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About AncientRain

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  1. I don't know if it's lame to bring up books on here but George Clinton's memoir "Brothas be like,yo george ain't that funkin kinda hard on you?" is really good

  2. hello dadmapper 

  3. maaan i haven't been on here in like....4 years how's everybody?

    1. AncientRain


      can't lie going through some of these profile pages does make me miss DemonSphere, i didn't know him as long or as well as some people on here but he was nice to me. 

    2. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      welcome back to the hive... your assimilation will begin shortly... ;-)

    3. AncientRain


      Hello NIH, does this mean that i'll have to get a weird cable shoved up my nose?

  4. happy Haitain Flag Day

  5. finally gotten around to playing The Alfonzone and gotta say i am enjoying it 



    Shout outs to Pinchy with the maps and Alfonzo on the tracks, them midis SLAP 

  6. yo for all my Canadians (especially those in Nova Scotia) this is a thing https://donaircam.com/

  7.  this next one goes out to you my friend:



    1. Doomkid


      I'm 12 and wat is this


      (this song actually rules)

  8. We didnt talk much and i was intimidated by your skill as a player when i first met you, but DemonSphere you made me feel welcome you was a nice man.


    RIP sir, ill miss you 

    1. TootsyBowl


      That username is relevant for once.

    2. AncientRain


      yeah unfortunatly 

  9. so glad the summer is over I WELCOME YOU O MIGHTY RAIN

  10. people who like Lil B in here


    Black Ken is finally out

  11. its good to see a Baron wearing a shirt for once

  12. Sean Price's Imperius Rex is a good album



  13. i have to ask, soo when is the Cyberdemon gonna audition for Twerk Team?

    1. Maes


      Cybie has been twerking before that was even a thing, so it's outside of competition, really :-p

  14. I just had big pepperoni pizza after being at the gym today



    feel stuffed

    1. CzechMate29200


       you're a good man

    2. AncientRain


      thank you mr Czech 

  15. that Homer fish has an eating problem

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fonze


      Eating solution ;p

    3. AncientRain


      i think the fish might need to go on a diet

    4. Fonze


      If this homerfish stops eating donuts at more than 50 mph it will explode.

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