I gave the port a go this morning and I really *really* like how it feels and plays, it’ll probably become one of my go-to ports for testing my own WADs whenever I get back into mapping. One thing I would like to see though is a way of confirming what compatibility level you are playing with. This has been a complaint of mine for a while that I just never voiced, but with a lot of ports there’s no obvious way in-game to tell whether you’re using a compatibility level or not, which makes me feel like I never really know 100% if I’m playing with the correct compatibility level for the WAD. An alternative would be to give some sort of console output of compatibility level when the port launches? I don’t know if that’s out of the scope of this project, but it’s certainly something I’d love to see so I can confirm my settings when I get into playing a new WAD and don’t run into issues several maps in when I’m expecting the game to be just fine.