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About TootsyBowl

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  1. Poorchop? Hmm, the name sounds familiar. :)

  2. My router's busted, so no WiFi until Friday. Fun.


    In other news, SgtMkIV is, in his own indirect words, shitting bricks over Bethesda having problems with his mod patreon.

  3. I beat Serious Sam: the Second Encounter today. 


    It was tiring, to say the least.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lila Feuer

      Lila Feuer

      I found The Second Encounter to be more interesting (initially) than The First Encounter's setting, and that it was going to be harder, but I thought the rest of it was easier than The First Encounter. On Normal difficulty anyway. I aspire to go back through these on Serious difficulty though, because I'm a masochist and I want to get the 'full Serious Sam experience'.

    3. Da Werecat

      Da Werecat

      I beat FE on a less-than-normal skill rather easily. I chose it because I remembered playing SS badly, especially SE. Since it was so easy this time, I chose normal for SE and it kicked my ass a lot. I doubt FE would be as hard.


      In regards to setting, I feel like SE was a bit of a cop-out. You're made to think it's gonna be about forests and hills and 3D grass, which was novel compared to FE, but after just two levels it's back to generic temples again, except more colorful and with a flat grass texture instead of sand.


      Also lots of traps.


      But it was pretty and somewhat varied regardless.

    4. Lila Feuer

      Lila Feuer

      The sniper rifle and flamethrower and the new power ups added in TSE like serious damage for instance are really helpful. TSE is also more about gimmicky stuff like strange rooms and puzzle elements than huge battles like TFE.

      I also really liked the Aztec chapter the most, and thought that was gonna be TSE's theme. Didn't care for Persia or medieval Poland as much.

  4. You are locked in a room with D_RUNNIN playing through a speaker in the ceiling. There is no visible way out and no apparent way to shut the speaker off. How long can you stand it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Captain Ventris

      Captain Ventris

      When I was coding ZDoomWars I'd noclip to the open area and try stuff over and over for hours and hours and days of refinement and revision. It's a good tune!

    3. Marlamir


      I will be sitting and relaxing

    4. ShoDemo


      Something similar happened for me. I spent countless hours of testing maps while mapping and D_RUNNIN played on the background in all of them, so it is now imprinted in my mind.

  5. I wake up after having a crazy dream about me almost strangling some guy after he makes fun of me all day, and watching Angry Joe talk about some kind of weird hellish game. For some reason he put a jumpscare after a montage of tortured souls and bodies hanging on walls and shit.


    I wake up to a thunderstorm and a sore throat. Hooray.

  6. Today I ate figs for the first time. Not bad.

    1. UglyStru


      I wouldn't even know how to eat one. Fig Newtons are pretty good, but I already know it's not gonna taste like that... :( 

  7. God, I hate monster placement. I always have a somewhat clear idea of the map's architecture (eg. I want this place to be a sewer/runway/office) but when it comes to the monsters it's just "a lot/a couple".

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dragonfly


      I always place as I map. It becomes part of the design process as opposed to an afterthought / chore. I also retest very, very regularly while mapping to ensure weapon, health & ammo balance is fair. I'd recommend working that way. :)

    3. R1ck
    4. Deleted_Account


      Just put Cyberdemons everywhere.

  8. Brutal Doom has pretty much trained me to always aim for heads, even when I'm not playing Brutal.

  9. so much schoolwork aaaaaaa

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.


      so much schoolwork aaaaaaa

      Spotted the revenant.

    3. Chickensoup101
    4. Kaido


      Start revising for your mock exams , same goes with me . In fact I should stop playing and start revising about megnetism  for physics and titrations, as well as homeostasis for my upcoming tests 

  10. Jesus rat pissing Christ on a rusty pogo stick the last 2 levels of Fragport were fucking nightmares.


    Map 29:

    The final boss spawning monsters everywhere.

    Killing the hordes of spawned monsters.

    Four Archviles resurrecting the fucking spawned monsters.

    All that while going on a switch hunt.

    I cheated, yes.


    Map 30:

    The concept of a map where you had to escape on a timer is cool. But then my framerate started dropping.

    And dropping.

    And dropping.

    By the time I reached the end I was having literally one frame per second. Not even freeze mode could remedy this.

    Again, I cheated.


    Really shitty end to a really fun playthrough.

  11. -Playing Fragport Map 17

    -Fights through the entire maze in pitch black darkness (good thing I have a flashlight)

    -Realizes you can turn the lights on after the maze has been mostly cleared

  12. I'm finally a full-scale member!


    What, there's no party?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedDash16


      Congrats, I'm still a wee baby member.

    3. MTF Sergeant

      MTF Sergeant

      TBH, I am pretty close to being a Forum Regular.

    4. BigDickBzzrak


      *looks at y'all kids from above*

  13. Playing Fragport, so close to reaching Map 31


    Except for the damn green secret

    I've searched the entire level for 15 minutes and haven't found it


    1. Varis Alpha

      Varis Alpha

      it's in the warehouse north of where you find the blue keycard. step on a small platform that sticks out from the ground to lower the wall to the green lock.

    2. TootsyBowl


      thank you small horse

  14. Doomworld history is best history.


    Dear god this is hilarious. I haven't laughed this hard all week.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Endless


      ''Something eggs on pictures.''


      So deep, thats poetry. 

    3. Gothic


      And even to this day, this forum just keeps BALLing about black disks.

    4. Chickensoup101


      KNEE DEEP ON EGGS!!! ( O w O)/

  15. >opens ZDL with Fragport and Brutal Doom ready to go


    "I'll watch some Jim Sterling first."

    "I'll browse some Reddit first."

    "I'll chat on Discord first."

    "I'll do my math homework first."

    "I'll listen to some AC/DC first."

    "Oh look, Doom smut art."


    >end of day, packing up laptop for school tomorrow

    >sees ZDL still open


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