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Big Ol Billy

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About Big Ol Billy

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  1. Would be super cool to have a silver-y drill as the M_SKULL. I think separating out the title as an M_DOOM is def the way to go, but I wonder if it could pop more visually. The white nightmare text really jumps out in the original TITLEPIC, whereas this new M_DOOM, while overall an improvement, kind of blends in with the background. I like the typeface better than the classic nightmare font though, it feels appropriately metallic and industrial.
  2. I dig it, looks like a nice “folk horror” type enemy. Reminds me a bit of the monster from the film The Ritual. Or would fit nicely in a project called The Wicker Mancubus lol
  3. Dang, I knew I was potentially setting myself up for trouble there but I thought I checked the softlock possibilities thoroughly enough. Evidently not! The intention is to let the player use the jump pad to jump over the trees, but I probably should just use a less fiddly method (i.e., a teleport, or just have the player backtrack back around the church). Thanks for pointing this out, should be an easy fix regardless.
  4. RC2 is up now, with some minor changes based mainly on @Optimus's playthrough. Linked in the OP. Changes: Reworked the outdoor supply area in MAP02, removing some monster teleport closets that were too easy to not trigger on continuous Fixed a misflagged secret item on MAP06, which was missing on UV Removed a duplicate MAP06 (file size is slightly smaller now, lol) Tweaked credit sequence on MAP10
  5. Fortunately Lacan is vanilla compatible as long as you’re willing to accept a Hall of Mirror Stage
  6. Dang, I didn’t expect another Freud-influenced WAD to drop so soon after my own! I guess that goes to show you Herr Doktor is never really mom—er, I mean, gone.
  7. Strange dreams are being reported by low-level personnel over at the UAC's Department of Biochemical Kaleidoscopetry. Better head to Phobos and get to the bottom of this disturbingly... colorful... evil. But is your mind ready for it? PhoboChromaPhobia is an 11-map set for G/ZDoom, tested in ZDoom 2.8.1 and GZDoom. Made with (among other things) the original Doom's recent anniversary in mind, this project uses stock resources almost exclusively, and features a "doubled" Doom 1 bestiary (with "super" versions of the D1 monsters) in lieu of our beloved Doom 2-exclusive foes--plus a few surprises. This one started out as a resource pack for a potential DBK community project, but grew too extensive and "personal" feeling, so I'm releasing it as a solo joint. That said, I'm still indebted to the DBK folks, especially Glenzinho and Scrangus, for support during development, so this is very much a DBK-adjacent project, if not an official series entry. >>DOWNLOAD RC2<< Previous versions: RC1 Special shoutout to @Crunchynut44, whose excellent MIDIs soundtrack the lion's share of the project. Content advisory: bright, pulsating colors; phallic imagery; light (?) psychoanalytic themes FYI for modders: uses nonstandard custom palette; custom enemies and decorations via DECORATE; stock weapons are unchanged SCREENSHOTS COMPATIBILITY MAPS MUSIC OTHER CREDITS
  8. A wild update appears! I've been pleased with the level of polish we were able to achieve in the first RC, so the changes here are fairly minor. Unless something major is found, I'm sending this bad boy to idgames in the near future (where it will now join DBK01, just submitted, and DBK02, currently up). Link available in the initial post. Changes: For those keeping track, I've also cleaned up the OPs in the DBK01 and DBK02 threads to reflect the current finalized states of those projects.
  9. This is stellar, it’s really the complete package: great atmosphere, compelling gameplay, oodles of cool details, and the the fact that it’s all stock textures gives it a final chef’s kiss.
  10. Lol I meant to go back and make these exact changes so many times, good work folks! Cheers on the release :)
  11. We're idgames bound with this one, folks! >>>DOWNLOAD FINAL VERSION<<< Changes:
  12. Just wanted to say I'm over the moon about DBK03 getting a golden Cacoward! It was such a pleasure to read @Terminus's write-up with my wife as we were getting ready for a long-delayed honeymoon. It's been five years since she and I impulsively threw together Doomguy Gets a Puppy, and this is a cool milestone after all these years of hollering "check out this silly Doom thing I made, whaddaya think?" Very happy to share the virtual golden statue with fellow mappers Scrangus McBrickdad, glenzinho, and Hydromecha, who each provided many crucial not-just-mapping things to the project. And also big shout outs to @Phobus, @Catpho, @Biodegradable, @Optimus, and @LadyMistDragon for internal and external playtesting that I found especially helpful and encouraging. This is such a great momentum boost, especially coming as a few other things are starting to have a finish line in sight...
  13. Very cool, some nice low-key close-quarters combat here. I’ve had my eye on this texture pack for a while, and this was a good demonstration of it working in a Doom context. The textures have more of that cartoony Blake Stone style, but still fit surprisingly well with the other stock resources. The tasteful use of other “modern” visual effects helps tie everything together pretty effectively. Small note just to be that guy—door tracks pegging is a little inconsistent, if I remember correctly. You could probably go one way or the other (unpegged or not) stylistically with these textures, but it seems like it should be the same on all doors.
  14. Had a blast playing this. I was skeptical at first due to the rough feel of some of the graphics and sfx, but I grew to really love the goofiness of the replacements by the end. Combined with minimal mechanical changes and some stock monster sfx, it sort of feels like the replacement sprites are more like Halloween costumes that the stock Doom monsters are "wearing" (other than the mummytron, who is a distinct and hilarious kind of bastard here). There's also some really great level design here. A great variety of Halloween-y locales strung together with intuitive-but-still-intriguing progression. I played on HNTR with a crappy controller setup and it was the perfect challenge level for the setup.
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