible. There is a door missing for testing purposes, but I would like it to be the same texture as the one behind the enemies. Also, if possible, don't change the lighting too much. Jo2uke Gappy - Trial by fire.7z
  19. Just found a way to make the rock and tile sprites look more three dimentional and I'm feeling really good!
  20. Almost all of the square borders are ready. There really are a lot of textures. Also, here are some of the liquid falls with grids.
  21. A very brown room. On a side note, it's amazing how much Doom mapping and spriting have grounded me into the real world. I now walk around taking pictures of as many different structures as possible, observing grid shapes and sizes, constructions and level changes. I'm really thankful for that.
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