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Everything posted by DoomGappy

  1. How do you particularly balance your maps? Do you have some guidelines that you follow for yourself? I'd like to know mroe about the way people balance their maps. Here go some of mine: - Removing one or two enemies for medium and one or two more for easy in areas with a lot of enemies. - Changing pain elementals to cacodemons in big arenas which can relieve some of the pressure to finish them off first. - Making a teleporter inactive in one or another part of an arena so enemies always come off from the same place. - Different and easier key placement if the map layout allows for it - Chaingunners become shotgunners and shotgunners become regular zombie men if an area is too tough. And for testing, here is how I go: - Hard: I test on UV until I can barely beat the map. Then I dial it down a notch. - Medium: I play on Hurt me Plenty and my general goal is to beat the map while stil having fun and not being below 30% health most of the time, but it's okay if it happens and I recover. - Easy: Medium minus some enemies. Has to be kind of a walk in the park. How about you, what are your practices?
  2. I'll help you set up a server later, for now ours is still tied to the Amalgoom project. Soon it will become something else entirely.
  3. That's okay, those are good examples. I was watching this video and this map does it in reverse, the floor raises and becomes a pathway for the second "floor" and then they become obstacles in the first floor.
  4. Alright, I'll edit it as soon as Dragonfly sees my DM. I'm waiting on fixes for box 36, and focusing a bit on the other project I'm leading for the time being.
  5. I have an idea for a little joke map using this, will credit and will post here. Amazing work.
  6. Hello, borogk. Hope you're doing well. I am trying to use the cameraman mod with an external wad, but I can't figure out how. I'm using the powershell to open the mod, Here is what I've tried. .\editor.ps1 -iwad doom2 -file AG-int-v0.07 -warp 11 .\editor.ps1 -iwad doom2 -wad AG-int-v0.07 -warp 11 They both open only map11 of Doom 2. I couldn't find instructions on this on the github page so I resorted to asking here. Could you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Also, is it possible to have more than one "track" for a camera at a time? or to add more curves to the camera path, like an S, for example?
  7. https://libertycity.net/files/gta-san-andreas/55514-monstr-cacodemon-iz-igry-doom.html
  8. All of these check, although they are more "platforming puzzles" than just a simple second floor. I was wondering more about something designed with that idea from the ground up, no pun intended. But they do fit the bill!
  9. I could beta test and record some levels soon.
  10. Added this example. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PPGB90FVN-aingT_AagC9Mpi2j_TDZwm/view?usp=drive_link
  11. It is in the same level. I used levels as in floor. I'll clarify it a bit. There are two versions because I made it on the wrong forum, but I reported the other one to be deleted.
  12. Can I get some names? I was writing a little text and I need some good examples of this type of design specifically.
  13. This is one of my favorite tropes in Doom mapping, but I'm having a hard time thinking of an example other than Tim Willits' Canyon, which has a starting area with these metal panels that turns out to be a platforming opportunity in the second floor, albeit a very small one. Any other maps like this or that revolve around this concept? Here is an example I made in 5 minutes. To reach the exit and the megasphere you need to climb on top of the things that were blovking your path on the first floor.
  14. This is one of my favorite tropes in Doom mapping, but I'm having a hard time thinking of an example other than Tim Willits' Canyon, which has a starting area with these metal panels that turns out to be a platforming opportunity in the second level, albeit a very mall one. Any other maps like this or that revolve around this concept?
  15. Yes, I've just made a little video on it. I also ranted a bit about how the switch to raise the platform can be missed and the player has to wait a long time before getting on, even if without the softlock. Here is the link. I'm also curious, did you want the lift to stop at the level of the cacodemon alcove? I think that can be done if that was the original intention.
  16. This reminds me of Ancient Aliens - Culture Shock. Love these kinds of maps.
  17. @Jakub Majewski, here it is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yPtRlu4nYRliITh2_nxIKfrJRrYs12Hq/view?usp=drive_link
  18. I'll be sure to make it beatable and do the needed adaptations, but I will not implement it without posting it here for your approval. I just had an idea about making it more visible for you, as well as making the overall map flow a bit better. Thanks in advance.
  19. It's been quite some time, but I can confidently say we are in the final stretch. We have almost all the maps, and they have been tested and bugs and softlocks have been corrected for the most part. I want to announce to all the mappers that still haven't submitted maps that our final deadline will be march 28th. If you still have a map that is unfinished for this project, this would be the time to either find a comapping partner or give up the slot. We won't hold it against you, specially if you picked up more than one map. It's tough! Many things have happened since this project started, but I hope you are all doing well. I'll put a list below just to remind the mappers to report their progress, and to update the status for those who are wondering. Map14 - @HEXWALKER - Hope you're doing fine, man! Map15 - @EagerBeaver - How's it going, EB? We're anxious to play map15! Map23 and Map27 - @mr-around - Hey, mr-around. Are you sure you can finish both maps in time? You're on our server so you can ask for help there. Map29 - Formerly @HEXWALKER's, but he gave up the slot due to time constraints and it now belongs to the one and only @plums. Welcome aboard! Besides those, most of the maps are mostly taken care of. After we gather the last maps that are missing, do some rounds of testing and adjustments, we will start packing the final version of the WAD. We were planning on having two different versions, one that was episodic, like Doom, and another that was continous like Doom II, but we are just going to make it a full continuous megawad, since it would demand too much time and effort from project leads and mappers alike. But the surprises may not have ended yet... Stay tuned!
  20. Thanks for that, PKR. It will be stress tested soon to see if we find any bugs or softlocks. All the information has been duly noted.
  21. I understand, just want to be aware of what not to do, since I've made a lot of transformative work with textures, but that demanded a lot of time. Thanks for the reply!
  22. Not to defend him, but I'm curious as to the modification of images available on internet. Wouldn't that type of modification qualify as fair use? Again, not defending him, I just want to know how to proceed when creating new textures and not shoot myself in the foot.
  23. I have an idea for where to implement it. I just played it, and it was really good. I want to make it a one way box, can I change the place where the sector raises and stops the things on the conveyor belt? I haven't talked about the deadline with the guys, but I think we should give it until April first.
  24. I am going to say no for now, just because I'd have to leave that possibility open for all the other mappers too, and that could become a problem. But don't worry, we might get boxy again sooner than you expect...
  25. Then get to it!! May your muse visit you in your dreams tonight! The muse of boxes works in mysterious ways...
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