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About SOSU

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  1. Pirate Doom 2 just came out and you guys are telling me modern video games are bad :V Jokes aside, AAA games are all too homogenous and bloated to be worth playing, everything on phones is a cashgrab skinner box and while Indies are more interesting, after a while you notice some patterns (look at all the 'I grew up with Super Metroid' games on Steam) so you have to know how and what to look for The biggest problems are the lack of risks the big companies take (Hi Fi Rush is an example of a risk paying off that came out recently) and the non-existence of the AA market, back in the late-90s early-00s you could spend a lot of fun time with cool games made by obscure studios, for example when I played Armored Core 3 for the first time on PS2 I ate that shit up :D!!!
  2. All of Skyrim remade in Hexen :) Also didn't know this thread is still alive :o!!
  3. I'll give my top 10 yay :D!!! 1. Luftëtari i madh i Shqipërisë Skënderbeu 2. Nëntori i dytë 3. Uka i bjeshkëve të nemura 4. Gjenerali i ushtrisë së vdekur 5. Muri i gjallë 6. 2 Krisma në Paris 7. Dy herë mat 8. Beni ecen vetë 9. Mimoza Llastica 10. Pharmakon
  4. So Yugioh Master Duel came out today unexpectedly and ever since i found i just have this incredible feeling of (team) satisfaction.

    Now i just need to think of what Archetype to make a deck for xD

  5. In a few years people will be missing the early days if tiktok (i think people already miss vine?) It's not that it was better back in the day, you just think it was better.
  6. "What do you miss about the Doom" Lmao my english skills are deteriorating xD
  7. I am in love with the first two encounters :D (and the gamecube game!) I love the music, the wacky enemies, the gameplay with lots of monster killing, the different enviourments, with egypt, india, medievalz roman and all those other settings. And i love that it's a Croatian game, it's always good to see fellow balkaners penetrate into western (we're kinda western but also kinda not) pop-culture, plus ypu can tell it's from this part of europe with how uncanny it is xD
  8. Is there anything you feel has been lost during the time you've spent as a Doom fan? Maybe a sense of wonder or how the community used to be?
  9. I liked the other girl from Eva more :O
  10. Well Chocolate Doom has a very tasty sounding name :)
  11. Bitcoin bad vs Bitcoin good A 6 year long Doomworld debate :o!! I only know that with how things are going Crypto will be just like Chinese history, when China unites (Banks) it will later be divided (Decentralization) and then it will be united again (Some "Big Coin", either Bitcoin or some other one that isn't as popular or doesn't even exist yet that will take the world by storm) and then the cycle beigns anew.
  12. Iron Man yay :D!!! He's my favorite superhero ever! You should watch the vhs video on it too :) Here you go Also, you might like "Understanding Comics", though it's not a book on how to draw.
  13. And so i came back from Uni :O

    Now it's time for me for albanian uni life full of going to school to learn things i already know :D!

  14. I made one from a Megaman X3 track i like and it was super bad because i am not a musician and didn't know how to use the tools :D I'd post it but I deleted it after a while.
  15. Wait they just now reviewed them?! Crazy xD
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