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About AtomicFrog

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  1. This topic is dead. And people reading it should be aware that Reloaded... Ascension... RR... moved on to a different topic. Everything here is very out of date. Pls go to this topic This old smelly sock can be closed.
  2. Any updates for this project will now be announced on the D64 Discord and on DB-mod. There will be at least one more update... simply because since the last.... I found a way to make bullet puffs appear on transparent textures. Also JGS who is a very avid play tester of the project has found a couple of very minor bugs that have been corrected. And the update will contain yet another useless... but non the less interesting to view.... DM map... showing off more fun structure stuff. I'm not going to update here on DoomWorld simply because Im tired of the... WTF??? comments. And that's not even directed at yours. I had a used named Adem... tell me Im down syndrome.... for making the map 'The Catacombs'... and his justification?.... he switched off the 'RUN' function and didnt realise lol. And yes it's funny. But also soul draining when your taking the brunt of it. I made this for free... it's taken me the best part of 4000+ hrs. Because I love Doom64 and want to give players the ultimate Remaster experience. The fact that some members of this forum then reply in a manner that would make you think they had dished of $90 on a AAA game just does my head in lol. So with that said. The mods can just close this topic. It is done.
  3. I played through it. All seems pretty solid to me. If I come across any issues I will let you know.
  4. Updated it again... only to put the maps in a more sensical map order... so now the level warp makes for sense. Hope that's okay with you. I mean I know you was ever so gracious to deem it okay for me to update my own wad as much as I want.... but I thought it best you check in with you and make sure that grace is still valid. And I haven't annoyed you by doing what I want with the wad I made. Coz like... at the end of the day... Ive spent all this time making this wad for you and your ilk. So I wouldn't want to you be upset with me doing as I please with my own creation. You'll be pleased to know I am now trying to 'think of others' before myself. Thankyou for showing me the light. People like you... are what people like me... need.
  5. lol... yup. Spend another 10-15+ hours over the last couple of weeks as I want the RR experience to be everything it can be. On the flip side... does mean you'll have to take a minuet or two out of your day to visit DB-mod... download the update... and replace the folder on your desktop. I mean... imagine having to do that every few weeks! I dunno what I was thinking lol. This is why I don't hang around on DoomWorld. This sort of stuff is just soul draining.
  6. Reworked with some improvements. https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-64/downloads/doom64-reloaded-01-09-2023/#8727380 I also did a 'Tactics Guide' for this map as some players struggle with the play style needed to deal with this map. So they can watch it before letting me know just how the lack of ammo and mandatory secrets in the map makes it 'broken' or 'bad mapping' lol Obviously... spoiler alert... so if you want to figure it all out for yourself... don't watch. But if the map frustrates you and you can't figure out where you're going wrong... well here's the answer. The map has a new 'super secret' included. Solving it will reveal a few things, one being a suggestion as to how these events that happened some time between 1960-1985 play into the story of DOOM. Me?... I suggest nothing lol. Interpret what you find any way you wish. The map is just an extra map. Map 58. You will need to level warp to it. So it's basically RR's 'fun' map. Remaster gave you PANIC. Reloaded gives you CASTLE. The fun never ends lol
  7. The triggers plates in Watch Your Step have always been just aesthetics.. you cant walk around them in the original game either. Medea told me this annoyed her lol.
  8. Ive had a couple of people ask me how this map connects to the Doom64 story. The answer to which is... it doesn't lol In fact, in this map you are not even supposed to be DoomGuy. This map happens somewhere from 1960s to mid 80s. And you are just 'someone' who's car broke down one rainy night as you drove through the forest. So you seek help at that creepy old mansion... only to find yourself trying to escape that hellish house of horrors. Its going to be updated coz Steps found a classic atomic typo in the end message 'admits instead of emits' And Zoya will be play testing it a good few times so any changes he deems needed will be done. In the mean time I've edited the readme file to explain the theme of the map. And also included this vehicle at the start. 'needs work' That's your broken down... stuck in the mud... car. A 1960 Impala Ratrod!... so whoever our hero is... they must be pretty cool. It's probably Kurk Russell lol
  9. https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-64/downloads/doom64-reloaded-01-09-2023/#8720776 Update.... CASTLE OF THE DAMNED has been reworked. Now includes a whole new 'roof area' and the Mother Demon powering the engine can be seen being killed. Assets from RR have also been include to make this version of the map it's own thing. This map really is now at the very limits of what the engine can handle. MOTHER DEMON sprite was slightly reworked.
  10. In the next update this level will also be included as a bonus map. With an extra section not shown in this video. And with all the enhancements of RR. I've put this in RR as I consider it to be my finest work. And it consolidates pretty much ALL my work into one wad.
  11. Whenever there's another update... you will find there even more scientists in Scwiba's secret shrine. This character is from Rampage World Tour... which was on the N64 so quite fitting. Dr Elizabeth Veronica. I wont be updating any time soon unless some bugs are found
  12. Another update. Will these ever end? lol Couple of small bugs fixed. And a new secret added. Description on the DBmod page. https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-64/downloads/doom64-reloaded-01-09-2023/#8700892
  13. https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-64/downloads/doom64-reloaded-01-09-2023/#8697855 New update. Changes listed in the read me file
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