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Everything posted by DoomGappy

  1. Who is that? You have to give us some more context so we can understand what you're talking about, Grungo.
  2. Time to bring out the ruler again. Doomguy is the king of short kings, which might explain his speed: He's a goblin. Imagine this creature frantically running in your direction with a gun in his hands. I'd be terrified.
  3. RC means Release Candidate, it's a polished version of the WAD with most of the bugs we found fixed. Of course, when people play it, they will probably find more bugs that we'll have to squash one by one. Then we release an RC2, RC3, until we finally have the best version to release on idgames.
  4. Hello, it's been a while. Making a new post here to update people on the situation of the project. Let's get to it. We've received 28 of the 32 maps already. The 4 we still haven't received are well underway. We have also recerived close to two megawads worth of tracks. Development is taking place in the server, but we should soon have an RC1 release to show here. In the meanwhile, if any playtesters want to see how things are going, we have an internal build. If you want to play it, reach out to me or @The Royal We, and we'll make the arrangements. Here is the final maplist. Maplist If any info from the maps is wrong, send me a message or quote me. I want to thank again all of those who contributed to the project, it's been a wild ride, but one I'll probably remember for a long time in my life. Thank you very much!
  5. Just remembered a good one: Middle texture wrapping, like in UDMF, where a middle texture will just tile infinitely in all directions. It would make creating panels and windows easier and less limiting.
  6. Still working diligently on this! We have placed all of the boxes and are now working on making all the teleporters work, as well as correcting known bugs and problems. Just wanted to bump so people don't think it's been dropped.
  7. My project, Doomrats, kinda? It's on hiatus now but it will be resurrected soon. We even have a cheese texture pack that I made!
  8. Edit just for credit's sake, this is a certified @HEXWALKER banger.
  9. No, I think it may be easier to have them separated due to the sheer ammount of textures you're having to organize. I still appreciate the effort and will keep on reporting if I found any other scuffed textures.
  10. I admire the effort, and hereby give permission for you to use all of my textures, if you want. This is a great effort. I was looking at the textures and found this one which is somewhat broken, where its counterparts are not. It's texture 4606, SP_HOT4B, by ShHIBAINU, I think. Snak8_3 and Snak8_5 by the same author also have some slight offset on the eye button. So do NSW1 and NSW2. Also, why didn't you put all textures and flats in the same file? Not judging, just curious.
  11. New profile pic by our fellow caveman doomer, the one and only @Grungo!

  12. Dorohedoro is a manga that has a very "dirty and busy" art style. Have a look: Other examples of this type of art are Freesia and Blame.
  13. I love this very very much. I love this style of drawing, full of scratches and scribbles. Have you ever heard of Dorohedoro, Grungo?
  14. Revenants are boxers. Archviles are Brazilians and therefore love making barbecues. Pinkies go to eating competitions. Imps like to play darts. All human enemies like poker. The hell nobles are gym bros. Cacodemons play the piano. Pain elementals and lost souls like board games. Arachnotrons and spider mamas like kart racing. The cyberdemon likes to cook.
  15. It's probably documented somewhere, but there is a softlock in Map27 - Monster Condo I'd never noticed before. If you press the switch to the BFG area teleporter and run straight into it, you can teleport on the other side and be blocked from progressing. This most likely doesn't happen a lot due to the swarm of pain elementals that appears in this room, and the lust of the player for the chainsaw. I wonder if Sandy intended it to be openable from this side too, since he used a door or switch like texture, but we'll probably never know. The green lines are the ones that actually open the doors with the pain elementals
  16. I love remakes and reimaginations of the IWADs, would be interesting to see what people could do to them with a wider variety of textures.
  17. Sandy Petersen (aka the GOAT) made these little alcoves with the shape of the texture's borders that show the torch inside it. I had never noticed it until I started mapping. What a boss.
  18. Got to it today. Very cool set of levels, although rough around the edges in some parts. You will see it in the video, I point out some things that feel a little weird. Still, very cool. Keep it up!
  19. I want to give this a go, but no time right now. Will subscribe for updates.
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