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Hey, if any of you guys want to try out the WAD I'm working on right now, feedback would very much be appreciated.
Thanks in advance guys.
Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kdQP70aJcToHf0QFBUkdb6G0eRlp9BBd
Got a strange hole in one of my maps :s can't figure out what has caused this.
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I forgot which key helps to check overlapping sectors, missing textures and such, but it's located between f5-f10 far as I can remember.
Use F4 to find overlapped sectors or offgrid vertices
Hey everyone, I'm still here using this website. Been distracted with life and had no time to practice my doom mapping. (I'm getting engaged soon (fingers crossed)) so I've been very busy. I'm still working on DooM Maps, I'm throwing many away as I keep feeling they aren't very good. but my love for DooM isn't going away anytime soon and I'm gonna keep going.
First doom map I've tried to make in 7 months or so
http://dash16.red/doom/WIP/Project18.wadNeeds: GZDoom/Zandronum
DOOM 2It might be rough and a bit rubbish but it's my first time mapping in an age.
I've just uploaded all the WADS I've made in the past including an unrelased one which was like 80% done (The Boom One)
They're all here: http://dash16.red/doom/
Hello, Doomworld it has been a very long time indeed. I'm back and alive thankfully.
Great to see this site as active as ever.
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Hey :), Thanks.
The Notification sound just gave me a heart attack nearly.
Hey Guys, still alive. Warframe addiction distracting me from mapping.
I'm very close to finishing my next WAD
This one is in Boom Format.
Heyo everyone, haven't been on here for a bit, been coding video games and settling to new employment :D.
Working on maps still
Also, thanks a butt ton to "Kills Alone" for playing my wad in this video, I appreciate it so much.
Been busy with a lot of stuff, less time to map.. so painful. anywhom here is a screenshot. I'm working on MAP05 of my boom mapset. Honestly this has been tons of fun.
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@Glaice I got into making vanilla doom maps. started with one and decided to make a few :)
So I've been making maps in boom format and have tons of fun. creating a very episode 1 inspired set of maps. I might make more boom format maps in the future this is fun.
MAP01: Crux
MAP02: Out of the closet
MAP03: Green and Mean
If anyone would like a test copy of the maps lemme know. :0
I need some peeps to test 3 of my new maps :)
Here is the PK3: http://synndra.net/wad/Syns/Syns.pk3
Runs on: ZDoom, GZDoom, QZDoom and Zandronum
Format: UDMF
Thanks a ton if you play them :D